Avicus Archive

Banway AMA 2.0 by I_am_banway May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

Well except for my stats,  time for a fresh start on my lease of life.  It had been 17yrs in waiting and it is finally here,  AVICORE!!!

Congrats to Funky for getting the job done and done well! 

OK,  I know it is an AMA, but I have a question for you guys (Probs mods and such), how long till the tournament and have any rules changed? 

So go for it guys,

Ask Me Anything! 

_Avy May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

XD Dam I cant do my normal on this one :P
Would you rather be a lion or an elephant and why?
Why are you a jerk?
(I need to think of more)

I_am_banway May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

Lion,  straight up,  huge mane of hair,  powerful predator,  deadly.  Nuf said.

And as to why I am a jerk... I am a jerk because you put me in that category. And so that's how and why I am a jerk... Also nuf said

_DC May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

Why waste your life on DOTA? Isn't Minecraft enough?

_Avy May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

Why waste your life on DOTA? Isn't Minecraft enough?
*Clap* *Clap* Best question right there DC XD

ElectraHearttt May 25, 2014 at 11:05 AM UTC

How did you find Avicus/mczone?

I_am_banway May 25, 2014 at 8:05 PM UTC

@Dcraven, wasting my life???? I dun think so,  it is a great game!  Yes minecraft is enough but I feel I should broaden my tastes, and I have found a new game I like a lot...

@ EvilChrizzillah,  I found McZone through the OCN McZone/soon to be avicus war. I used to be an OCN regular and would playa fair bit, but the mods I felt were corrupt, and they punished nathbrown unfairly, so he said one day at school to me that we should check out McZone cus the ppl on OCN hate hem and vice versa. So we joined originally to stick a big midle finger at OCN kinda like, nubz, we on ur enemy server now, wha5cha gonna do bout it? But we slowly realsied that was kinda dumb and kiddyish, and we found thatthis server has an awesome community. So we stuck with McZone, they did the update to Avicus,  and we played through that, now here is Avicore,  17 years later!

JCoIe May 25, 2014 at 8:05 PM UTC

what is your favorite aquatic animal? Do you have pets? What are their names?