hello, AMA
February 26, 2015 at 9:02 PM UTC
Hello everyone. I’ve been on these servers for about a week
now, and I’ve been enjoying it. You may or may not have seen me on the servers
(im on eastern Australian time, AEST) and Im on during the afternoons and
night. I’ll give ya’ll a long read if you’re willing to read it. Also, AMA down
I’ve been playing video games on my computer for around 5
years now, starting in 2010-ish (I think). Minecraft was in beta 1.0 or
something rather, and that was the first computer game I properly played. Others
I had a brief look at, but they never really did anything for me. I had a
crappy desktop which was a fair few years old, but it worked..ish. I was
playing the game almost non-stop. I got my first laptop, another one, another
one… now I’m on my desktop which is about a year old now. I’ve played on
singleplayer, multiplayer, been staff, hosted servers, been map developers for
servers, the lot pretty much. I’ve played on Mutts World, some other ones
inbetween, oc.tc, and oresomecraft. Oh, and I recently changed my username for
mc, it used to be “_Moist”. If I’m not at school, or asleep, I’m probably on my
computer. League of legends is my most played game at the moment, with
minecraft, osu!, and DayZ trailing behind. I have lots of games, it’s just
those four are occupying me mostly as of now. Just in case anybody is
wondering, my pc specs are:
GTX 770
Intel i7 4820K
ASUS P9X79-LE Motherboard
DDR3 8GB 1600mhz ram
1TB 7200rpm hard drive
(^ doesn’t include stuff like case, wireless adaptor, psu, etc. didn’t think
anybody would care)
My peripherals are:
Microphone: Blue Yeti
Keyboard: Quickfire TK Cherry brown
Mouse: Roccat Kone[+]
Webcam: Logitech C920
Monitor: ASUS VS247HR 23.6”
I live in Far North Queensland in Australia, and I’ve all up and down the east
coast. Haven’t been overseas, however that’s going to change soon (going on a
Japanese trip for school in September). I’m 14 years old, male, and I live with
my brother and my mum. I generally do well in school and my grades are high B
and A’s generally. I only have two compulsory subjects in year 10, which are
English and Maths. For my subjects I chose Business Management,
Chemistry/Physics, Japanese and Graphics. I did graphics last year too, and im
pretty good at that compared to everyone else my age who at my school. I’ve
attempted at making little games with my friends, but it never really got past
the stage of walking into some trolleys and pushing them around without any
sort of proper interaction other than opening a door. I enjoy reading books,
and I’ve watched a little bit of anime. Saw Tokyo Ghoul s1, SAO S1 and half way
through S2(got bored), and attack on titan. Tbh everyone really liked attack on
titan but I thought it was rubbish. The story seemed so silly and the
characters weren’t developed very well imo. If anybody was wondering, my skype
username is Moisticles, and my steam is Kajiitlicker. Want to know what I look
like? Wonder no more, just took a picture then. I have a few friends who play
on this server, but they’ve never really gotten into the community of any
servers so they don’t know the joy of joining a server and people greeting you
with “hey man where u been” and stuff like that. If you’re wondering what I
look like, wonder no more: http://puu.sh/gdmOc/3866ad751d.jpg
I’ve lived in like a lot of different places around the Australian eastern
coast. Port Douglas, Tweed heads, inner city Sydney, northern beaches, Cairns,
and in a few places on the gold coast. But now that my mum is getting good pay
here we’re good and staying put(hopefully :L). Also I am homo. Also my league
of legends summoner name is huego if anybody is wondering. Oh, and I also plan
on making some maps for this server hopefully, I’ve done a lot of that for
other similar servers.
1. Welcome 2. Remind me of adding you into the osu group. 3. I doubt you've done so many things unless you're an alt. 4. What's your main and your league on LoL? Mine Tristana and I'm Gold V. 5. Cookie?
1. Welcome 2. Remind me of adding you into the osu group. 3. I doubt you've done so many things unless you're an alt. 4. What's your main and your league on LoL? Mine Tristana and I'm Gold V. 5. Cookie?
P.S: Why did you write so much stuff in this ._.
1. thx 2. add me to the osu group 3. i changed my username a few weeks ago, it used to be _Moist. 4. my main on lol is probs Leona. She's probably my best, and im currently in bronze 3 in my series. In my placements for this series I went 8-2 and got Bronze 3, but im playing ranked again. Climbing hopefully 5. yea
dunno why i wrote so much, just kinda felt like it. i had to re-write it half way through like twice because I accidentally pressed backspace when I didnt have the text part highlited, so it went back a page and I lost everything :(. Ended up just writing it in word and copy pasting
Welcome to the forums pal! If you have any questions, feel free to contact any staff member, and they will be more than happy to help you! :D
Anyways, do you prefer Call Of Duty or Team Fortress 2? :D
thanks. i've played call of duty a bit on xbox 360 before I started playing on my pc, and I've tried giving tf2 a go but I just cant really get into it. so it'd probably be call of duty
Hey! :D Saw you in game a few days ago, welcome to the forums! Are you enjoying Avicus so far?
yes actually. I used to play oc.tc but got bored of that, not sure why. I just kinda lost it. Even though this server is pretty similar, im really enjoying it
Hey! Welcome to the forums :D If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me or any staff member :) Hope to see you around! EDIT: I forgot a question xD Aha, best thing that's ever happened to you?
Hey! Welcome to the forums :D If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me or any staff member :) Hope to see you around! EDIT: I forgot a question xD Aha, best thing that's ever happened to you?
thanks. oh god i dont know. this probably sounds really nerdy but minecraft. If it weren't for minecraft i'd probably not be into video games in general at all, with me being friends with the not-gamer people at my school, and then I'd probably be into drugs and getting bad grades. so ty notch
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