Avicus Archive

Ask Me Anything! | #AMA by Tpak February 19, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

Hello my fellow Avicus members. Today, I feel like doing a AMA .(Ask Me Anything) Please put appropriate questions so it will be a fun experience answering these questions!

Kindest Regards

DaFrozenBlaze February 19, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

Where do you live?
What is your real name?
Favourite food?
Favourite fruit?
Favourite drink?
Favourite animal?
Favourite colour?
Favourite Avicus map?
How did you find Avicus?
Chocolate filled donut or donut filled chocolate?
If you were stuck in a room forever and you can bring in 5 things/persons with you, what and who would they be?

Tpak February 19, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

Wow, that is a lot of questions, first of all Hi
Lincolnshire, England
Coca Cola
Pandas <3
Rendezvous 3.5
A friend told me about it (WestTidePvP) And I am certain he founded it through Legoche
Any of the two becuase chocolate is luv, chocolate is life <3
Water, Food, A female, A gaming device and Morgan Freeman.