Avicus Archive

45 People in the forums :D by resepignev July 4, 2014 at 8:07 PM UTC

Here you go!
And a little Question, what is the record of the most Avicus users in the forums ?(http://prntscr.com/3zflgf) 45 *-*

Staff Application Auratixx




[email protected]



Criteria 1 - Self Reflection/Evaluation

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a moderator?

Personally, I would like to see myself as a caring, thoughtful and decisive individual who strives to resolve matters in the best possible way, ensures transparency is at a max and aims to succeed. I am respectful, considerate and determined to get the job done, no matter what the personal cost may be. I always stop and think about how the other person/people will feel and react and then make a judgement that includes that which I feel makes moderating techniques unique to others.

Have you ever been banned before? If so, for what reason? Was this ban valid?

Yes I was permanently banned on October 23, 2015 by Pelpelajax, with the reasoning of, “Leaking classified Moderator Team and Senior Team information” and in some people’s eyes, yes this ban was infact valid, but in others it was not. I was appealed around 10 days later after discussing it with Pel. I don’t want to rant on pathetically but I’ll cut it short: after my demotion I was continuously asked by players why and I said “I had an argument with Para” and one time I mentioned one of the topics, which some thought was a step too far. The other reason was that I linked two users a Junior Mod review sheet from early 2014 which I was given by Zeus. I just wanted to fill you in incase you didn’t know.

How active would you say you are on the server as a whole? How much do you think you interact with the community?

After chatting with Ryan on Skype I decided to start putting more time into contributing to forum discussions and playing on the server, I am also an active user on TeamSpeak. I would say I’m quite well known within both the community and staff team, and I enjoy connecting with both parties. All three of my surveys have had over 20 replies and each have (hopefully) had an impact on future decisions.

Criteria 2 - General Situations

Many reports are coming in regarding a player harassing others. You are in a scrimmage and close to winning the match, but you are the only staff member on. How would you handle the situation?

Now I’m sure you’re aware I’m in Apollo and when I used to be staff I would always make sure there was at least two moderators that weren’t scrimming, and that meant I had to not play sometimes. Nothing is more important than the player body and if that means leaving a competitive match then so be it. Reports always come first.

A group of players are repeatedly joining the support room channels on TeamSpeak to troll, you are the only staff member online, what do you do?

Well firstly I’d @here in the Slack channel just to get support if needed to punish, next I’d proceed to attempt to talk to them, getting the basic information. If they’re being unresponsive then I’d kick them, then a 10 minute ban. If they return then either a sticky or extended ban would be necessary.

A player has been banned in-game is constantly posting on his/her appeal. No staff member has replied to these posts in 3 days, but as a Junior Moderator, you are not allowed to make a decision on the situation. How would you handle this?

I’d put aside the actual appeal and reply to the thread stating that constantly bumping will not aid their appeal and chances of success will be less. I’d make it dead clear that the senior staff team are extremely busy and you should have patience. If they reply to my post then I’d take it to Skype.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak? Yes/No:

Yes, and a fully functional mic.

Do you have access to Skype? Yes/No:

Yes, my username is live:j420ac10k

Do you have anything else to add to your application?

Yes, infact an honest confession. I would like to admit to my mistakes and arrogant, defensive attitude towards a number of individuals in the senior staff. I’ve learnt that I was wrong and shouldn’t have acted the way I did. Recently I’ve attempted to redeem myself by giving feedback on several matters to both admins and a few days ago I contacted John and Sli. I hope past incidents can be put aside as I have lots of ideas I want to share woud like to give as much detailed feedback as possible.

Thank you so much for reading this and hope you have a great day!

Appreciation to resepignev on HTML help! Also Sli, don't use divs to seperate the lines!

Numberz_ July 4, 2014 at 8:07 PM UTC


iDiamondPorkchop July 4, 2014 at 8:07 PM UTC

Yea boi! I'm part of it xD

KalinD July 4, 2014 at 8:07 PM UTC

Maybe alot when Avicore was out^^

Netuxx July 4, 2014 at 9:07 PM UTC

Yay i was there :P