Having a family, built with my own sweat and strength. Having two children, those would play and ask me to take them to Disneyland, and I'd say "No." secretly wanting to, but not being able to since my earnings would not be enough. I would have my other half, someone who loved me to death, and I would love her, too. We would live and die together, and then an alien will maintain my head in ice so he can put my head in a robot so I can still be alive but not that alive though, as I would be a cyborg. In brief, my dream is being a cyborg.
Having a family, built with my own sweat and strength. Having two children, those would play and ask me to take them to Disneyland, and I'd say "No." secretly wanting to, but not being able to since my earnings would not be enough. I would have my other half, someone who loved me to death, and I would love her, too. We would live and die together, and then an alien will maintain my head in ice so he can put my head in a robot so I can still be alive but not that alive though, as I would be a cyborg. In brief, my dream is being a cyborg.
those would play and ask me to take them to Disneyland, and I'd say "No."
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