Avicus Archive

NesaFairy First Joined November 3, 2013 at 4:11 AM UTC

about 16 hours SPENT ONLINE
5,018 KILLS
3,974 DEATHS
1.26 KD
1.6 PVP KD


Hello there everyone! My name is NesaFairy but alot of people call me Nesa in game (too busy killing I suppose). Believe it or not, it took me around 4 months to logg into the website but now I'm here- everyone pretend to *yay*! So, a little about me… I am art C.R.A.Z.Y, aside from Avicus, my life pretty much revolves around it. I'm 16 which means I'm coming to the end of my last year of high school (sad times). Also, if you did not gather from my rediculously feminine username, I'm a chick. I tend to be a sneaky monument getter, no rushing (OCD about my K/D). I tend to sneak around once the entire map has been filled with bridges and random blocks. I live by the rule of shifting, shifting is good for nearly everything. Another thing, I can be horrendus at melee attack… but I'm not bad long distance with a bow I suppose. Either way, monuments are my thing! Anyway enough of that malarky, I probably know a majoirty of people on the server so if you want to pop in and say hi, absolutley feel free! Nesa x "Brave as a lion, pretty as as a fairy."- ThePluper




Art and long walks (to the fridge)

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