Avicus Archive

[Cant appeal]banned on my own MC account by KikiV2 March 2, 2017 at 1:03 AM UTC

I can't appeal.
So yeah, I'm posting this here because I got banned on my "finally" stable Minecraft account SibMaj7 due "Ban evasion" for Spartemex, and as you may see, I'm not even banned .-. this account was borrowed and KikiMaloo was stolen as I said on that account account (and that's why it is banned actually) so now I got my own after 3 or 4 months.

So I'm not evading any ban on SibMaj7, rather than that, I was playing finally on a own Minecraft account. :D 

PD: I'm posting this on this account because I couldn't even get registered after they permanently banned me on SibMaj7 so that I can't apply on that one, and I just played less than an hour.

Hope you understand and finally let me play on my own Minecraft account.

shadowolfyt March 2, 2017 at 1:03 AM UTC

Hello there,
Please visit https://avicus.net/appeal to appeal your punishment if you think it is invalid or incorrect.
