Avicus Archive

BWD's Fancy Shmancy AMA Thread! by twopump August 6, 2016 at 9:08 PM UTC

Ask me anything if you'd like, to get a few things outta the way my names Henry, I'm 14 turning 15 in a few months, a triplet, 5'5, my IG is @henry.moralez (shameless plug) and I own a blackberry, roast me all you want now for that XD, but ask away! ciao.

ImRaging August 6, 2016 at 9:08 PM UTC


JoeVC August 6, 2016 at 11:08 PM UTC

Why avicus? 

Past PvP experience? 

Thoughts on Paul Pogba? 

Thoughts on Emma Watson? 

Thoughts on potatoes.

Han_So_Hyun August 7, 2016 at 12:08 AM UTC

Opinions on me?
Opinions on South Korea and Greece?
Favorite food?
Favorite music?
Best experience on Avicus?
Rate your PvP skills from 1/100.

Thanks and I hope to see you in game. (wink wink to those who like my quote) ;)

twopump August 7, 2016 at 3:08 AM UTC

Why avicus? 

Past PvP experience? 

Thoughts on Paul Pogba? 

Thoughts on Emma Watson? 

Thoughts on potatoes.
Why avicus? I saw my brother playing it, and wanted to play with him. Then I grew to love the staff and players and I grew so much as I formed friendships with some players and got to know you guys

Past PvP stuff? I've played factions when I first started out, played mineplex dominate, a little of kochi and bad lion before my brother got us IP banned

Thoughts on those two people you mentioned? I am not really familiar with them since I tend to stay outta celebrity and political stuff, but my thoughts on you are you're a good person :D.

Potatoes? I love them, try them with eggs it's great

twopump August 7, 2016 at 3:08 AM UTC

Opinions on me?
Opinions on South Korea and Greece?
Favorite food?
Favorite music?
Best experience on Avicus?
Rate your PvP skills from 1/100.

Thanks and I hope to see you in game. (wink wink to those who like my quote) ;)
Opinions on you? You seem chill and I'd like to know you more, got a great personality too!

Opinions on South Korea and Greece? I haven't read much on those two countries but I've heard they aren't doing too good recently :/

Favorite food and music? I LOVE rice, and my favorite music is... not really a specific kinda, I don't like country or rock though

Best experience here? The one game I got 39 kills and all the mons, I didn't do it on BWD I did it on my brothers account

My skills are a solid 79/100, so pretty good and I hope you see me in game too ;D

twopump August 7, 2016 at 3:08 AM UTC

Thank you!