Avicus Archive

What happened by Bloodoh December 11, 2016 at 4:12 PM UTC

I was wondering what the fuck happened yesterday that in the finals the official decided to play TDM instead of the gamemode choosen. Why? It seems to biased. Just want to know.

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC


Crimson_Aught December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC

And what happened with server? DDOS?

AtditC December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC

And what happened with server? DDOS?
Pretty obvious, after a match was over, all Avicus server were (d)dos'ed and this for exactly 10 minutes. Website, Server and TeamSpeak were very laggy at the same time

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC

And what happened with server? DDOS?
got ddosed for 10 minutes just after a match ended lel

Bloodoh December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC

How? each team won 1? Where it says that the tiebreaker is tdm? nothing bad with you tazz, just want to know :P

resiano December 11, 2016 at 5:12 PM UTC

How? each team won 1? Where it says that the tiebreaker is tdm? nothing bad with you tazz, just want to know :P
Pasa que allah y sagre quedo empatado 1-1-1, pero por el tie decidieron de la nada que jugariamos TDM donde en ningun lugar dice que para desempatar se jugaria pero en fin, espero que para el proximo tm alla porfin organizacion

GrapeSmoothie December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

what exactly made it biased

dev_revs December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

what exactly made it biased
I wasn't calling bias, but a poor decision considering they signed up for a CTW and DTM tournament. What could be bias is allah winning the TDM tourney, and playing a tdm map.

DaGoldBrick December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

Funny how people call bias on this but say nothing about the 1 obvious cheater on Sag and potentially others lmfao

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

How? each team won 1? Where it says that the tiebreaker is tdm? nothing bad with you tazz, just want to know :P
It says nothing about a tiebreaker, we were not expecting one at all. We were unprepared, we agreed on a TDM map as second tiebreaker after monument/wool difference.

Aphelion December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

Tazz was involved, what do you expect, lmao.

ytilauxesomoh December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

what exactly made it biased
That one of the officials who chose that map, maybe the only one, (Tazz) is on Team Allah, and won the tournament because his team was better on the map he chose for a tie breaker? In what world is that not bias?

ytilauxesomoh December 11, 2016 at 6:12 PM UTC

Funny how people call bias on this but say nothing about the 1 obvious cheater on Sag and potentially others lmfao
We all know that if Sagrevyum had beaten you Tazz wouldve screenshared and found a reason to dq them, like he did to labradoodles.

dev_revs December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

We all know that if Sagrevyum had beaten you Tazz wouldve screenshared and found a reason to dq them, like he did to labradoodles.
Tazz wasn't officiating the match babe, if you'd pay attention you would of known that. Its people like you that dumb down our community.

Sevoo December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

How? each team won 1? Where it says that the tiebreaker is tdm? nothing bad with you tazz, just want to know :P
first match went to allah second to sagre and third ended 1-1

DaGoldBrick December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

We all know that if Sagrevyum had beaten you Tazz wouldve screenshared and found a reason to dq them, like he did to labradoodles.
That's completely irrelevant

They shouldn't even have 2nd place, one of their players wasn't even trying to hide his hacks and it's not just allah who agree on that

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

That one of the officials who chose that map, maybe the only one, (Tazz) is on Team Allah, and won the tournament because his team was better on the map he chose for a tie breaker? In what world is that not bias?
lol. you seriously think it was my decision? i gave officials 2 options on the possibilities, i then let them make a decision without my opinion. I basically had no significance in the choosing of the map. In fact, I was in favour for the other option.

ytilauxesomoh December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

Tazz wasn't officiating the match babe, if you'd pay attention you would of known that. Its people like you that dumb down our community.
Im not part of this community, so I couldnt really dumb it down. Tazz was in charge of screenshares though so my point still stands.

btw its "you'd paid" and "would have"

ytilauxesomoh December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

lol. you seriously think it was my decision? i gave officials 2 options on the possibilities, i then let them make a decision without my opinion. I basically had no significance in the choosing of the map. In fact, I was in favour for the other option.
Can I ask what the other option was?

Tazz December 11, 2016 at 7:12 PM UTC

Can I ask what the other option was?
Re veto down to one map.

Clijmart December 11, 2016 at 10:12 PM UTC

I don't get the decision they made at all... Yes, they needed a good way to prevent another tie in the tiebreaker, but there are other ways to do that.
It's weird to do TDM as the most important match in a DTM/CTW tourney.
It's like telling 2 football teams to play basketball as their finals... It just doesn't make sense.

A better way to do the tiebreaker would've been a map simular to Fort Aqua, a map with Percentage Monuments.
This has a really small chance of ending up in a tie. Lot's of players suggested this at the time, but the idea got ignored, ofcourse.

Next time I suggest them keeping the gamemodes the teams signed up for, instead of making them play different ones.

Anyways, nice tourney!
Hope the CTF/KotH one ends with Skywars :D

Jiloker December 11, 2016 at 10:12 PM UTC

I don't get the decision they made at all... Yes, they needed a good way to prevent another tie in the tiebreaker, but there are other ways to do that.
It's weird to do TDM as the most important match in a DTM/CTW tourney.
It's like telling 2 football teams to play basketball as their finals... It just doesn't make sense.

A better way to do the tiebreaker would've been a map simular to Fort Aqua, a map with Percentage Monuments.
This has a really small chance of ending up in a tie. Lot's of players suggested this at the time, but the idea got ignored, ofcourse.

Next time I suggest them keeping the gamemodes the teams signed up for, instead of making them play different ones.

Anyways, nice tourney!
Hope the CTF/KotH one ends with Skywars :D
xDD skywars

Bloodoh December 12, 2016 at 12:12 AM UTC

And why didnt you guys make a CTW/DTM tiebreaker ? or just cap/mons difference

lgmatias December 12, 2016 at 12:12 AM UTC

looks like allah bias won again. good thing we had tazz planted as official, announcement post should've been congrats to team allah on winning tourney 4 looool

pope_panda December 12, 2016 at 8:12 AM UTC

looks like allah bias won again. good thing we had tazz planted as official, announcement post should've been congrats to team allah on winning tourney 4 looool
yes haha, good thing tazz told us we had access to /end, thesw fools actually think it was an accident XDDDD

LFT December 12, 2016 at 11:12 AM UTC

And why didnt you guys make a CTW/DTM tiebreaker ? or just cap/mons difference
Cap/Mon difference was tied

Bloodoh December 12, 2016 at 2:12 PM UTC

Cap/Mon difference was tied

Tazz December 12, 2016 at 3:12 PM UTC

yes haha, good thing tazz told us we had access to /end, thesw fools actually think it was an accident XDDDD