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LoL: Ranked Duo Bot. etc. by Stimulating September 5, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

This is just a discussion for people to talk about League in general but i'm mainly want a really good adc that I can go into ranked with as I don't really have anyone who is amazing who's on often enough to duo. 
I'm a nasty Thresh and I can play a multitude of other supports and own quite a few including: Thresh, Braum, Karma, Sona and Soraka (buying Blitz soon). The Supports that were on free week I can play include Nami and trying Lulu, but I feel if you build some ap on karma she's a better poke support with more lockdown thank Lulu.
Feel free to friend me for other reasons as well if you just want someone active to play with. My only wish is that you understand when to give up, I don't want a quitter I just want someone who's realistic... 

also I would like for you to be chill and not freaking out in game plz :P. People have bad games sometimes and when I do i prefer not to be freaked upon for feeding, etc (I don't generally feed I'm just saying).

Phobiaxx September 5, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

;c just started playing league yesterday... wey 2 noobish

Stimulating September 5, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

;c just started playing league yesterday... wey 2 noobish
Well good luck. If you need help with anything just ask for advice on what champs you should get or position tips (top, mid, etc) from me and I'd be glad to help. I can play anything but don't ask me tips for ADC as I just play it decently but not with great understanding of what tips to give.