Avicus Archive

Mod Folder Release :) 1.8.9 by Clickn September 21, 2017 at 12:09 AM UTC


Pics dont work?
Anyways, this is my mods folder
of 1.8.9.

-DjTasty 1.8.9 [Cape Mod] [lets u get a 2011 cape hueheu]
-Reach Display [ Shows your Reach]
-RealTimeTranslation[Just a mod to help translate chat]
-Batty's coords[speaks for itself]
-IngameAccSwitcher[Just got this mod today,idk if it works, dont take my word on it]
-IngameInfo[Shows what ur holding and all that jazz, also shows ArmorStatus and effects]
-LunatriusCore [ For Schematica i believe]
-Mouse Delay Fix[ fixes the 1.8 glitch]
-Orange 1.7 Animations[ Do /oldanimation or /oldanimations]
-ParticleMod [ think its /particlemod]
-ToggleSneak Chroma 1.8.9[ U can edit text to, i changed my ToggleSneak to Henry's Burrito huehueheu]
-VoidChat [ Kinda like FastChat except i couldve gotten FastChat if Henry told meh the link ;-;]

EXTRA SIDE NOTE,Before Trina,Gab and Tim go flock like sheep into the comment section and say mean stuff, 
Yes im aware that the ToggleSneak 1.8.9 is 30kb. You probably heard that any ToggleSneak over 26kb is a client
I got it from Arbaz, u can check for ur self if u dont believe me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PD82J7LdlQ

If staff tells me to take it down, il do it lol, and remove the ToggleSneak, il gladly do it
Anyways, Heres the Link http://www.mediafire.com/file/2skakpyysg450lb/1.8.9.rar

Anyways uClickn out, if this counts as spam, idk why it actually counts as it, im fine with it

RATTLEWARRIOR September 21, 2017 at 2:09 AM UTC

use labymod I personally think client is less laggy /shrug

profbananaslug September 21, 2017 at 3:09 AM UTC

use labymod I personally think client is less laggy /shrug
labymod is LITERALLY a german bitcoin miner

Wahiz September 21, 2017 at 9:09 AM UTC

Toggle Sprint is legal as long as you have the sneaking part disabled it should be fine.

Hivu September 21, 2017 at 3:09 PM UTC

labymod is LITERALLY a german bitcoin miner
better german than anything else

Clickn September 21, 2017 at 8:09 PM UTC

use labymod I personally think client is less laggy /shrug
Labymod sucks u turd, just my opinion ;-;

twopump September 21, 2017 at 8:09 PM UTC

labymod is pretty good, considering it is one of the very few 1.8.9 pvp clients out there besides j3ultimate and 5zig. Besides those youre only real option is forge but sometimes forge (atleast for me on 1.8.9) after a while itll give me 0fps lagspikes, which i never got with labymod

alexanderjoe September 22, 2017 at 12:09 AM UTC

In-Game Account Switcher mod does work, but instead of username you need to use an email.

Clickn September 22, 2017 at 1:09 AM UTC

In-Game Account Switcher mod does work, but instead of username you need to use an email.
oh, nice to know hehe