Avicus Archive

Regarding competitive. by tomqss October 26, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

Yes, it's Tom again.

I am tired of all the hypocrisy surrounding the tourney, people claiming to be anxious about it yet they are the same people who are going to be angry about it being shit. However, that isn't the point of my post.

As probably all of you know, I'm organizing an unofficial tourney. Want to know how many teams have signed up so far? 1 (my team). Apollo and Rocket are going to sign up, which gives us 3 teams. And then I asked myself. What's happening? Last tourney had 20 teams and the last unofficial tourney had around 10. 

Since Atlas, people have left, that's true. But look at the amount of """active""" competitive teams. Allah, Rocket, Apollo. That's it. Cacal is inactive, Home doesn't seem to be much interested in competitive and Cennet and Sagrevyum don't seem to be involved enough in Avicus itself more than official tourneys and some scrims. Grime pretty much died and Nocturne and Camel disbanded. Yet almost no player has made a team. Look at the LFTs. No one is interested in trialing anyone, because no one has a team. Stand up. Create a team. If you want to change the state of competitive in Avicus, you should change it yourself. The higher staff don't seem to see the power of competitive, or they just don't care. 

And if your biggest worry when creating a team is it being bad, the skill comes with practice.

I know I won't get more than 5 replies. But don't say I didn't try.

lgmatias October 26, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

these fake trus, chief keef would not approve

Xuph October 26, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

the competitive scene is dying you cant do anything about it anymore, as much as i liked it i dont think it can come back and be sucessful rip :(

AbusiveUser October 26, 2016 at 5:10 AM UTC

Sadly, the competitive scene is dying, players won't take seriously the competitive anymore. Of course everyone would like to see the Competitive scene alive but we can't do much about it but we should atleast try.

Minecraft is loosing the competitive scene ;(

dev_revs October 26, 2016 at 5:10 AM UTC

The competitive scene is dying because whoever is in charge of making official tourneys and advertising it is not doing it. Officials I have heard are ready for the tournament and I appreciate that. I heard the devs have not coded the plugin yet. Why are we waiting? Players LOVE competitive. If you advertised your tournament everywhere, new players and new teams would come.

Do not be afraid to make a new team and be a leader. It sucks in the begging, we couldn't even beat xenarch. Now, we are a very good team as we have learned from our mistakes and gotten way better.
You want the competitive scene back avicus? Make the BEST tournament you ever have, introduce new stuff in it, have it VERY planned out and advertise it a lot. Tell your friends. Its possible.

Eteh October 26, 2016 at 6:10 AM UTC

Somewhat these problems are related to the staff team. Then again, I'm tired of repeating myself multiple times.

hasl October 26, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

Activity amongst teams was slowly depleting, but due to...
  1. The removal of scrimmage servers in the rushed Atlas update
  2. Nobody could scrim and therefore unstructured teams died off leaving only a few who still couldn't scrim
  3. Then scrim servers were incredibly buggy on release disappointing more teams
  4. For Apollo, there is Allah that want to scrim but due to timezones all the UK people are sleeping (or doing something else) meaning we never scrim
Getting back from this seems impossible, but I'd like to think the officials are working extremely hard to fix this.

6th reply :P

Legoche October 26, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

Really though, it's dead and I don't really know how to fix it. If you think, the initial source of inactivity formed around the time of atlas, where scrim servers were removed. I'm going to be honest and say I've scrimmed once or twice on the scrim servers since they were re added. It's just too hard to find opponents, and it's too much of a hassle when I can just play OCN.

DaFrozenBlaze October 26, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

I haven't had a scrim since forever
Mostly because I'm teamless but I haven't heard or seen many scrims anyway
Around this time last year there were so many scrims and mega scrims I stayed up for

PokerFace October 26, 2016 at 8:10 AM UTC

Cacal would scrim, but the timezones.

Spoookeh October 26, 2016 at 12:10 PM UTC

The competitive scene brings players and teams to the server but unfortunately it is drying because higher members of staff don't care enough about it.


Tazz October 26, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC


it's not the officials fault bois

Legoche October 26, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC

^ as I have been told, everything is ready on the official side, it's just the devs that need to code the plugin

DonaldMyTrump October 26, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC

devs are slow. Unofficial tournies are nice but won't drive the competitive scene like a real tourney.

Da_cake_dood October 26, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

xenarch used to have scrims almost everyday... 
i miss those days :(

lgmatias October 26, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

Really though, it's dead and I don't really know how to fix it. If you think, the initial source of inactivity formed around the time of atlas, where scrim servers were removed. I'm going to be honest and say I've scrimmed once or twice on the scrim servers since they were re added. It's just too hard to find opponents, and it's too much of a hassle when I can just play OCN.
its bcuz apollo goes to bed at 9 pm every day smh

Legoche October 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

its bcuz apollo goes to bed at 9 pm every day smh
A least we get out of bed early unlike you guys smh

Tarheelkiwi October 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

You can blame Mojang for ruining competitive pvp with their updates

ImRaging October 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

its bcuz apollo goes to bed at 9 pm every day smh
Our main man defender mr im ryan has to go to bed at 7 and we r scared to scrim with him hes a massive carry

ImRaging October 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

I think comp avicus is dead tbh since ocn is now thriving and so many people left due to atlas and their impatience

PosteGamer October 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

The competitve scene is dying but it isn't the official's fault because, as others players said above, they have already more than the 80% of things ready for the next tourney. The biggest problem right now is that the Officials servers aren't ready yet. Also, the tournament ended on July, and from July to October we have just got 1 Unofficial tournament, and the Tomqss one. 
By the way, the scrims servers didn't work for around a month so, all these things were doing that the players and teams got boring and left the competitive or even the server.

AlvaroMorata October 26, 2016 at 4:10 PM UTC

camel would still be alive if zegita didnt kick me k

AlvaroMorata October 26, 2016 at 6:10 PM UTC


lgmatias October 26, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

I think comp avicus is dead tbh since ocn is now thriving and so many people left due to atlas and their impatience
"ocn is now thriving"


hasl October 26, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Want a positive? The three triumphant teams get these really cool tags! :D

KojaCola October 26, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

I think there a few issues as to why the Avicus competitive scene is dying down.

1. School. This is obvious as many of us still go to school we have a lot less time then during the summer.

2. Banned players. This may just be me, but I think if so many players weren't banned, there would be a larger competitive community. This is not me saying that players shouldn't be banned for hacking, its just an observation. Many players in the OCN community cheat... while this makes gameplay less fun, it keeps players into competitive. 

3. Initiative. This is a big issue. Not many players are starting new teams which makes for many players just floating around. There are plenty of players out there, there just needs to be a few people who take initiative. I did this and created the team "Mars" which lasted for a while. If we want to keep competitive alive, we need to work together as a COMMUNITY rather than as separate teams. There are many options that players could come forth with, but we need authoritative support. This means more tournaments and other events to keep players involved.

4. This is less of an issue and more of an idea. I was thinking maybe there could be a list on the forums with players who are LFT. This makes the system of team forming easier. Players looking to make a team can create one and look through a list of possible players. They can message these players on the list and invite them directly. The players on the list could have applications which all players can see. This system could make it a lot easier for players to make teams rather than having people apply separately. 

Anyway, those were just some ideas/issues that have to do with Avicus Competitive. To keep the competitive scene alive, we really need to come together as a COMMUNITY and have support from the staff team as well. Ramble over.

Bloodoh October 26, 2016 at 8:10 PM UTC

I think that Avn competitive needs to be still alive. Because Lifeboat is going to be less competitive now, i think. They are adding lot of non-competitive games. i think that Avicus should make their best to improve this side of the server, that makes the forums alive i think? xD

PieZ October 26, 2016 at 10:10 PM UTC

I think there a few issues as to why the Avicus competitive scene is dying down.

1. School. This is obvious as many of us still go to school we have a lot less time then during the summer.

2. Banned players. This may just be me, but I think if so many players weren't banned, there would be a larger competitive community. This is not me saying that players shouldn't be banned for hacking, its just an observation. Many players in the OCN community cheat... while this makes gameplay less fun, it keeps players into competitive. 

3. Initiative. This is a big issue. Not many players are starting new teams which makes for many players just floating around. There are plenty of players out there, there just needs to be a few people who take initiative. I did this and created the team "Mars" which lasted for a while. If we want to keep competitive alive, we need to work together as a COMMUNITY rather than as separate teams. There are many options that players could come forth with, but we need authoritative support. This means more tournaments and other events to keep players involved.

4. This is less of an issue and more of an idea. I was thinking maybe there could be a list on the forums with players who are LFT. This makes the system of team forming easier. Players looking to make a team can create one and look through a list of possible players. They can message these players on the list and invite them directly. The players on the list could have applications which all players can see. This system could make it a lot easier for players to make teams rather than having people apply separately. 

Anyway, those were just some ideas/issues that have to do with Avicus Competitive. To keep the competitive scene alive, we really need to come together as a COMMUNITY and have support from the staff team as well. Ramble over.
1. This does not affect competitive minecraft a whole lot
2. Pretty much what you just stated, is keeping Lifeboat from growing in their competitive scene.
3. Not really agreeing nor disagreeing
4. On paper it doesn't look like it will work but maybe it can work.

dev_revs October 26, 2016 at 10:10 PM UTC

I think there a few issues as to why the Avicus competitive scene is dying down.

1. School. This is obvious as many of us still go to school we have a lot less time then during the summer.

2. Banned players. This may just be me, but I think if so many players weren't banned, there would be a larger competitive community. This is not me saying that players shouldn't be banned for hacking, its just an observation. Many players in the OCN community cheat... while this makes gameplay less fun, it keeps players into competitive. 

3. Initiative. This is a big issue. Not many players are starting new teams which makes for many players just floating around. There are plenty of players out there, there just needs to be a few people who take initiative. I did this and created the team "Mars" which lasted for a while. If we want to keep competitive alive, we need to work together as a COMMUNITY rather than as separate teams. There are many options that players could come forth with, but we need authoritative support. This means more tournaments and other events to keep players involved.

4. This is less of an issue and more of an idea. I was thinking maybe there could be a list on the forums with players who are LFT. This makes the system of team forming easier. Players looking to make a team can create one and look through a list of possible players. They can message these players on the list and invite them directly. The players on the list could have applications which all players can see. This system could make it a lot easier for players to make teams rather than having people apply separately. 

Anyway, those were just some ideas/issues that have to do with Avicus Competitive. To keep the competitive scene alive, we really need to come together as a COMMUNITY and have support from the staff team as well. Ramble over.
If they are a hacker, they are a cheater. I don't care if another server allows it. Avicus wont. I can say that is not the problem for competitive scene dying. It cannot be competitive if you are playing against cheaters.

profbananaslug October 26, 2016 at 10:10 PM UTC

the number one thing that killed competitive, and arguably avicus as a whole, was atlas. i'm not sure why the staff team were so desperate to switch away from avicore, which worked just fine for years, but it was definitely a grave mistake to release such a buggy and incomplete update. i have no idea what they could've possibly been thinkinv, releasing an update without scrim servers and tourney stuff, and then taking weeks (and in some cases months) to put them back in.

DaGoldBrick October 27, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again

let the server die out in peace my man, it's on a very limited timer and nothing can save it as none of the staff are willing to change (or aren't smart enough to see that atlas is a shit idea since it literally erodes the only good gamemode in casual and competitive)

LFT October 27, 2016 at 1:10 AM UTC

literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again

let the server die out in peace my man, it's on a very limited timer and nothing can save it as none of the staff are willing to change (or aren't smart enough to see that atlas is a shit idea since it literally erodes the only good gamemode in casual and competitive)
Hate to say it but +1

Sevoo October 27, 2016 at 1:10 AM UTC

literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again

let the server die out in peace my man, it's on a very limited timer and nothing can save it as none of the staff are willing to change (or aren't smart enough to see that atlas is a shit idea since it literally erodes the only good gamemode in casual and competitive)

lgmatias October 27, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again

let the server die out in peace my man, it's on a very limited timer and nothing can save it as none of the staff are willing to change (or aren't smart enough to see that atlas is a shit idea since it literally erodes the only good gamemode in casual and competitive)
accept my friend request PLEASE

faht October 27, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

d   e   a   d


AbusiveUser October 27, 2016 at 5:10 AM UTC

d   e   a   d

d e a d
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a        a
d e a d

Zeusy October 27, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC

literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again

let the server die out in peace my man, it's on a very limited timer and nothing can save it as none of the staff are willing to change (or aren't smart enough to see that atlas is a shit idea since it literally erodes the only good gamemode in casual and competitive)
>literally said avicus would die on both fronts when atlas was announced and dumbfucks like zintenka said it would make the server great again


Xuph October 27, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

d e a d
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e a d e
a d e a
d e a d