you can win a match by capping 2 wools, however the one later in the match will recieve same amount of xp. therefore if ur teammate caps the first wool 5 mins into the game but u cap it 30 mins into the game you both will get the same amount of xp, but you will get the mvp.
extra amounts of xp is needed to make people want to work for mvp since its a visual title in the end of the game.
yeah so what u said doesnt make sense because if someone on the enemy team destroys a monument and then u destroy the last one needed 5 minutes later you wont get any better of a reward
I feel as though there's bias on the MVP system or something Like there was this one match on one of the CTW maps that have 4 teams I join in and then kill a few people, then I leave to check something A player triple caps And then I get MVP (Even with my name in the spectator color) So yeah
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