Avicus Archive

I'm Back - Avicus Montage [Video] by JCoIe August 27, 2016 at 9:08 PM UTC

Hey all, its been a while since I've been active on Avicus. I left about a year ago and I've been popping in and out,  well, I think now i'm gonna stay a while. I've seen a lot of new faces, so i'm here to introduce myself. This post could also server as an AMA I guess...

Secondly, here is a montage I just made. Took me a while to make it (mostly to get the footage because im stank rusty):

Thirdly, I'm looking for a team, my position is mid.
 If you want to talk to me - Skype: debate10101

DaFrozenBlaze August 28, 2016 at 2:08 AM UTC

Welcome back :)