TDM Tournament?
January 24, 2016 at 5:01 PM UTC
So lately, we've been leaning towards having a TDM tournament more, considering we've never had one. But for this to work successfully, we need quality maps that are perfect for the tournament. Obviously, we can't do it alone. We need you guys, the community to help make the maps too. These maps can include scoreboxes as well, since they will be re-added as a YML component soon! However, if TDM doesn't look very good after map testing, we will not have a TDM tournament (nothings confirmed yet). This is not an official announcement; this is so we can test maps for the desired gamemode.
Some map features to consider? Spawners (gapple & arrow) Scoreboxes Suitable size Plenty of cover
CTH isn't suitable for a tournament, and noone plays walls so it would be a unsuccessful tournament.
Nobody plays Walls? I realize hardly any regulars play on it, but that doesn't mean no one plays it. It's our second most popular gamemode. I don't see why we couldn't just use the teams we already have, even if they specialize in Nebula, they could still participate in it.
Nobody plays Walls? I realize hardly any regulars play on it, but that doesn't mean no one plays it. It's our second most popular gamemode. I don't see why we couldn't just use the teams we already have, even if they specialize in Nebula, they could still participate in it.
well in the end it's the regulars that are playing in the tourney :x
CTH Wouldn't really work out as for everyone would use an ended pearl kit to get to mid on the last second unless you have it as one plain kit or koth stylish
idk a lot about walls but are you saying 4 teams in one game tournament?
CTH Wouldn't really work out as for everyone would use an ended pearl kit to get to mid on the last second unless you have it as one plain kit or koth stylish
idk a lot about walls but are you saying 4 teams in one game tournament?
Yeah, CTH definitely wouldn't work, thanks for explaining. :)
As for Walls, I don't think that would work either now that I think about it, haha.
"These maps can include scoreboxes as well, since they will be re-added as a YML component soon!"
Currently, you cannot add scoreboxes because there is no YML component to support it. But in the near future (before the next tournament), there will be.
If there are good maps, sure. Tbh the server's pvp at this point is pretty broken and I don't think it'd be great, but we'll just have to see.
It's broken though not as much as people say tbh. KB has gradually improved and people don't get knocked off 10 blocks away like they used to 3 months ago. Same goes for hit-detection, still broken like no other yet still playable.
TDM is just so stale CTH would be fun but everyone would just use the enderman kit and ez win
No kits in tournament
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