Avicus Archive

AMA | xXBatManXx by AMIES June 21, 2016 at 2:06 PM UTC


My name is Haroon, I live in England, UK, and was born there. I am currently 13 years old. I like playing Football, Tennis, Badminton and Rugby. When I play Minecraft, I play Competitive Objective/PvP games, I also like to build and am a pretty good builder, so hit me up if you wanna make a map! I've been playing on Avicus for nearly 1 year. You'll normally see me on Destroy, I sometimes come on US to play Destroy with more people and just hang abut

If you have any questions, please ask them below and I'll answer them as soon as possible!

Back to saving Gothem guys.



MeMyselfAndGhost June 21, 2016 at 2:06 PM UTC

What the heck?? You said you've been nearly playing 1 year and you barely have 5 kills lol...Also you have 10mins played in total...Thats really dumb and have no sense IMO but anyways welcome to Avicus

Now question:
1.What brings you here?
2.Bow or sword?
3.Avicus or OCN

awesome_apricot June 21, 2016 at 2:06 PM UTC

What the heck?? You said you've been nearly playing 1 year and you barely have 5 kills lol...Also you have 10mins played in total...Thats really dumb and have no sense IMO but anyways welcome to Avicus

Now question:
1.What brings you here?
2.Bow or sword?
3.Avicus or OCN
Just a wild guess but if he says that then he probably played on an alt.

@op welcome

AMIES June 21, 2016 at 4:06 PM UTC

What the heck?? You said you've been nearly playing 1 year and you barely have 5 kills lol...Also you have 10mins played in total...Thats really dumb and have no sense IMO but anyways welcome to Avicus

Now question:
1.What brings you here?
2.Bow or sword?
3.Avicus or OCN
I left a while after, I joined over 6 months ago. Only played a bit. I've just started playing a bit now.

1.What brings you here?

To see the community, have fun. Get bored of OCN now and then :P

2.Bow or sword?


3.Avicus or OCN

That's a tough one, I'd say 50-50 as there's stuff that can be improved on both servers.

AMIES June 21, 2016 at 4:06 PM UTC

Just a wild guess but if he says that then he probably played on an alt.

@op welcome
I used to play on an alt :P


AMIES July 29, 2016 at 11:07 PM UTC


Just wanted to bump this since I've become a lot more active on Avicus and met a lot of new people and made lots of new friends! Feel free to ask me any questions!