Avicus Archive

Bows Help by ravingpixelz June 20, 2014 at 5:06 PM UTC

OK, so basically when most people shoot, the arrow goes straight, making it easier to bow. However, when I shoot it dips down. Any help?

goldenwalrus909 June 20, 2014 at 5:06 PM UTC

Wait, what? All arrows dip down unless you have a mod or something that prevents that xD  You just have to get the feel for the arrow and where it'll go. Like, trigonometry :3

ravingpixelz June 20, 2014 at 5:06 PM UTC

If u compared mine and mc black snipers arrows, you'll see a difference.

cinammoncroc000 June 20, 2014 at 5:06 PM UTC

Did you make this observation through watching other's videos?
If so, check your FOV settings (go to options and it'll be the upper left option.) If it's low, that may be why you think it "dips down" so much. Try raising it higher.
And if that doesn't help, just aim higher :P

goldenwalrus909 June 20, 2014 at 5:06 PM UTC

Yes, Cinnamon may be correct. Wait, or would having high FOV make it seem like it curves more because there's more of a sensitive warp with your vision? I play at 87, so I don't have any idea. Also, may we see a video MCBlackSniper's arrows? That might help a little :3
Also, the arrow curves more if you don't hold down the shooting button very much. If you hold it down for .5 seconds, you'll make a weak shot that curves. It also appears to curve more drastically when making far shots. If I'm correct, the ratio of movement to curvature is about the same, except since it's on a bigger scale, it's more noticeable. Due to this, when you shoot someone near you, the arrow doesn't curve much because it's not traveling a long distance.