Avicus Archive

Nebula, Walls, Nexus... by MTINC August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

I was wondering one day if I should do something else on Avicus (since I always play on Nebula)like The Walls, Avicade, etc... I do not know what these minigames are all about because the descriptions don't tell me much. I was wondering if people could tell me what they usually play on and what its all about (expect for Nebula, I already know what you are supposed to do). Thanks!


Awarrior August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

Nebula: Break monuments
Walls: Kill ppl
Nexus: Kill ppl
Avicade: Ask Steven
CTH: Control The Hill


MTINC August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC


Hete August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

Nebula: Two Gamemodes, Destroy the Monuments, and Team Death Match. (DTM and TDM for short.)Walls: Collect resources until the walls fall and kill peopleNexus: Only TDM, Kill peopleCTH: Gain control of the middle to get points and win.

MajestysDream August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

  • Nebula: Well, there are two game modes in Nebula, Destroy the Monument, (DTM) and Team DeathMatch (TDM). Basically, in DTM, the objective is to break the other team's monument(s). In TDM, basically, you just have to kill other players.
  • Walls: You have an amount of time to prepare your self. Get resources armor, then when the walls fall, you can then PvP the other teams to win! You can also level up to get cool kits! 
  • Nexus: This is basically like Nebula TDM, kill the other team(s) You can also level up to get cool kits!
  • Avicade: Lol. Ask Steven for a better description. Basically, in Avicade there are multiple mini games such as, Minotaur, OiTC, and Red Alert. 
  • Control the hill: This is basically Team DeathMatch like Nexus, but with a little bit of a difference. Every time the counter ticks, you must run to the middle to reward your team points, which is controlling the hill. You can also level up to get cool kits! 
I hope this helped you out! :) <3

Emmaye August 26, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

^ +1

Carryinq August 26, 2014 at 9:08 PM UTC

#AskStevenFTW +1

Why am I doing so many #'s today?!1!!11! Did you see what I did there?!?!11!1!1!

ballzi August 26, 2014 at 9:08 PM UTC

nebula= to break mons and make people rage
walls= something to play with friends
nexus= well to get my kd up
avicade= beat steven!!
cth= never played it

Iron August 26, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Avicade=Make Steven lose and outsmart Carmel...

MTINC August 27, 2014 at 5:08 PM UTC

  • Nebula: Well, there are two game modes in Nebula, Destroy the Monument, (DTM) and Team DeathMatch (TDM). Basically, in DTM, the objective is to break the other team's monument(s). In TDM, basically, you just have to kill other players.
  • Walls: You have an amount of time to prepare your self. Get resources armor, then when the walls fall, you can then PvP the other teams to win! You can also level up to get cool kits! 
  • Nexus: This is basically like Nebula TDM, kill the other team(s) You can also level up to get cool kits!
  • Avicade: Lol. Ask Steven for a better description. Basically, in Avicade there are multiple mini games such as, Minotaur, OiTC, and Red Alert. 
  • Control the hill: This is basically Team DeathMatch like Nexus, but with a little bit of a difference. Every time the counter ticks, you must run to the middle to reward your team points, which is controlling the hill. You can also level up to get cool kits! 
I hope this helped you out! :) <3
yes it did thanks

xxxheraxxx August 27, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

Nebula: Break monuments
Walls: Kill ppl
Nexus: Kill ppl
Avicade: Ask Steven
CTH: Control The Hill
