Avicus Archive

[AMA] Sumbody by Sumbody December 13, 2015 at 3:12 AM UTC

Hello, the name's Sumbody, or Drew, whichever you prefer :p

I originially started playing here back in the MCZone days, which feels like forever ago now. Back then the whole concept of Competive Minecraft PvP (as nerdy as that sounds) wasn't really a thing for me, I enjoyed the game for what it had to offer and hardly anything more. I didn't really make any friends then and there, I had stuck in my own clique of 2 or 3 guys I knew IRL. I came back on a hunt to find a new main server to play on, seeing as my previous one is slowly decenegrating to bits of past memories of the old days when the friends I had made there were starting to move on to servers that they'd enjoy more.

I'm very open to questions so ask away!


FrozenSolstice December 13, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC

Welcome back mate! I chatted to you ingame earlier, you're pretty awesome!

How are you doing?

Opinions on me? (hue)

How does Avicus seem now?

DaFrozenBlaze December 13, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC

Welcome back!! Where do you live? Favourite food? Favourite fruit? Favourite animal? Favourite colour? Favourite drink? How did you find Avicus? What is your real name?

Coco_stag December 13, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC

Are you aussie?

Sumbody December 13, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC


I'm doing great thanks for asking :D You seem pretty chill and a genuinely nice person :) (not many of 'em these days in the game). Avicus is a lot like you described: Mixture of the raging twelve year olds, the occasional awe of skilled bridgers, and some top-notch pvpers :p

I live in U.S., specifically Louisiana
My favorite food is anything Italian
Favorite fruit would have to be Grapes
My favorite animal is the Polar Bear
Favorite color is Cyan
My favorite drink is Green Tea
I originally found Avicus through a website that listed the top Minecraft Servers based on what you're searching for, where MCZone was one of the top results.
Real name is Drew.

I live in the U.S., though I've always wanted to visit Australia