Avicus Archive

a thank you by RATTLEWARRIOR January 7, 2018 at 7:01 PM UTC

so i joined avicus at the very end of MCZone. for a while, i had the mczone ip and then it didnt work anymore for me so i didnt connect to avicus for a while. but over the years its been fun playing on this server and stuff, and there are a few people who made my time worth while

ADHDS ASHLey i havent talked to you since i was last ingame on my main account but it was fun talking to you and stuff, i remember when your ign was mynameis_ashley or something.
kiawwa  kycrafft  I remember the uhcs we played and it was like 12 at night and my dad came and yelled at me, those were great memories.
twopump henry, i never really got to know you but we always seemed to have a connection, idk

also there were alot of people that i cant remember

but it was fun playing on the AVICUS network

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EDJM9 January 7, 2018 at 7:01 PM UTC

hey you should join Team HOME!

poofywoo January 7, 2018 at 8:01 PM UTC

Uh ok