Avicus Archive

For Those Who Would Like to Know... by Synchrome June 14, 2015 at 5:06 AM UTC

Obviously, my UN is Synchrome, but I have been previously been known as Sir_RenderNoW, Crule and Consternate. I come from a broken home, "digitally," and have endured Minecraft for a solid 2 years. Anyway, I didn't come to Avicus because of advertisement...I had really no knowledge prior, but I came here to learn the truth from someone. A year and a half ago ,roughly, I played on the hive.mc and met a player with the UN, "Tokket." I met him when he had 800 points on the game "The Herobrine" (he now has 72,290 points and on the hive leader boards) and was introduced to other people that were associated with him. To name a few, TinyFizz, emmalou0011, Deathstrike7 and kitty23. We moved to factions and we became fairly close, as close as you came get in a virtual world. Well, kitty23 established a faction name there, something that was "special to the group" that I'd like to keep secret. Anyway, we moved to another faction server, bringing Smiley along, (Smiley7) and I also met Gingrish. kitty23 left, because he felt that he had "finished his job and that we did not need him anymore." So we were on this faction server for a solid half year or so and moved again, to TinyFizz's friend's server. You are probably wondering what all this has to do with me being on this server, but please bear with me. So we were on Tiny's friend's server and I ended up disagreeing with them and ended up leaving. I left everyone I knew on MC behind and took the grief, drama and regret with me. I found out in April of this year, so nearly a year since I've seen them that, allegedly, Tokket was gone. Not as in he quit MC, as in he was killed by a gunman. I learned this from his "cousin" Xilak and if you are interested in his story, here it is: https://forum.hivemc.com/threads/thank-you-all-so-much.191105/. Do you believe his story? As a human, I instantly denied the story and tracked my past to Avicus, where emmalou0011 was Emmylou and Smiley7 were on here and so was his cousin, Xilak. I interrogated all of them and got answers, but that produced more questions. I discovered that Ging, Tiny, Tokket, kitty and Death all quit, all haven't been seen in months. They did not believe Xilak and I spoke to him about a week ago and he sounded genuine. I am lost and for once, slightly confused. So people, I am here, now, for no apparent reason... and sadly... I am at a dead end. Back to square one.

RIP_Avicus June 14, 2015 at 6:06 AM UTC

Wow 0____0, personally, I think that story looks legitimate. Sorry.

Synchrome June 14, 2015 at 4:06 PM UTC

yeah ik... twists and turns are part of life y'know? eh what can you do sometimes.