Avicus Archive

Project Redemption Feedback by PokerFace December 11, 2016 at 3:12 AM UTC

Hello, this will just be a post about my feedback for several different aspects of the tournament. Here we go!


They were all pretty good to be honest, I think the only map people would have complaints about is Static. First of all, this was more of a DTC map than DTM, and it involved TNT. There aren't any TNT maps in public rotations so I don't see why there would be in a tournament. I think Babylon Gardens or maybe Wahiz would've been a better option. 

Map Veto:

If things want to be kept competitive, there should be a map veto for every stage of the tournament,  not only the invitationals. Like lets say that there was a match of Team Allah vs. Cacalmarin and Cacalmarin got destroyed by Team Allah on Outbreak recently. Instead of playing one team's best map, or one team's worst map, it should be both team's average map. For example, in Counter-Strike, there is never an instance where the map is randomly assigned or one team gets to straight up pick, there is always a veto procedure. Same should be done here.


Honestly I was surprised that this even had to come up. This tournament was super competitive and what a way to have it come up in the final, but there was no official statement on what the procedure would be in the event of a draw. Perhaps require an overtime for each map whenever the map is in a draw? This idea would require some developmental work however, but it shouldn't be too hard.

Forums Organization:

I suggested a long time ago that all the information should be consolidated into one post, people agreed, nothing was done about it for future reference.


We have 18 referees, but it didn't seem like there were many on the day of matches. I only remember  Acceqted being around and if he wasn't around, it was  Tazz filling in for the referees even though the number of officials was already low.

That's all for now, but maybe more will come up through further discussion. 

Acceqted December 11, 2016 at 3:12 AM UTC

+1 On more referee's

Maybe reassessment?

dev_revs December 11, 2016 at 4:12 AM UTC

Personally, I think the way it was done with certain maps in certain rounds was great, made you prepare for matches differently. Definitely more refs and officials,

LFT December 11, 2016 at 4:12 AM UTC

Don't see the amount of officials being a problem just the activity of some of the officials.

resiano December 11, 2016 at 4:12 AM UTC


PieZ December 11, 2016 at 4:12 AM UTC


They were all pretty good to be honest, I think the only map people would have complaints about is Static. First of all, this was more of a DTC map than DTM, and it involved TNT. There aren't any TNT maps in public rotations so I don't see why there would be in a tournament. I think Babylon Gardens or maybe Wahiz would've been a better option. 

I am in favor for a map testing event before the tournament to make sure maps are working.

Map Veto:

If things want to be kept competitive, there should be a map veto for every stage of the tournament,  not only the invitationals. Like lets say that there was a match of Team Allah vs. Cacalmarin and Cacalmarin got destroyed by Team Allah on Outbreak recently. Instead of playing one team's best map, or one team's worst map, it should be both team's average map. For example, in Counter-Strike, there is never an instance where the map is randomly assigned or one team gets to straight up pick, there is always a veto procedure. Same should be done here.

I am not really a fan of this. Teams should be prepared for elements we throw at them.


Honestly I was surprised that this even had to come up. This tournament was super competitive and what a way to have it come up in the final, but there was no official statement on what the procedure would be in the event of a draw. Perhaps require an overtime for each map whenever the map is in a draw? This idea would require some developmental work however, but it shouldn't be too hard.

What happened in Project Redemption will not happen again. We will be prepared.

Forums Organization:

I suggested a long time ago that all the information should be consolidated into one post, people agreed, nothing was done about it for future reference.

We will probably have an information post linking to each thread but we want certain feedback and comments for each for organization purposes.


We have 18 referees, but it didn't seem like there were many on the day of matches. I only remember Strucken being around and if he wasn't around, it was Tazz filling in for the referees even though the number of officials was already low.

We will be doing an assessment for event staff ranks in the near future after seeing activity here. 

ytilauxesomoh December 11, 2016 at 5:12 AM UTC

The ctw with the one wool that is flat in the ground (dunno the name) was ridiculously easy to defend so it was a massive stalemate.

Also the dtm map with tnt and the emerald monuments was kind of bad because you cant place blocks in the monument which means thr only way to break it effectively is ti just mine it with a pickaxe from the outside which imo is kinda bad.

DaFrozenBlaze December 11, 2016 at 6:12 AM UTC

The referees disappeared

hasl December 11, 2016 at 8:12 AM UTC

Officials dealing with complaints directed to the team their on. I'm not calling Tazz bias, but it felt unfair.

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 8:12 AM UTC

I disagree. Static was kinda broken, I don't even know if that was an XML bug. The bad maps was Hold Fast imo. We should have just used Wahiz.

Map Veto:
I disagree for the group stage. The point of this was for teams to be ready for all maps, and for every map to be played.

Tie Breaker:
Yes. We apologise for this. This will never happen again.

Forums Organisation:
I disagree. It's impossible for me to make one post. I don't see why, because it's all in 1 section, and quite easy to find.

Yes. Refer to Pie.

Legoche December 11, 2016 at 10:12 AM UTC

Plan a tie breaker in advance, for next tourney literally just make a small KOTH map where you have to hold the point for 10 seconds or something...

JDKL December 11, 2016 at 10:12 AM UTC

hey, I was there whole day! 

I just think the Officials weren't prepared for a tiebreaker but they seem to have learned from it, therefore I assume they will plan what to do for it in the next tournament.

PosteGamer December 11, 2016 at 1:12 PM UTC

About what did you say about referees, I think that right now everybody with a bit of activity IG can be referee if he/she just send a grammatically correct applications. I heard about people that were just boring and decided to send the application, and without much effort, get accepted. 
 I want to suggest this: As in the Moderators Application, in the referees applicattion there should be some questions to see how the player'd handle the situations. (Just 3-4 questions) It will help the event-staff team to have betters and more active referees.