Avicus Archive

New mod on the block-AMA by PieZ November 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM UTC

Now that I am promoted. I feel the community should get to know me a little more. Doing an AMA sounds perfect in my mind so here is a little intro

I am PieZ and I am currently 17 years old. I am in my last year of highschool and going into broadcasting arts for college. I joined Avicus around 2 years ago and I quickly went into the competitive aspect of Avicus. I applied to teams like Fancy Soldiers, The old Bezerk-type team, What ever Dooz was leading back then, And a small team called BlackBear. I was only accepted to BlackBear and left because I really did not feel that team was going to work out. I joined Immortality and it was full of arrogant players who thought they were the best. That team died out and I was LFT again. I soon faced robo's team on OCN and I insulted his team right in front of him. 1 week later I was trying out for him. My trail lasted a month because robo was inactive af. I joined and the team named changed 5 times or something and we played 2 tournaments with me. I got bored of competitive minecraft and tryharded for ref. To me surprise I was asked to become a Jr mod and they did it with their new system. 10 days later I am here.
So AMA anything and I will be 100% honest. You may like that more than me.

ballzi November 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM UTC

Hi. I lead berserk I think. You joined berserk V2 I think.

PieZ November 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM UTC

Hi. I lead berserk I think. You joined berserk V2 I think.
I never joined Berserk. I was denied. It was 1.5 years ago though

ballzi November 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM UTC

I never joined Berserk. I was denied. It was 1.5 years ago though
That just reminds how long I've been here for. ;-;

vladthegreat100 November 28, 2015 at 10:11 PM UTC

Hi. I lead berserk I think. You joined berserk V2 I think.
You mean you led berzerk v2 :P Their no longer a thing
Now it Kaldorei is considered "Berzerk v3" xd Hoping to change that view tho :P

Tynvale November 29, 2015 at 1:11 AM UTC

Opinions on me?
What does it feel like to be a moderator?
What are you planning to achieve as a staff member?

ClubberNugget November 29, 2015 at 1:11 AM UTC

You going into broadcasting huh? thats what i wanna do! up top!......dont leave me hanging......

Anyway......um.......how about that weather?.......NAILED IT

gobernment November 29, 2015 at 1:11 AM UTC

What words of encouragement would you give to a player that is interested in applying for junior moderator?

Do you plan to eventually branch off into other aspects of Avicus such as taking up an offer of senior/official/map developer?

What is one of the core aspects of Avicus that you believe needs more focus?

Do you have any inspiring or mesmerizing quotes you like or go by?

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 2:11 AM UTC

Opinions on me?
What does it feel like to be a moderator?
What are you planning to achieve as a staff member?
I do not know you very well. All I can say is that I get a nice vibe from you
It is a pain sometimes not going to lie
I want to make things more organized for the staff team because it looks like the staff team is doing all this work for such small things which make their time for other important things less. Organization is key for a strong staff team.

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 2:11 AM UTC

You going into broadcasting huh? thats what i wanna do! up top!......dont leave me hanging......

Anyway......um.......how about that weather?.......NAILED IT
*High fives*


DaFrozenBlaze November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Where do you live? Favourite Food? Favourite Colour? Favourite Animal? Favourite Drink? Favourite Fruit? Avicus or OCN? How does it feel like to be a moderator?

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

What words of encouragement would you give to a player that is interested in applying for junior moderator?

Do you plan to eventually branch off into other aspects of Avicus such as taking up an offer of senior/official/map developer?

What is one of the core aspects of Avicus that you believe needs more focus?

Do you have any inspiring or mesmerizing quotes you like or go by?
Do not try to hard and become a leader. Gl

Depends if Senior is open when I can get it and if I am next in line. Official is just too much work and I can't build to save my life

Communication between Sr staff to regular staff and communication between staff and community

"Your excuses do more work then you. Get to work." ~R_K_Cord. Best Administrator.

Dyspa November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Will I ever make you a walking meme?

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Where do you live? Favourite Food? Favourite Colour? Favourite Animal? Favourite Drink? Favourite Fruit? Avicus or OCN? How does it feel like to be a moderator?
I live in Canada. Ontario is closer
I do like chicken wings. Breaded chicken wings to be exact
Orange. Colour is an amazing word
Uhhhhhhh. Cats
Depends on the time of day really. Right now I saw Avicus but later I will say OCN
It is a pain in the ass

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Will I ever make you a walking meme?
Depends. First can you actually make memes?

Dyspa November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Depends. First can you actually make memes?
This is not working..
Also, don't ask me stuff if this is YOUR AMA!!!

DonaldMyTrump November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

open onions on me?

kycrafft November 29, 2015 at 3:11 AM UTC

Which team did you/do you want to beat the most?

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 4:11 AM UTC

open onions on me?
I am just going to ignore Juano cause he can't mean.
I do not think of you as the smartest person but I do not mind you. People have issues with you and I know why but on a personal level I do not have anything against you. For you a little more.

PieZ November 29, 2015 at 4:11 AM UTC

Which team did you/do you want to beat the most?
On Avicus it was beating BC in the finals in the last tournament. A lot of their players were so arrogant and I like destroying arrogant attitudes
On OCN it had to be GM Blue in Conquest when I was with Infamous. We practiced so much and we wanted to beat at least one team that was considered top tear. We destroyed them in that match. #RipInfamous