Avicus Archive

NEW GAMEMODE IDEA: OBLIVION by NotPineapple203 June 20, 2016 at 4:06 AM UTC

After hearing that it would be possible to make maps with monuments and wools I figured there would be many new gamemodes considered on the forums and I figured that I should post one that I feel is a fairly interesting twist on things. So I typed all of the details up in a notepad, copy pasted, and now I present to you... Oblivion

OBLIVION GAMEMODE (Name Subject to Change)
Details: - ~10-20 minute games (Set Countdowntimer) - 2 Teams(More possible, but difficult) - Highest Score Wins - 
Kits: (Undecided)
- Monuments - 2 (Subject to Change, but no more than 4)
Details: Normal Placement- Getting there hardest part
Points: 150 (Subject to Change)
- Wool - 1 (Subject to Change, but no more than 3)
Details: Near Spawn- Difficult to get to, difficult to get back
Points: 250 (Subject to Change)
- Kills - Infinite
Details: Knocked out of world, Slain, shot, natural causes
Points: 1 (Subject to Change for different kinds of kills)

NotPineapple203 June 20, 2016 at 4:06 AM UTC

Once atlas comes out****** SOrry!