Avicus Archive

Glitches need that need to be fixed :/ by bigbear380 September 11, 2014 at 10:09 PM UTC

The server tends to be glitchy, the glitches might seem minor but they can make a huge difference in the battle, block glitches make people suicide or fall when building bridges, and sometimes people knock me back and I cant even hit them, I end up dead although I have better gear and the advantage, my point is these glitches need to be fixed they can ruin a players mood, and we currently need every player we can get, you can increase the list glitches to be fixed if you want, but something has to be done about it.

bigbear380 September 11, 2014 at 10:09 PM UTC

Oh yeah and I forgot the glitch that makes your enemy hit you with his sword from 7 blocks away, and the arrows hitting but not affecting your enemy

JKawesome September 11, 2014 at 10:09 PM UTC

The last two aren't glitches...they're called combos

Mooch24 September 11, 2014 at 10:09 PM UTC

Oh yeah and I forgot the glitch that makes your enemy hit you with his sword from 7 blocks away, and the arrows hitting but not affecting your enemy
the first one there. that my sir, would be called a combo

SlabSun September 11, 2014 at 11:09 PM UTC

Good gear doesn't mean anything unless you have skill. I was able to rekt JK (somehow) with no armor and a guy with Iron armor. Anyways the block lag only happens when either the server is trolling me or I have crappy internet, which happens rarely. Just deal wit it :D