Avicus Archive

New Gamemode Ideas. by Wahiz December 22, 2015 at 8:12 PM UTC

So basically the avicus gamemodes right now are getting pretty boring IMO. So I want to know what you guys like about gamemodes or making a completely new gamemode.

My Idea:

Survival Games + The Walls.

How this would work:

Instead of mining for your items you have to completely rely on chests. But the chest won't be stacked they will be filled with regular items that you would find on sg games.

The Reason For It:

People complain when someone gets full diamond and they only have full iron and they completely destroy you, but if you had the same odds nobody should be complaining about what gear people get because it is at random what they find.

 So tell me your opinions on my idea and post some of your own gamemode ideas!



BoldAndBrash December 22, 2015 at 8:12 PM UTC


My brother mostly came up with it and I assisted with it. ^
I realize we don't have levels anymore, but we can fix that later. I've been trying to get this gamemode to at least be tested and the YML has been written out for it already I believe. (Gracias Para <3)

 I like your idea, but instead of making it it's own gamemode we could try making it a sub gamemode. Nonetheless, great idea!

ClubberNugget December 22, 2015 at 8:12 PM UTC

The simple solution to your problem is get rid of the diamonds all together, vanilla is like that and it's like, the best map

DaFrozenBlaze December 22, 2015 at 11:12 PM UTC

Avicus needs to fix it's current problems first before introducing anything new.

Wahiz December 23, 2015 at 12:12 AM UTC


My brother mostly came up with it and I assisted with it. ^
I realize we don't have levels anymore, but we can fix that later. I've been trying to get this gamemode to at least be tested and the YML has been written out for it already I believe. (Gracias Para <3)

 I like your idea, but instead of making it it's own gamemode we could try making it a sub gamemode. Nonetheless, great idea!
I really liked that idea yourself and your brother came up with! I'd love to see it implemented on the Avicus Network