[AMA] felipu_feliu aaaaa
August 17, 2015 at 1:08 AM UTC
I'm felipu, the chilean earthquake pvper that leaded THECRAZYBEANERS into invitationals on the Omega tournament, then we lost because of 20 seconds while one of us was joining and we run out of time.
it's my birthday!!! (August 30)
i stepped down of moderating on the Overcast Network! :o
i'm a mod again!
and also i'm leading TCB that actually got 1st place on the avicus league, not sure if that will be our final position because one week left!
we got 2nd place gG
i was demoted
its my birthday tomorrow again!! Lol (august 30)
it feels weird that I wrote this twice on an AMA
and ye i also lead Bone Breakers/TheCrazyBeaners :V And I am staff in ocn
How did you find out about Avicus? How old are ye?
I saw a YT video of a espanol guy called nachoelcraftero then a week later friend told me about a server that was literally the same as other server where I play, I just check it out and it was Avicus
Well with the Ranked servers released a few days ago it's full of people doing some cool feedback so we're doing our best to make the changes that the people want :D
Well with the Ranked servers released a few days ago it's full of people doing some cool feedback so we're doing our best to make the changes that the people want :D
Do you like moderating on the Overcast? Will the team Bone Breakers come ti the next Avicus Tourney?
Yeah I enjoy it a lot but more than banning people or checking reports I usually spent more time talking with the community to brought up their opinions to the staff :D
And of course! TheCrazyBeaners are ready for the next tournament and also the big skybridge push 2.0
Copied from my ama on ocn: (Bone Breakers = TheCrazyBeaners)
40% Bone Breakers (they didn't told me to step down, but we're about to disband and I need to fix that)
40% IRL stuff + crush
20% Lack of interest (I enjoyed a lot being a mod and translating but I had been much more inactive in the website and in game reports. But I still love to sn maps :c sadly I won't be able to do it anymore)
Te tomaste un descanso o te lo habían quitado temporalmente?
Lo deje por que queria concentrarme en mi team y en cosas irl (una chiquilla ;) ) pero mi team disbandeo y ya estoy saliendo con esa chiquilla asi que lo pedi devuelta
What happened to Bone Breakers, the payers changed. And Gratz on mod again!!
Well after Age of Ares we were about to disband but I didnmy best to not to but when I left for a week for a school trip, they just say "we will disband" and I was unable to do anything to fix it :( (I was 1700kms away from home)
No busco hate dps de esta pregunta, Pero por qué sigues defendiendo a Nanamenn Cuando tu mismo sabes que en el BTTC estaba chiteado?
Sigo defendiendo a Nanamenn por que estoy seguro de que no uso nada, el siempre ha sido humilde y me ha contado todo y estoy seguro que el no es alguien que usaria ventajas y por eso lo sigo defendiendo. Tambien por que luego de revisar la evidencia de varias maneras, en 0.25, 0.5 y incluso fijandome en el minuto 3:57 a ver si se pasaba el diamante como todos dicen, conclui que no lleva nada
que te justa mas Candy perreo o tumba la casa mami ?
conoces a rondey muller ?
me pase con las preguntas ?
me has visto jugar en avicus?
que te gusta mas perros o gatos?
youtuber favorito?
pc , portátil o mac ?
que posición te gusta mas ?
que celular tenes ?
se nota que estoy al pedo xD ?
- Reverendouz 3.5 por que es el unico que conozco - A todos - nova por que no conozco mas y el loco que me dijo que lo que dije que conoci a OllieGamerZ en rial life y no me creyo y me dijo rata - por los torneos y me gustan los foros - 16 - Felipe - comida rica en proteinAs - Santiago, Chile - no c que es eso - c - 6-7 por los fps :'v aparte soy mas de yolo - DTM en avicus por que la paso re shido - Futbol, Basquetball y subir cerros en bici para hacer downhill - Candy Perreo - me suena pero no - nah estan pros las questions - no - Perros aunque los gatos igual estan pros - ninguno en realidad, no veo mucho youtube - notebook/portatil - Sky/rush aunque aveces me entretiene defender - iPhone 5 (No, no el S o el C, solo el 5) - si
Sigo defendiendo a Nanamenn por que estoy seguro de que no uso nada, el siempre ha sido humilde y me ha contado todo y estoy seguro que el no es alguien que usaria ventajas y por eso lo sigo defendiendo. Tambien por que luego de revisar la evidencia de varias maneras, en 0.25, 0.5 y incluso fijandome en el minuto 3:57 a ver si se pasaba el diamante como todos dicen, conclui que no lleva nada
La cosa es que en el momento que mata a Hivlik ( Minuto 11:35 algo asi no recuerdo ), no hay que ser experto en moderación para notar que hizo un golpe completa y totalmente imposible con el cliente default, más transparencia por favor para la próxima, pero si ya no los usa, congrats para el, aprendió la lección.
La cosa es que en el momento que mata a Hivlik ( Minuto 11:35 algo asi no recuerdo ), no hay que ser experto en moderación para notar que hizo un golpe completa y totalmente imposible con el cliente default, más transparencia por favor para la próxima, pero si ya no los usa, congrats para el, aprendió la lección.
La cosa es que en el momento que mata a Hivlik ( Minuto 11:35 algo asi no recuerdo ), no hay que ser experto en moderación para notar que hizo un golpe completa y totalmente imposible con el cliente default, más transparencia por favor para la próxima, pero si ya no los usa, congrats para el, aprendió la lección.
How does it feel to be 2nd? Opinions on how the league turned out?
It's okay, it would have been better to get Champion but gg also I was at the beach for the last match so I didn't play it, I know my bois did the best and it almost turn out good for us (TDM bo3 and we were 1-1) but OmarSmosh's light went down so we were one less + Jardineros are really good I have to say but gg i still waiting for more prizes!
How does sharing a screenshot of someone reporting him get you demoted?
It's private staff info, we aren't allowed to share anything including reports and stuff, it's in our Code of Conduct, I sent Nanamenn the pic of someone reporting him like 2 weeks ago and he tweeted it, TiTo_418 sent the link to an Admin and the Admin asked me if it was me who shared it, I said yeah so, rip
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