Avicus Archive

Think before you speak. by Atheyna April 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

You made it to the badminton team, you got an incredible mark on a ridiculously hard test, and you think that that cute guy in math class finally likes you back. After this wonderful day at school, you are sitting on the bus, ready to be home. At the back of the bus you hear a kid say "dude, that stupid test was sooo gay" Your mood is crushed. Why on earth would someone say that?

Gay means an individual that is attracted to the same sex. The common use of anti-LGBT language is directly related to an even bigger problem; the bullying and harassment of LGBT students. 9/10 LGBTQ students report being harassed at school in the last year. Over one-third of LGBTQ students have been physically assaulted at school because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This is something I am hearing everyday of my life. In school, out of school, Heck, I even hear adults using this language. It's all over the internet, day after day people use it, on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Skype, even here on Avicus.

How about creating a safer environment for LGBTQ people? You like orange, I like pink. You like playing basketball,  while I enjoy reading. I like boys, while you like girls. Each of our characteristics and interests shapes us as a human being. Why would you treat someone differently, or unfairly just because they have one small difference. This isn't just "gay" being used in a negative sense. It's also words like "retard" or "faggot". A lot of anti-LGBT language is said carelessly, and isn’t intended as negative or hurtful. Understand what you’re saying, and think about the potential consequences of the words you choose.

SirCyaniide April 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

We're all cut from the same cloth. Respect for u good sir <5

ImJeezus April 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

Holy crap, did this topic overtake "Who is the best pvper" in terms of how many topics were posted.

Petlas April 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

It's always confused me as to why there are disgusting people out there who even bother judging people for their sexuality, etc. If someone, (who may be completely unrelated to the offender), loves someone of the same gender, what's it to them? It has no effect on the offender's life, so how can it be so disturbing to them? It will only become an effect if they get themselves involved by bullying or what not. 

+1, I know that basically everyone knows about this, but it won't hurt to give a reminder of it.

scolton April 24, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

Best friend

ProfessorUtonium April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

I don't understand why people call stuff "gay" really. Learn your words before you speak them... If people think people who are "gay" are weird should start thinking about the other persons opinions. It's the persons choice for being gay. Why can't people just respect their opinion? I have two gay teachers and it doesn't change anything. They are two of the best teachers I've ever had..

Shoto_ April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

+1. Also LBGTQ+, it needs to be stopped since it is just as offensive as racism and sexism.

kycrafft April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

Honestly the term gay doesn't even relate to sexual oreitentation anymore, making it a meaningless and irrelevant insult. So what if that test was homosexual...?

Don't use it or you'll look like an immature 10 year old. And don't use it even if you are one.

Ogrey April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

Haha this reminds me, once in my class, all the guys there (except me and two others since we were talking with the girls) were playing around with some rubber ball, punching it in the air and sending it to a different person, and so, one of them said:
"Whoever lets it fall is gay!!!"
To what everyone else agreed almost instantly.
I didn't feel offended at all, I just laughed it out since I don't really care what others think of my sexuality and I don't know in what kind of sense they meant that, in any case, it was ignorance at its finest, however, some people need to understand that there are LGBT people that actually take offense at this kind of statements.
I know it is hard to make a big impact in society, but the problem seems to lie mainly in school. Many people don't feel safe in school. I was bullied as a kid, I was called names, I was pushed around, my stuff was stolen right in front of me, I was suicidal later on, I had to endure this for about 6 years, haha!
I may appear as a radiant person to you all, I may be a really happy person in the forums, a kind person in the community, but, tell me, does it really seem that I have a hard life?
I am currently still dealing with tough situations in various aspects, some aspects don't even concern my sexuality at all.
Guys, we can all make the change we want to see. It's not impossible, it just seems impossible, but nothing is impossible at all. If you have enough hope, if you put enough dedication to something you want to achieve, you will.
It won't happen in an hour, not in a day, maybe not even in a year, but just before you realize it, you will have accomplished something.

JUBBINATOR April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

I think the bigger problem is the prolific use of the n word
js :3

scolton April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

It doesn't even offend me if I'm called these names. I brush it off as basically, you're an idiot. My concern lies for those who aren't at the same point in their lives as me or who aren't yet at the level of self confidence necessary to ignore it.

kycrafft April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

It doesn't even offend me if I'm called these names. I brush it off as basically, you're an idiot. My concern lies for those who aren't at the same point in their lives as me or who aren't yet at the level of self confidence necessary to ignore it.
My concern lies in the immature kids who think it's funny or cool to call someone gay.

DonaldMyTrump April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

When using these sensitive words, I only take issue when people use it in bad context. For example using it as a derogatory term to insult people. When used in general conversation like the example given, I don't really mind it. There are terms like this that are used to describe almost any sort of person imaginable. Words that insult homosexuals are just used more often then a lot of them. I really don't understand taking offense to the word unless someone is using it in  derogatory manner. I just feel that the example given was a bit on the side of oversensitivity, and less on the side of being rational and realizing it's not truly harmful to individuals belonging to the group. I choose not to use these words in the excessive and rude manner that these people do, but it's not something that exactly ruins my day if it at all affects my mood. I also don't see how this creates a harmful environment for LGBTQ people. The day when people stop taking offense to the misuse of words and people can be careless with how they form their ideas is the day that the LGBTQ community is truly free from persecution imo.

DonaldMyTrump April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

Holy crap, did this topic overtake "Who is the best pvper" in terms of how many topics were posted.
Most of these sort of topics each include different sorts of content if you read into them well.

StewieFG April 24, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

I don't get why people get the word gay in a negative way, most of the people just argue, and when they don't have what to say they call you a gay, even if you are not. Then all the class starts to use it, and then when someone argues he cals him a gay. This is a shame. In my country, people call each other gay almost all the time in every argument, it comes with gay, fat, and even more cursing and sometimes even racism. I like to play football, however every time I play with all the class, if you miss a shot you immediately get called gay. This is just sad. Only because gays are different from other people on their sexuality, that's not a reason to mkam fun of them. From the simple fact I know you, and how amazing person you are, I suggest you to do not give a fuck about what they say, and actually respond with "Yeah, I'm a gay. Got a problem with it?", I'm sure that if other gays see what you are doing, maybe it will make a change. Also ask from the teacher to make a lesson about it and tell her it's annoying you and this is really important, good luck. <3

MidnightBeats April 24, 2015 at 4:04 AM UTC

where has my hope in society gone

SWEET_Johny April 24, 2015 at 4:04 AM UTC

"dude, that stupid test was sooo gay" Although it might hurt someone's feelings, no one actually means it when they say that. They just use gay as a substitute for stupid.

Mehrp April 24, 2015 at 4:04 AM UTC

I'm glad these posts are being made, in my school I reckon every 4 sentences said will have either 'retard' or 'gay'. What's worse is that most of those people don't take a thought about whether it will impact upon someone. When I went to scouts which now consits of primary-aged children, the only insult they said was 'gay'. like, practically every second word was a swear word. Changing peoples attitudes will be very, very hard. But we can start here ^-^

RightSide April 24, 2015 at 5:04 AM UTC

+1 Respect I get called bad things but it's just a joke here ! /)

toketrain April 24, 2015 at 5:04 AM UTC

I don't understand why people call stuff "gay" really. Learn your words before you speak them... If people think people who are "gay" are weird should start thinking about the other persons opinions. It's the persons choice for being gay. Why can't people just respect their opinion? I have two gay teachers and it doesn't change anything. They are two of the best teachers I've ever had..
i agree, but try to avoid saying that people choose to be lgbt+, it kinda implies that people choose to get bullied/harassed/oppressed and some homophobic people use it as an argument to further the oppression that queer people face. thanks :)

SWEET_Johny April 24, 2015 at 6:04 AM UTC

I don't understand why people call stuff "gay" really. Learn your words before you speak them... If people think people who are "gay" are weird should start thinking about the other persons opinions. It's the persons choice for being gay. Why can't people just respect their opinion? I have two gay teachers and it doesn't change anything. They are two of the best teachers I've ever had..
You don't always choose to be gay.

Sho April 24, 2015 at 6:04 AM UTC

I don't understand why people call stuff "gay" really. Learn your words before you speak them... If people think people who are "gay" are weird should start thinking about the other persons opinions. It's the persons choice for being gay. Why can't people just respect their opinion? I have two gay teachers and it doesn't change anything. They are two of the best teachers I've ever had..
Being a gay isn't a choice *fixed ty legend

SWEET_Johny April 24, 2015 at 6:04 AM UTC

Being a gay isn't a choice *fixed ty legend
What the logic? "Being a choice isn't gay."

PokerFace April 24, 2015 at 7:04 AM UTC

You have meh support!

Zedther April 24, 2015 at 7:04 AM UTC

Although words like "gay" or "fag" are derogatory terms deriving from the thought that liking another sex with taboo, When people use them, they don't mean them in that context, basically nullifying the actual deep meaning of the words, thus, are semi-okay to use.

In regards to the OP, this is just another world problem, alongside Sexism and Racism, but what as a community can we do to help prevent homosexual discrimination? Making a topic to discuss over it is meaningless unless something actually happens.

CheekyLizard April 24, 2015 at 7:04 AM UTC

Why can't I write my own forum?
I can only reply to other people's forums!
Can anybody help me?

Storm997 April 24, 2015 at 12:04 PM UTC

Why can't I write my own forum?
I can only reply to other people's forums!
Can anybody help me?
See that bar on the side with all the forum topics? You have to choose one, then a button called "Create new post should appear.  So choose which topic your post will fit under, and you'll be fine.

Also, +1 to the original post :3

Trexychan April 24, 2015 at 12:04 PM UTC

In fact, we should be focusing more on terrorism and drugs rather than same-sex stuff.

If I remeber correctly, there were like ~5 laws regarding gayness in people, ~100 laws regarding terrorism, and ~10-20 laws regarding the use of drugs.

Why we focus on same-sex society problems is beyond my comprehension for the retardedness of the human race.

Plus, 1 out of every 5 people are gay, meaning that hypothetically 8-20 people on Avicus everyday is gay.

Stimulating April 24, 2015 at 5:04 PM UTC

In fact, we should be focusing more on terrorism and drugs rather than same-sex stuff.

If I remeber correctly, there were like ~5 laws regarding gayness in people, ~100 laws regarding terrorism, and ~10-20 laws regarding the use of drugs.

Why we focus on same-sex society problems is beyond my comprehension for the retardedness of the human race.

Plus, 1 out of every 5 people are gay, meaning that hypothetically 8-20 people on Avicus everyday is gay.
Yet there's several gay staff members on this server. May I ask what the amount of laws have to do with anything? It just shows in it's own way how governments realize that there should be tolerance. It gives them freedom, and who the hell are you to go and tell off several governments? You basically just said "fuck gay people, helping them is retarded, even though I basically just stated 20% of the world is gay". Even though I am straight myself, I have been bullied for being gay (idek why, most people my age are complete fucking retards) and it fucking sucks, now ik what it's like to be teased for being so. Literally every day people make fun of you to your face and degrade you, do you really fucking think that feels good for those people? Do you really think being laughed at every day and being degraded in front of everyone makes those people happy?

Drugs and terrorism take people's lives, but so do ignorant people like you who don't understand anything, but still choose to say things like this and end up send people over the edge.

Trexychan April 24, 2015 at 6:04 PM UTC

Yet there's several gay staff members on this server. May I ask what the amount of laws have to do with anything? It just shows in it's own way how governments realize that there should be tolerance. It gives them freedom, and who the hell are you to go and tell off several governments? You basically just said "fuck gay people, helping them is retarded, even though I basically just stated 20% of the world is gay". Even though I am straight myself, I have been bullied for being gay (idek why, most people my age are complete fucking retards) and it fucking sucks, now ik what it's like to be teased for being so. Literally every day people make fun of you to your face and degrade you, do you really fucking think that feels good for those people? Do you really think being laughed at every day and being degraded in front of everyone makes those people happy?

Drugs and terrorism take people's lives, but so do ignorant people like you who don't understand anything, but still choose to say things like this and end up send people over the edge.
May I ask what the absolute fuck you are going on about? I don't know if you don't have the mental capacity to comprehend the words, nor do I know whether you read it or not, but that post certainly was not aimed to say what you summed it up to be.

My sincere apologies if I have offended you or any perosn in any way, I may not have stated it as clearly as I would have liked, so I will rephrase it again for you to read:

In comparison to many other problems in the world, same-sexuality is by far not as important as people make it out to be. In layman terms, that is saying that being gay isn't really supposed to be made out as wierd, nor is supposed to be such a big deal as many make it so.

Furthermore, approx. 1 out of every 5 people are gay, which means it shouldn't really be a shocker for people considering it to be so.

Now I highly suggest that your blind, narrow-minded self take the time to read over this before you start going all horse shit. :)

Stimulating April 24, 2015 at 8:04 PM UTC

May I ask what the absolute fuck you are going on about? I don't know if you don't have the mental capacity to comprehend the words, nor do I know whether you read it or not, but that post certainly was not aimed to say what you summed it up to be.

My sincere apologies if I have offended you or any perosn in any way, I may not have stated it as clearly as I would have liked, so I will rephrase it again for you to read:

In comparison to many other problems in the world, same-sexuality is by far not as important as people make it out to be. In layman terms, that is saying that being gay isn't really supposed to be made out as wierd, nor is supposed to be such a big deal as many make it so.

Furthermore, approx. 1 out of every 5 people are gay, which means it shouldn't really be a shocker for people considering it to be so.

Now I highly suggest that your blind, narrow-minded self take the time to read over this before you start going all horse shit. :)
I like how you don't understand how that previous comment makes you sound like a complete douche, and how this one makes you look like an even bigger one. 

Also...don't tell people they don't have the mental capacity to understand something when you don't even realize that "retardedness" is not a term. 

Calls me "narrow-minded" yet can't understand how his comments makes him sound like a complete and utter ignorant, asshole. 

The person who has had issues with social skills early in his life understands more about how rude that is than you do, lol... 

Now out of respect for Skylar, I will step away from this arguement.

scolton April 24, 2015 at 8:04 PM UTC

In fact, we should be focusing more on terrorism and drugs rather than same-sex stuff.

If I remeber correctly, there were like ~5 laws regarding gayness in people, ~100 laws regarding terrorism, and ~10-20 laws regarding the use of drugs.

Why we focus on same-sex society problems is beyond my comprehension for the retardedness of the human race.

Plus, 1 out of every 5 people are gay, meaning that hypothetically 8-20 people on Avicus everyday is gay.
While you're entitled to your opinion, here's why it's invalid:

Terrorism and drugs don't apply on Avicus.  Hence, there is no thread regarding terrorism and/or drugs.

Trexychan April 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

While you're entitled to your opinion, here's why it's invalid:

Terrorism and drugs don't apply on Avicus.  Hence, there is no thread regarding terrorism and/or drugs.
1. Not my opinion.

2. I never said that terrorism or drugs didnt apply on Avicus, just stating that they are more of a problem and I dont know why people focus more on same-sex stuff.

3. MY opinion is that being gay is completely fine, don't know why the hell you people thought that was was anti-gay or some shit. I was just merely stating facts to add on to the fact that being gay shouldnt be such a big deal.

I had no intention of trying to start a flame war, just mistyped a post that seems to have a bunch of people going ape shit on me.

_Stormz April 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

Yet there's several gay staff members on this server. May I ask what the amount of laws have to do with anything? It just shows in it's own way how governments realize that there should be tolerance. It gives them freedom, and who the hell are you to go and tell off several governments? You basically just said "fuck gay people, helping them is retarded, even though I basically just stated 20% of the world is gay". Even though I am straight myself, I have been bullied for being gay (idek why, most people my age are complete fucking retards) and it fucking sucks, now ik what it's like to be teased for being so. Literally every day people make fun of you to your face and degrade you, do you really fucking think that feels good for those people? Do you really think being laughed at every day and being degraded in front of everyone makes those people happy?

Drugs and terrorism take people's lives, but so do ignorant people like you who don't understand anything, but still choose to say things like this and end up send people over the edge.
You do realize that you misinterpreted Trex's statement, right? 

I'd beg to differ. Terrorism and the likes can be associated to hackers on the server as well.

Cynthesis April 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

Haha this reminds me, once in my class, all the guys there (except me and two others since we were talking with the girls) were playing around with some rubber ball, punching it in the air and sending it to a different person, and so, one of them said:
"Whoever lets it fall is gay!!!"
To what everyone else agreed almost instantly.
I didn't feel offended at all, I just laughed it out since I don't really care what others think of my sexuality and I don't know in what kind of sense they meant that, in any case, it was ignorance at its finest, however, some people need to understand that there are LGBT people that actually take offense at this kind of statements.
I know it is hard to make a big impact in society, but the problem seems to lie mainly in school. Many people don't feel safe in school. I was bullied as a kid, I was called names, I was pushed around, my stuff was stolen right in front of me, I was suicidal later on, I had to endure this for about 6 years, haha!
I may appear as a radiant person to you all, I may be a really happy person in the forums, a kind person in the community, but, tell me, does it really seem that I have a hard life?
I am currently still dealing with tough situations in various aspects, some aspects don't even concern my sexuality at all.
Guys, we can all make the change we want to see. It's not impossible, it just seems impossible, but nothing is impossible at all. If you have enough hope, if you put enough dedication to something you want to achieve, you will.
It won't happen in an hour, not in a day, maybe not even in a year, but just before you realize it, you will have accomplished something.
You are not alone. I, too, mostly seem to be fine on the server, but IRL, I'm dealing with depression and Asperger's Syndrome. Although I was never mocked for my sexuality, since I'm apparently heterosexual, I was once in 6th grade called out for being partly Japanese on the same day that Pearl Harbor was bombed, and honestly, I wanted to just kill myself right there. Luckily, I made it through that, but it raises a pertinent point: why insult somebody if those are the kinds of things that lead people to commit suicide? Do people not care what their actions could lead to in the long run? I just wish people would stop and think about what they're going to say, just as the title of the thread suggests.

Anyways, +1. Completely agree.

PowerYourWorld April 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

+1 I have said a few things that I would want to take back and done a few things I want to take back. Also h8 those trolls, A.K.A my friend who got me banned. I do not think that people should be bullied for the orientation and it should be talked about. Also remember that if this is publicized in the wrong way it can make people against  others AKA Facebook G+ posts that get on peoples nerves. I still believe that this is an important topic on avicus cuz this stuff happens alot on minecraft esp. It is very good to be aware and stop this discrimination.

This is my personal opinion. Pls dont start a flame war over it, respect the author of the original post.

KOOL001 and +1000000 to the post

scolton April 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

1. Not my opinion.

2. I never said that terrorism or drugs didnt apply on Avicus, just stating that they are more of a problem and I dont know why people focus more on same-sex stuff.

3. MY opinion is that being gay is completely fine, don't know why the hell you people thought that was was anti-gay or some shit. I was just merely stating facts to add on to the fact that being gay shouldnt be such a big deal.

I had no intention of trying to start a flame war, just mistyped a post that seems to have a bunch of people going ape shit on me.
1.  If it's not your opinion, why did you post it?

2.  I never said that you said that they didn't apply.  I'm telling you that they don't apply.

3.  Never thought that you were anti-gay.  I was just annoyed that on a thread about the LGBT slurs issue, you put in that it wasn't as necessary as something else.  If you feel passionately about those things, then you should make your own posts about them.

scolton April 24, 2015 at 11:04 PM UTC

You do realize that you misinterpreted Trex's statement, right? 

I'd beg to differ. Terrorism and the likes can be associated to hackers on the server as well.
I suppose we have different definitions of terrorism.  I've never thought to apply it to something like a Minecraft server.

Zintenka April 24, 2015 at 11:04 PM UTC

*Sigh* to all those stating that same-sex should be focused less than terrorism and drug abuse...

Terrorism and drug abuse is bad... but have you even taken into account the amount of people prosecuted for being homosexual? 

In Jamaica and many other places... including here in the States... (Freedom of the People... *Scoffs*) homosexuals are often sent to prison, harassed, and/or killed. I'd say that while you may think that terrorism and drug-abuse is worse... look at the real issues of prejudice against homosexuals. 

In the States, if your parents find that you're homosexual and they do not approve of it... they will send you to all kinds of places to turn you straight... even going so far as to sending a person to aversion/pain camps... and it is legal in most states with escapees being hunted by the police and being brought back...

So do NOT even dare say that the topic of homosexuality is worse than drug-abuse and terrorism...

The US and many other countries are already addressing (or trying to) terrorism... its been about 60 years... with the first terrorist attack being from the Palestinian countries against Israel... 

Drug-abuse has been dating back since Opium times, this simply cannot be stopped all at once... 

However, prosecution against homosexuals can be stopped as much as civil rights abuses against minorities... we just need an aware and a "Humble-beginnings" president that can cease and desist all this rubbish... a good example was John F. Kennedy with civil rights abuses against "Colored people" back in the 60s.

If we can get a president like him again... then that'd be awesome.

scolton April 24, 2015 at 11:04 PM UTC

*Sigh* to all those stating that same-sex should be focused less than terrorism and drug abuse...

Terrorism and drug abuse is bad... but have you even taken into account the amount of people prosecuted for being homosexual? 

In Jamaica and many other places... including here in the States... (Freedom of the People... *Scoffs*) homosexuals are often sent to prison, harassed, and/or killed. I'd say that while you may think that terrorism and drug-abuse is worse... look at the real issues of prejudice against homosexuals. 

In the States, if your parents find that you're homosexual and they do not approve of it... they will send you to all kinds of places to turn you straight... even going so far as to sending a person to aversion/pain camps... and it is legal in most states with escapees being hunted by the police and being brought back...

So do NOT even dare say that the topic of homosexuality is worse than drug-abuse and terrorism...

The US and many other countries are already addressing (or trying to) terrorism... its been about 60 years... with the first terrorist attack being from the Palestinian countries against Israel... 

Drug-abuse has been dating back since Opium times, this simply cannot be stopped all at once... 

However, prosecution against homosexuals can be stopped as much as civil rights abuses against minorities... we just need an aware and a "Humble-beginnings" president that can cease and desist all this rubbish... a good example was John F. Kennedy with civil rights abuses against "Colored people" back in the 60s.

If we can get a president like him again... then that'd be awesome.

Trexychan April 24, 2015 at 11:04 PM UTC

1.  If it's not your opinion, why did you post it?

2.  I never said that you said that they didn't apply.  I'm telling you that they don't apply.

3.  Never thought that you were anti-gay.  I was just annoyed that on a thread about the LGBT slurs issue, you put in that it wasn't as necessary as something else.  If you feel passionately about those things, then you should make your own posts about them.
1. I posted it to just state facts to support the reason that being gay is just supposed to be merged in with our regular lives and not to be singled out and focused so heavily on.

2.I know they don't apply, I was just stating them in general, not everything said has to directly pertain to Avicus.

3.I don't think I have said this before, so I will just put this as simply as I can: I am not stating that this issue isn't supposed to be as necessary as anything else, it definitely is, its just that people are making it unnecessarily more significant as it stands.

@Zin: I know this is directed at me, so Ima just answer this as well:

I am not stating that this issue isn't supposed to be as necessary as anything else, it definitely is, its just that people are making it unnecessarily more significant as it stands.

SWEET_Johny April 25, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

May I ask what the absolute fuck you are going on about? I don't know if you don't have the mental capacity to comprehend the words, nor do I know whether you read it or not, but that post certainly was not aimed to say what you summed it up to be.

My sincere apologies if I have offended you or any perosn in any way, I may not have stated it as clearly as I would have liked, so I will rephrase it again for you to read:

In comparison to many other problems in the world, same-sexuality is by far not as important as people make it out to be. In layman terms, that is saying that being gay isn't really supposed to be made out as wierd, nor is supposed to be such a big deal as many make it so.

Furthermore, approx. 1 out of every 5 people are gay, which means it shouldn't really be a shocker for people considering it to be so.

Now I highly suggest that your blind, narrow-minded self take the time to read over this before you start going all horse shit. :)
1/5 is way off.

MidnightBeats April 25, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

Although words like "gay" or "fag" are derogatory terms deriving from the thought that liking another sex with taboo, When people use them, they don't mean them in that context, basically nullifying the actual deep meaning of the words, thus, are semi-okay to use.

In regards to the OP, this is just another world problem, alongside Sexism and Racism, but what as a community can we do to help prevent homosexual discrimination? Making a topic to discuss over it is meaningless unless something actually happens.
Agreed. But it's always good to spread some awareness....

i guess

toketrain April 25, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

Although words like "gay" or "fag" are derogatory terms deriving from the thought that liking another sex with taboo, When people use them, they don't mean them in that context, basically nullifying the actual deep meaning of the words, thus, are semi-okay to use.

In regards to the OP, this is just another world problem, alongside Sexism and Racism, but what as a community can we do to help prevent homosexual discrimination? Making a topic to discuss over it is meaningless unless something actually happens.
actually, they are not "semi-okay"... if you're cisgendered/heterosexual you shouldn't use the word "fag" or any other word directed hatefully towards lgbt+ people, or use gay in a negative fashion. and if you aren't queer then tbh you have no authority to say they are ok to use. even if you aren't using them in that context, don't use them. throughout history those words have been used to discriminate against queer people.
"hey bro ur a fag" for the person doing/saying something that the speaker considered to be wrong > implies the person is 'gay' >  implies that being gay is wrong.

as a community, we can raise awareness about these issues by discussing discrimination against not just queer people but women, poc, disabled people etc. even if you don't think it'll help, it might provide insight on the issues. someone might see this and think "wow, maybe i shouldn't be using those words." educating people on the various issues surrounding oppression can help to minimalize the oppression and allow you to speak on it from an educated place.

i'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, just trying to educate. if you say something wrong and then realize that it was wrong and fix it and not do it again, its fine.

JUBBINATOR April 25, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

actually, they are not "semi-okay"... if you're cisgendered/heterosexual you shouldn't use the word "fag" or any other word directed hatefully towards lgbt+ people, or use gay in a negative fashion. and if you aren't queer then tbh you have no authority to say they are ok to use. even if you aren't using them in that context, don't use them. throughout history those words have been used to discriminate against queer people.
"hey bro ur a fag" for the person doing/saying something that the speaker considered to be wrong > implies the person is 'gay' >  implies that being gay is wrong.

as a community, we can raise awareness about these issues by discussing discrimination against not just queer people but women, poc, disabled people etc. even if you don't think it'll help, it might provide insight on the issues. someone might see this and think "wow, maybe i shouldn't be using those words." educating people on the various issues surrounding oppression can help to minimalize the oppression and allow you to speak on it from an educated place.

i'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, just trying to educate. if you say something wrong and then realize that it was wrong and fix it and not do it again, its fine.
Oppression is a strong word there mate...

Glitchaye April 25, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

*Sigh* to all those stating that same-sex should be focused less than terrorism and drug abuse...

Terrorism and drug abuse is bad... but have you even taken into account the amount of people prosecuted for being homosexual? 

In Jamaica and many other places... including here in the States... (Freedom of the People... *Scoffs*) homosexuals are often sent to prison, harassed, and/or killed. I'd say that while you may think that terrorism and drug-abuse is worse... look at the real issues of prejudice against homosexuals. 

In the States, if your parents find that you're homosexual and they do not approve of it... they will send you to all kinds of places to turn you straight... even going so far as to sending a person to aversion/pain camps... and it is legal in most states with escapees being hunted by the police and being brought back...

So do NOT even dare say that the topic of homosexuality is worse than drug-abuse and terrorism...

The US and many other countries are already addressing (or trying to) terrorism... its been about 60 years... with the first terrorist attack being from the Palestinian countries against Israel... 

Drug-abuse has been dating back since Opium times, this simply cannot be stopped all at once... 

However, prosecution against homosexuals can be stopped as much as civil rights abuses against minorities... we just need an aware and a "Humble-beginnings" president that can cease and desist all this rubbish... a good example was John F. Kennedy with civil rights abuses against "Colored people" back in the 60s.

If we can get a president like him again... then that'd be awesome.
Hence why U.S. is a shit country.

all hail canada

JUBBINATOR April 25, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

Hence why U.S. is a shit country.

all hail canada
Tim hortons all day erry day, eh

scolton April 25, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

+1 for Canada
Congrats on your lesbian head of state

toketrain April 25, 2015 at 2:04 AM UTC

Oppression is a strong word there mate...

Zintenka April 25, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

Yeah, I want to move to Canada when i grow up :) This country is running me raggedy with all its problems and hardships. And blatant and apparent hypocrisy...

JUBBINATOR April 25, 2015 at 3:04 AM UTC

Connotation-wise my boy, I'd hardly say the oppression we talk of in ISIS controlled areas of minorities is exactly the same level of mistreatment against homosexuals and nonbinaries in the first-world. 
Hell, I don't see them getting hung from trees, so I think the feelings tied to "oppression" are a bit strong here

toketrain April 25, 2015 at 4:04 AM UTC

Connotation-wise my boy, I'd hardly say the oppression we talk of in ISIS controlled areas of minorities is exactly the same level of mistreatment against homosexuals and nonbinaries in the first-world. 
Hell, I don't see them getting hung from trees, so I think the feelings tied to "oppression" are a bit strong here
there are different levels of oppression
you might not know about all the issues going on involving it, that doesn't mean its not happening
there are queer people being killed. kicked out of homes, sent to conversion therapy. committing suicide because they don't think they can live in this world how they need to live. bullied. stereotyped. made fun of. told they're not valid. i acknowledge that there are minorities and other groups that are getting killed and live their lives terribly, but a lot of lgbt people are too. lack of marriage equality isn't the only thing that keeps us down

DiviXion April 25, 2015 at 4:04 AM UTC

I heard myself somewhere in the OP.

kycrafft April 25, 2015 at 6:04 AM UTC

Connotation-wise my boy, I'd hardly say the oppression we talk of in ISIS controlled areas of minorities is exactly the same level of mistreatment against homosexuals and nonbinaries in the first-world. 
Hell, I don't see them getting hung from trees, so I think the feelings tied to "oppression" are a bit strong here
I don't really understand your point but ISIS is throwing gay people off buildings, if that is even relevant.

JUBBINATOR April 25, 2015 at 1:04 PM UTC

there are different levels of oppression
you might not know about all the issues going on involving it, that doesn't mean its not happening
there are queer people being killed. kicked out of homes, sent to conversion therapy. committing suicide because they don't think they can live in this world how they need to live. bullied. stereotyped. made fun of. told they're not valid. i acknowledge that there are minorities and other groups that are getting killed and live their lives terribly, but a lot of lgbt people are too. lack of marriage equality isn't the only thing that keeps us down
Ye I've known about that, the kicked out of homes and conversion therapy, but I thought that was more persecution than anything, not oppression. 
I dunno I still feel oppression sounds a bit strong, like I ain't saying that what's going on ain't bad (If that's what I made it sound like), it's just I don't feel like it's bad enough to consider oppression. I guess it's just opinions on diction at this point really.
@ky ye, and they're selling Yazidi into sex slavery and they're burning down christian temples and massacring captured soldiers. A lot worse than what's going on in the first-world. That's why i felt like oppression was a bit strong, that's all. Not that what's going on ain't bad, just I ain't feeling that oppression is the sort of word to describe it, persecution fits better.

toketrain April 25, 2015 at 5:04 PM UTC

Ye I've known about that, the kicked out of homes and conversion therapy, but I thought that was more persecution than anything, not oppression. 
I dunno I still feel oppression sounds a bit strong, like I ain't saying that what's going on ain't bad (If that's what I made it sound like), it's just I don't feel like it's bad enough to consider oppression. I guess it's just opinions on diction at this point really.
@ky ye, and they're selling Yazidi into sex slavery and they're burning down christian temples and massacring captured soldiers. A lot worse than what's going on in the first-world. That's why i felt like oppression was a bit strong, that's all. Not that what's going on ain't bad, just I ain't feeling that oppression is the sort of word to describe it, persecution fits better.
yeah i can understand where you're coming from.
thats pretty horrible, its sad that things like that are happening in the world and nobody even knows about most of it.

Subscriptor August 27, 2015 at 11:08 AM UTC

I know this is a huge bump, but yesterday there was a really big arguement in game and some other places about people sexuality, people been calling eachother these names which I really dislike seeing them being used in a negative situation. I would like to see more peopling reading it. On topic: I agree with the post 100%

Fuseh August 27, 2015 at 11:08 AM UTC

I have a friend in my school who gets called "gay" the funny thing is he has a lot of ex's and they all are girls. The reasons he get's called gay is because the way he talks. It's pretty stupid he gets called "gay" even though he is not gay at all, bruh.

xIsak August 27, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

In fact, we should be focusing more on terrorism and drugs rather than same-sex stuff.

If I remeber correctly, there were like ~5 laws regarding gayness in people, ~100 laws regarding terrorism, and ~10-20 laws regarding the use of drugs.

Why we focus on same-sex society problems is beyond my comprehension for the retardedness of the human race.

Plus, 1 out of every 5 people are gay, meaning that hypothetically 8-20 people on Avicus everyday is gay.
"1% of woman and 1.5% of men consider them as

gay/lesbian, and 1.4% of woman and 1% of men think of themselves as bisexual." 

FrozenSolstice August 27, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

I remember a while back, this group of people at my school who decided to pick on me for the pure reason that I'm bisexual. They'd stay after school to tease me, or steal one of my items and whatnot, and basically poke fun at me. I never understood the reason for their actions. I'm not different from them, I'm not an alien. I'm a human with a different gender preference in partner.

Why are we so judgemental?

PhoenixAuron August 27, 2015 at 4:08 PM UTC

I remember a while back, this group of people at my school who decided to pick on me for the pure reason that I'm bisexual. They'd stay after school to tease me, or steal one of my items and whatnot, and basically poke fun at me. I never understood the reason for their actions. I'm not different from them, I'm not an alien. I'm a human with a different gender preference in partner.

Why are we so judgemental?
Just the world we live in.  
Words like "gay" and "retard" have transformed into insults and are used in way too many vocabularies.  
Gay Marriage is now legal in the United States, but it doesn't feel like anything has changed.

FrozenSolstice August 27, 2015 at 4:08 PM UTC

Just the world we live in.  
Words like "gay" and "retard" have transformed into insults and are used in way too many vocabularies.  
Gay Marriage is now legal in the United States, but it doesn't feel like anything has changed.
Legalising gay marriage won't change people's point of view, sadly.

But really... The reason why people feel the need to say this shit is beyond me.