Avicus Archive

Alienware Alpha Giveaway by AlexTheEpic99 March 19, 2015 at 3:03 AM UTC

Before I start. i would just like to say the reason I have not been on Avicus for a long time is because I was banned for "hacking" even though it was lag, but I have no proof to show. So I miss Avicus but it's been a while. Nitwit Gaming knows we still have some fans from Avicus so I would like to say I am giving away an Alienware ALPHA gaming console for our 50 video special. This will be my last post to Avicus. I would like to thank this network for giving me the full enjoyment of minecraft.

Giveaway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa9-ez51ejo
I will be back frequently to review comments.

AlexTheEpic99 March 19, 2015 at 3:03 AM UTC

Also I would like to say one of our best videos were on your server. Thank you so much :)