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Mods pls help. by SpicyAF September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

i dont understand, when ban appealing, does only the staff who delt the punishment appeal me, or can any staff appeal me. or is it only the staff. Could a staff help me?
 Also, tell me where to put it if i have more questions.

Coco_stag September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

Um, Any mod can appeal the infraction; doesn't have to be the staff who banned you

Administrafer September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

The only moderators that are allowed to respond to your appeal is the user who punished you in the first place. Seniors are allowed to do any appeals however...

Coco_stag September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

The only moderators that are allowed to respond to your appeal is the user who punished you in the first place. Seniors are allowed to do any appeals however...
oh... k

DaFrozenBlaze September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

She's retired tho.

SnowSX3 September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC

She's retired tho.
That just means that she won't be able to respond to the appeal herself which won't negatively affect the process all that much.

With appeals, the Moderator who was involved in the infraction can supply evidence and openly talk to the player during the appeal process.
But because this Moderator has retired, they won't be able to contribute to the appeal.

This is actually alright because the Senior Staff should still have the evidence relating to this infraction and will make a final decision.

The Senior Staff make the final decision regardless if the Moderator has contributed to the appeal or not (in every appeal) so it's not a huge drawback.

SnowSX3 September 29, 2015 at 9:09 AM UTC


If you have any more questions regarding the appeal process, or anything in general, feel free to contact a Senior Staff member on Skype.

Alternatively, you can email support ([email protected]) 
to contact the Senior Staff if you have any more inquires.

SpicyAF November 2, 2015 at 2:11 PM UTC

sorry for the bump, but i have another question regarding this post.

Approximatley how long should you wait to get un-banned?

please help

BoldAndBrash November 2, 2015 at 3:11 PM UTC

sorry for the bump, but i have another question regarding this post.

Approximatley how long should you wait to get un-banned?

please help
If the ban is false, it should be appealed immediately. Other bans usually take a 6 or 7 month wait from what I've seen.