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Need Video Help! Laggy Software! by Porkyyy November 7, 2014 at 7:11 PM UTC

Hey everyone. So I've been trying to record a game on my computer called "Mount & Blade: Warband", and i was getting a solid 60+ frames in-game when I was recording, but when I watched the file afterwards, it was the laggiest thing I've ever seen.

I recorded 2 episodes of this game a few months back, but didn't continue it, and it didn't look laggy ay all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9-41Lf-xfA

I've tried updating my graphics card, but all drivers and everything are up to date.
I really need help with this, I haven't been able to upload for almost 2 weeks, which is the longest amount of time that I haven't uploaded in.
The software which I currently use is "Fraps".
I've tried using Camtasia Studio, but it doesn't capture the game, just my desktop.

Thanks for the help! :)


Myv November 7, 2014 at 7:11 PM UTC

When you record, your FPS generally drops quite a lot, but 60+ is still good. I don't record personally, so I can't really help, but I have previous experience with others recording. When you upload, I have been told that the FPS is really bad and therefore it looks laggy. Try and get Bandicam, that's better, but I'm not sure. I don't get it because if you watch Markiplier, he doesn't get lag, but plays at 30fps, so I don'g get it lol.

Sorry I can't really help, but try different recorders and maybe invest in a more powerful laptop.


vladthegreat100 November 7, 2014 at 7:11 PM UTC

check the number thingy that pops in the corner, whatever number shows there is how many frames the recording software is recording at