Avicus Archive

An Honest Opinion by Ciaan May 24, 2017 at 2:05 AM UTC


First off I'm just going to state that I ran this past no one on the staff team as I desperately want the community views on this matter. So recently I've been thinking about the staff team, and more specifically the differences between its members. First, I'm going to make a disclaimer stating that I'm not making this post to slander anyone or to start an argument - I just want the community's opinion and share my own.

So what are my opinions on the Avicus Staff Team? I could legitimately rant on forever but I'm narrowing it down to one word - divided. The inactivity of the team itself is a major issue yet I feel the staff team has a much bigger issue that has been very problematic recently; the division.
In an attempt to stay as far away from the cringe and corn as possible let me try to explain. You have those who are referred to as "sweaty, tryhard mods" and you have those mods that "do nothing" apparently.

Personally, my main focus and the main reason for becoming a mod was not to turn into a glorified, pretentious little brat trying to feel powerful on a Minecraft server - it was to create a better experience for the community. If we are real here for a minute that's what most mods would say when asked why they became a mod but their actions say differently in my eyes.
A mod shouldn't seek out to give infractions and it should not be their main goal. I'd confidently say that most of the EU timezone players can vouch for me when I say I'm a more than fair mod in my opinion.
I don't try to give out infractions unnecessarily, I am (for the most part) respectful, and I get what needs to be done done. Yet I am by no means "a sweaty mod". I have always taken a more laid back approach when it comes to moderating. I joined Avicus for the first time and within 4 months of playing AS A PLAYER (not trying for Junior at all), I was referred and given Jr Mod.

During my Junior trials, I maintained a chill aspect and got Mod. In my eyes, you don't need to try hard to get promoted. I have never set out on getting any more than Mod, my focus has been on being a Mod. This is where the moderators are losing focus in my opinion.
They are too busy trying to be innovative and impress the Seniors and Admins that they simply are not doing their job correctly. However, it seems that these Mods are those who consistently get the praise and the promotions. In the least offensive way possible I'm saying that I think something is wrong here.

Honestly, I have contemplated retiring at some points but decided against it as I can actually recognise how bad the staff team is currently. Now that I gave my honest opinion on the matter in a cheeky rant, let me hear yours. Try to prove me wrong, try to back me up. I just want honesty from ANYONE. 

What do you prefer? A "laid-back Mod", or a "stricter, sweaty Mod". Why?

Give me rants. I luv em

pinksheps May 24, 2017 at 2:05 AM UTC


twopump May 24, 2017 at 2:05 AM UTC

I prefer a happy medium because yeah, you will have those mods that sweat and yeah, you will also have those mods that are chill. But I think there should be more of a happy medium (I can name a few that fit into the three categories) because that way rules are enforced, but players do not feel like they get punished for doing something small. If I was to choose between those 2 types of mods, I wouldn't choose any of them. This is because if you have all laid back mods you get nothing done, and all sweaty mods isn't any better because then players feel like they can't do anything without it breaking some type of rule. If this makes no sense I'll be happy to clarify.

KojaCola May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC


Thank you for making this. There isn't really many opportunities where we can reflect on our staff team. So here's what I think.

I am one of the more uptight strict mods, but I also like to have fun. I personally think stricter mods are better because they do a more efficient job paying attention to chat and activity wise. A couple months before staff applications came out, I started seriously sweating for mod. Like.... Seriously sweating. I was honestly giving out more verbal warning than the mods themselves. I was given a lot of negative feedback, but I still enjoyed it, and I still enjoy it to this day. I also think I do a pretty good job of making the experience of the Avicus player better by introducing new players to the community (forums and teamspeak) as well as helping any players with immidiate help when they need it, and having an overall good time. As you said, our jobs are to make the experience of the Avicus player better.

With that being said, I think the current state of the staff team is alright. Some staff members dedicate themselves more than other, but we all care. A lot of players give us a lot of negativity if we are "too sweaty" or we "try too hard". I just want to say that if we seem like we over dedicate, or if we seem to take our job too seriously, it's just because we care. It's a community we love and we want to support it by doing our jobs. If we seem to harsh it's just because we're doing our duties to the full extent. 

I think the current mods are doing a good job fulfilling their job, but we can always do better. 

Anyway, that's my ramble. 


ytilauxesomoh May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

Laid back because they dont punish me for having fun.

dev_revs May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

I prefer a happy medium because yeah, you will have those mods that sweat and yeah, you will also have those mods that are chill. But I think there should be more of a happy medium (I can name a few that fit into the three categories) because that way rules are enforced, but players do not feel like they get punished for doing something small. If I was to choose between those 2 types of mods, I wouldn't choose any of them. This is because if you have all laid back mods you get nothing done, and all sweaty mods isn't any better because then players feel like they can't do anything without it breaking some type of rule. If this makes no sense I'll be happy to clarify.
You are one of the mods that people call "sweaty". You can find out if a mod is sweaty by his jr mod trial.

I have actually seen a very large improvement in the staff team. Rarely have to ping for mods in discord. I do think some mods need to stop moderating on scrim servers, because we all know how it goes. If you are a mod on a team and you get salty you wont punish your team, but you will the enemy team. Has happened multiple times. This is why team rocket doesn't let moderation staff in our team, (poker is a coach) because most mods focus on moderating in scrims, when they should focus on the match. Ciaan, mad respect for you, very chill- laid back mod, you allow the salt on scrim servers which shows your standpoint in these two positions.

twopump May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

I don't call mods sweat or anything, if I do it isn't really serious/meant. As for scrims, yeah I know some mods can be salty and not punish (what you said basically) but they are a mod, if they aren't doing their job get a Sr or a higher staff and they will definitely deal with it. I hope I didn't misunderstand what you said but this is how I saw it.

KojaCola May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

You are one of the mods that people call "sweaty". You can find out if a mod is sweaty by his jr mod trial.

I have actually seen a very large improvement in the staff team. Rarely have to ping for mods in discord. I do think some mods need to stop moderating on scrim servers, because we all know how it goes. If you are a mod on a team and you get salty you wont punish your team, but you will the enemy team. Has happened multiple times. This is why team rocket doesn't let moderation staff in our team, (poker is a coach) because most mods focus on moderating in scrims, when they should focus on the match. Ciaan, mad respect for you, very chill- laid back mod, you allow the salt on scrim servers which shows your standpoint in these two positions.
Its really really tricky with scrims.... Especially with chat infractions... I agree this is something that needs to be adressed

rinn May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

The problem is that the Senior Staff team often sees the sweaty Mods as the people working the hardest and contributing the most, hence leaning towards them when considering a promotion. That idea often isn't true and is a facade put on by many Moderators to make themselves seem as if they're the hardest-working. Since there are a limited number of Senior Mods, it becomes difficult for them to pick out the high-quality Mods. When this happens, they try to look for the Mods who stand out the most, which often turns out to be the robotic, sweaty Mods. In no way can this directly be blamed on the Administration nor the Senior Staff team as a whole, but it's definitely something to consider when looking for someone to promote. 

Regarding your question, I definitely prefer someone who's a lot more laid-back. It's not enjoyable to talk to a stiff Moderator who could honestly be mistaken for a bot sometimes. Mods who don't hide their personalities/opinions and interact well with the community are usually of higher quality. This is why PieZ is one of the best staff members the server has had. As a Mod, Pie always did his job in a relaxed manner, treating those who broke the rules with the same respect as he did those who didn't, and explaining both how they broke the rules and why the rule was in place. To add on to this, Pie spoke to everyone the same way no matter who they were, that being casually and respectfully. Pie also voiced his opinion very often and showed that his intentions were to better the server, not to better himself.

Crazy_ May 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

Alright, so here's my 2 cents on this. Even before I was a Sr mod (like when I was a mod on this server or OCN), I was able to see that promotions aren't always based on how much you 'tryhard'. Heck, most of the biggest tryhards on OCN never got mod. Attitude, maturity, and the quality (?) of the work I've always found is a bigger aspect in regards to promotions. However, sitting back waiting to be picked doesn't always work (or at least not as quickly).

How I got mod is very much like you story. On OCN, a referral was created and I got Jr. After being promoted, and even to this day, I've been generally pretty laid back. When I came over here, I felt like I had something the Sr team wanted (or as Greg put it "we need good mods" - ones with experience). And then a few months (maybe it was weeks honestly) into my time as a mod here, I was messaged by an admin at the time telling me they were looking for more Srs, and that if I showed what I could do, I might get Sr. At that time, I had no idea what I was suppose to do. I tried to be online as much as I could for that week, and tried to be the best moderator I could. After the week ended, I never heard back from that admin & I presumed I had failed that opportunity (or whatever you want to call it). A few more weeks passed and I retired from all staff positions. I came back to the staff team 3 months later, and was promoted to Sr within a few days.

Now I'm not saying that promoting me to Sr a few days after I came back was a great choice. Heck, it was a pretty bad choice in my opinion. I had to struggle with learning all the new changes in the staff team, the server, and on top of all that learn how to be a Sr. But what was different this time vs when I was offered a chance to be a Sr was that I actually felt like I had done something to "prove" myself. Just around this time I was in the process of revamping the SMedia team (I could have done a better job on the whole thing, I'll admit that any day). During this time I was able to show the Admins (and I guess anyone else who cared, I really only communicated with Posighdun) that I was able to do work to a decent level, and that I had initiative to work on something that no one else put any effort into for months prior.

Now that I'm starting to feel that this is just a post about me, so let's get back to the point I was trying to make. How much you 'tryhard' and at what level you do it doesn't always matter. Like doing work is great, but it's more than just that. This is why not every guy you see tryharding gets the promotion they were after. 

edit: wow ok this post really is more about me than the point I'm trying to make. Sorry about that. Just like focus on the first and last paragraphs

Xuph May 24, 2017 at 4:05 AM UTC

You need to split the power from the very upper staff and down correctly. There are power dividing problems imo where the admins get too much power at certain occasions seeing as they're the highest staff, in other occasions they DO need to have more power than the rest and they don't. 

I feel the staff team is more divided by groups of friends that try to get eachother demoted, rather than "laid back" and "sweaty" mod. I mean I have literally seen in my eyes people asking for feedback or smth on their map or the way they moderate whatever the fuck, they get negative feedback from a fellow friendly moderator and then start hating on him for giving him bad feedback and try and get him demoted and always give bad feedback to him back

Thats a sad butthurt and sounds really unrealistic but ive seen some cases like this which sucks.

Also for those of you going to  complain about bias: YOU CANT
Bias is in human nature and you are biased irl everyday, its human nature to prefer a friend over somebody else. So dont try to "REMOVE" the bias or tell staff to not be biased since its not possible. Therefore there are other ways of taking decisions and trying to MINIMALIZE the bias by involving lots of the staff in the decision rather than a small group of people - like tourney decisions involve refs (that are not playing for the team that is being voted), officials. there are lots of other ways u can think about im sure but dont try to remove the bias - its impossible.

i also fucking despise the way posighdun runs the avicus staff team its horrible but unfortunately i dont see any of the current sr mods being able to run it better.

Acceqted May 24, 2017 at 4:05 AM UTC

I think that all the mods need a new reason of why they applied or accepted the position in the first place.

ArmamentHaki May 24, 2017 at 5:05 AM UTC

Luckily I m not a mod Id fuck up everything

__Talus__ May 24, 2017 at 5:05 AM UTC

I like to think I was a fairly chill mod, but that backfired on me horribly. By the sounds of it you can maintain a good balance of doing your job. If anything, we need more mods like you lmao.

dev_revs May 24, 2017 at 5:05 AM UTC

I like to think I was a fairly chill mod, but that backfired on me horribly. By the sounds of it you can maintain a good balance of doing your job. If anything, we need more mods like you lmao.
Very chill and laidback mod, +1 one of my fav staff members (ex)

__Talus__ May 24, 2017 at 5:05 AM UTC

Very chill and laidback mod, +1 one of my fav staff members (ex)

shadowolfyt May 24, 2017 at 6:05 AM UTC


kon333 May 24, 2017 at 6:05 AM UTC


Posighdun May 24, 2017 at 7:05 AM UTC

They are too busy trying to be innovative and impress the Seniors and Admins that they simply are not doing their job correctly. However, it seems that these Mods are those who consistently get the praise and the promotions. 

Crazy_ Explained this pretty well. Majority of the tryhard mods, from what i see at least, tend to get promoted because they demonstrate the necessary skills to get promoted, such as leadership. The laid back type of approach is all well and good but I think a laid back moderator is more likely to just moderate where as a "sweaty" moderator tends to go beyond just performing their moderator duties and hence stands out.

What do you prefer? A "laid-back Mod", or a "stricter, sweaty Mod". Why?
In my opinion, neither. There are certain times when you should be laid back and other times when you should be strict (not sweaty). I personally think a balance between the two is ideal. 

I think  KojaCola summed it up pretty good.
 Some staff members dedicate themselves more than other, but we all care. A lot of players give us a lot of negativity if we are "too sweaty" or we "try too hard". I just want to say that if we seem like we over dedicate, or if we seem to take our job too seriously, it's just because we care. It's a community we love and we want to support it by doing our jobs. If we seem to harsh it's just because we're doing our duties to the full extent. 

K_R_Cord May 24, 2017 at 7:05 AM UTC

I have been close to the staff team for maybe a month and the way some of the moderators treat each other is a fucking joke. Some of them bite at the chance to take each other down and make themselves look better. They are even glorified by the community for taking down the "weak" mods. It was said before and fuck you I am biased but Pie is probably the only one that can fix this issue but I do not believe he has the balls nor a strategy to even start. And before I claim something false or you say you can easily fix this, fuck you, I can't even fix this mess in less than a year.

Edit: I would like to point out that this is a major issue in other parts of the server as well. Not just the mods.

Xuph May 24, 2017 at 7:05 AM UTC

I have been close to the staff team for maybe a month and the way some of the moderators treat each other is a fucking joke. Some of them bite at the chance to take each other down and make themselves look better. They are even glorified by the community for taking down the "weak" mods. It was said before and fuck you I am biased but Pie is probably the only one that can fix this issue but I do not believe he has the balls nor a strategy to even start. And before I claim something false or you say you can easily fix this, fuck you, I can't even fix this mess in less than a year.

Edit: I would like to point out that this is a major issue in other parts of the server as well. Not just the mods.
i love you

Riilo May 24, 2017 at 7:05 AM UTC

Didn't know staff could state their opinion without getting demoted! 

Anyways, on topic. I like the mods that can actually take A FUCKING JOKE. It is extremely hard to find those kind of mods nowadays. These kind of mods know the line, they know when jokes are excessive but know how to do their job. The people who farm the infractions because they want to look "cool" are pathetic. They are the ones that shouldn't be getting Senior Mod, Official, Map Dev, etc. I just feel that "caring" isn't an excuse, they should take a chill pill, put on your sandles, go to the beach and relax.

SnowSX3 May 24, 2017 at 8:05 AM UTC

It's fairly easy to distinguish who works hard for a rank and who works hard for the community. 

I used to to be strict as hell when I first got mod in early 2015, but that's because I didn't know any better.

These days I'd like to think I have a laid back Moderating approach. 

I've done this long enough to distinguish the difference between "we need to issue this guy an infraction because the guideline says so and nothing else"
"we need to identify the situation and help this person learn from their mistakes and teach them how to avoid doing it again in the future" 

I think 'tryhards' tend to go for the first option and decent mods go for the second.

Ciaan May 24, 2017 at 9:05 AM UTC

They are too busy trying to be innovative and impress the Seniors and Admins that they simply are not doing their job correctly. However, it seems that these Mods are those who consistently get the praise and the promotions. 

Crazy_ Explained this pretty well. Majority of the tryhard mods, from what i see at least, tend to get promoted because they demonstrate the necessary skills to get promoted, such as leadership. The laid back type of approach is all well and good but I think a laid back moderator is more likely to just moderate where as a "sweaty" moderator tends to go beyond just performing their moderator duties and hence stands out.

What do you prefer? A "laid-back Mod", or a "stricter, sweaty Mod". Why?
In my opinion, neither. There are certain times when you should be laid back and other times when you should be strict (not sweaty). I personally think a balance between the two is ideal. 

I think  KojaCola summed it up pretty good.
 Some staff members dedicate themselves more than other, but we all care. A lot of players give us a lot of negativity if we are "too sweaty" or we "try too hard". I just want to say that if we seem like we over dedicate, or if we seem to take our job too seriously, it's just because we care. It's a community we love and we want to support it by doing our jobs. If we seem to harsh it's just because we're doing our duties to the full extent. 

Yeah, you three put your perspective of the situation quite well to be fair. I can see where you're coming from but I think you're overlooking a few things.

Yes the "tryhard" mods may show leadership skills and may look like they would be better for the job over other, more laid back mods but I genuinely think that is rarely the case. They, from what I have seen, try too hard to act like a Sr that they arent fulfilling their moderator duties. This could possible be a reason for their promotion as you feel they'd suit the job better but why do they want Se in the first place? The vibe I get from most of the so called "sweaty" mods is that they want glory, they want a rank. If they truely wanted to better the community they would focus on being a Moderator. I'm not saying to not have any sort of amibition, but there should be a balance. 

Secondly, they follow to punishment guidelines to an absolute tee, without any lenience. A good leader should be able to assess the situation, adapt to it, and make a decision. They shouldnt have to resort the guidelines 24/7.

Thirdly, using myself as an example, I genuinely believe that if it ever comes to it, any "laid back" moderator would be able to get serious and get the job done when necessary. I know for a fact and you could probably vouch me on this knowing my personality pretty well that and scrimming with me a lot that I can have my fun and be relaxed but I will get serious when I feel ITS APPROPRIATE. This is what I think is important for a good leader; knowing when to be serious instead of resorting to being serious all the time

Posighdun May 24, 2017 at 9:05 AM UTC

Yeah, you three put your perspective of the situation quite well to be fair. I can see where you're coming from but I think you're overlooking a few things.

Yes the "tryhard" mods may show leadership skills and may look like they would be better for the job over other, more laid back mods but I genuinely think that is rarely the case. They, from what I have seen, try too hard to act like a Sr that they arent fulfilling their moderator duties. This could possible be a reason for their promotion as you feel they'd suit the job better but why do they want Se in the first place? The vibe I get from most of the so called "sweaty" mods is that they want glory, they want a rank. If they truely wanted to better the community they would focus on being a Moderator. I'm not saying to not have any sort of amibition, but there should be a balance. 

Secondly, they follow to punishment guidelines to an absolute tee, without any lenience. A good leader should be able to assess the situation, adapt to it, and make a decision. They shouldnt have to resort the guidelines 24/7.

Thirdly, using myself as an example, I genuinely believe that if it ever comes to it, any "laid back" moderator would be able to get serious and get the job done when necessary. I know for a fact and you could probably vouch me on this knowing my personality pretty well that and scrimming with me a lot that I can have my fun and be relaxed but I will get serious when I feel ITS APPROPRIATE. This is what I think is important for a good leader; knowing when to be serious instead of resorting to being serious all the time
All of the "sweaty" mods meet some form of criteria if they're promoted to Senior. We wouldn't just promote someone off the fact they do x amount of bans per day or follow the guidelines to the letter.

There is honestly nothing wrong with doing that, It's playing it safe. Whether they are lenient or not, we can't force them to be lenient. That's just how they are.  

Yes, I don't mean laid back moderators are slack and don't do extra. What I mean is genuinely, from what I see, the ones who put more effort in get more out of it.

TheTNTPotato May 24, 2017 at 12:05 PM UTC

Alright, so here's my 2 cents on this. Even before I was a Sr mod (like when I was a mod on this server or OCN), I was able to see that promotions aren't always based on how much you 'tryhard'. Heck, most of the biggest tryhards on OCN never got mod. Attitude, maturity, and the quality (?) of the work I've always found is a bigger aspect in regards to promotions. However, sitting back waiting to be picked doesn't always work (or at least not as quickly).

How I got mod is very much like you story. On OCN, a referral was created and I got Jr. After being promoted, and even to this day, I've been generally pretty laid back. When I came over here, I felt like I had something the Sr team wanted (or as Greg put it "we need good mods" - ones with experience). And then a few months (maybe it was weeks honestly) into my time as a mod here, I was messaged by an admin at the time telling me they were looking for more Srs, and that if I showed what I could do, I might get Sr. At that time, I had no idea what I was suppose to do. I tried to be online as much as I could for that week, and tried to be the best moderator I could. After the week ended, I never heard back from that admin & I presumed I had failed that opportunity (or whatever you want to call it). A few more weeks passed and I retired from all staff positions. I came back to the staff team 3 months later, and was promoted to Sr within a few days.

Now I'm not saying that promoting me to Sr a few days after I came back was a great choice. Heck, it was a pretty bad choice in my opinion. I had to struggle with learning all the new changes in the staff team, the server, and on top of all that learn how to be a Sr. But what was different this time vs when I was offered a chance to be a Sr was that I actually felt like I had done something to "prove" myself. Just around this time I was in the process of revamping the SMedia team (I could have done a better job on the whole thing, I'll admit that any day). During this time I was able to show the Admins (and I guess anyone else who cared, I really only communicated with Posighdun) that I was able to do work to a decent level, and that I had initiative to work on something that no one else put any effort into for months prior.

Now that I'm starting to feel that this is just a post about me, so let's get back to the point I was trying to make. How much you 'tryhard' and at what level you do it doesn't always matter. Like doing work is great, but it's more than just that. This is why not every guy you see tryharding gets the promotion they were after. 

edit: wow ok this post really is more about me than the point I'm trying to make. Sorry about that. Just like focus on the first and last paragraphs
>Heck, most of the biggest tryhards on OCN never got mod. 

Learn from me: tryhard for 2-3 years then stop for 1 and you get insta-mod
Anyways, to this day I'll never understand why so many people struggle to be both a "sweaty mod" and a laidback one. You can be a bit of a tryhard and still manage to be laidback. You can also appear to be one but actually be the other, which to me is an ineffective but rather interesting way of going about things. Regardless of which type you are, as long as you do your job and do it well, there should be no issues.

I've noticed that the ones who make the most mistakes tend to be the sweaty ones only because they "tryhard" and as a result people notice the mistakes more, resulting in mild chaos on both the "player-side" and mod-side of things. The laidback ones, when they make mistakes, are generally brushed away since the laidback persona makes any mistake seem far less severe, therefore they can just go on with their regular schedule and not worry. However, when a sweaty mod doesn't make a mistake, they generally do perform extremely well and get the deserved promotions. 

There's division everywhere and you can't really stop that. You can try your best to make it as unnoticeable as possible, but it's impossible to get rid of it. Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck with doing what you can. ;p   

yummys May 24, 2017 at 1:05 PM UTC

I think being a "sweaty tryhard mod" is a good thing at times, because when there are rule breakers people want them to be punished so they don't ruin the game, but when there are no rule breakers people want a "chill laid back mod" to hang out with and talk with. That's just my opinion.

cincip May 24, 2017 at 1:05 PM UTC

Ciaan, you're sweaty babe

DaGoldBrick May 24, 2017 at 1:05 PM UTC


RATTLEWARRIOR May 24, 2017 at 2:05 PM UTC

hlf of the new mods still ask other mods what to do. can trials be longer? or can you please teach them all of the rules

Junr May 24, 2017 at 3:05 PM UTC

It's fairly easy to distinguish who works hard for a rank and who works hard for the community. 

I used to to be strict as hell when I first got mod in early 2015, but that's because I didn't know any better.

These days I'd like to think I have a laid back Moderating approach. 

I've done this long enough to distinguish the difference between "we need to issue this guy an infraction because the guideline says so and nothing else"
"we need to identify the situation and help this person learn from their mistakes and teach them how to avoid doing it again in the future" 

I think 'tryhards' tend to go for the first option and decent mods go for the second.
At a certain point we were all strict, but then eventually we loosened up and learned different strategies as we gained more experience.

profbananaslug May 24, 2017 at 4:05 PM UTC

yeah I remember when """"henry"""", known sweaty mod, went on his sweaty little crusade againt the letter "L". everyone went super crazy, spamming L and other letters in chat, making giant "L" signs on maps, and complaining about the rule on discord, the server, and the forums. then suddenly, when piez, known cool dude, came in and said "L" was ok, suddenly people stopped using it. i've barely seen people use it since then. really makes you ponder....

kon333 May 24, 2017 at 4:05 PM UTC

yeah I remember when """"henry"""", known sweaty mod, went on his sweaty little crusade againt the letter "L". everyone went super crazy, spamming L and other letters in chat, making giant "L" signs on maps, and complaining about the rule on discord, the server, and the forums. then suddenly, when piez, known cool dude, came in and said "L" was ok, suddenly people stopped using it. i've barely seen people use it since then. really makes you ponder....

ArmamentHaki May 24, 2017 at 4:05 PM UTC

lol how can a mod be sweaty do they get anything from tryharding

rinn May 24, 2017 at 7:05 PM UTC

lol how can a mod be sweaty do they get anything from tryharding
sometimes it's out of principle, but other times there is a perception that tryharding will bring promotion. promotion brings power and authority, which many people desire

BoldAndBrash May 24, 2017 at 9:05 PM UTC

sometimes it's out of principle, but other times there is a perception that tryharding will bring promotion. promotion brings power and authority, which many people desire
Sadly, that perception is true and works almost 100% of the time.

rinn May 24, 2017 at 10:05 PM UTC

Sadly, that perception is true and works almost 100% of the time.
Yeah. TBF I always thought you worked to benefit the server rather than yourself and that you always voiced your opinions regardless of circumstance. You're definitely overdue a promotion o/

imryaan May 24, 2017 at 10:05 PM UTC

I do get serious but only when it's needed. I feel that "sweating" or "tryharding" all the time is really unnecessary as most people play this game to have some fun and to not be scared away because people are constantly dishing out infractions to people because they enjoy doing that..

ApolloIsFunky May 25, 2017 at 12:05 AM UTC

i think everyone should just fuck off and be nice to each to each other within the staff team. people was telling me how other mods gang up on each other. really? pathetic. be nice, help the server out, and don't worry about each other.

InputIGNHere May 25, 2017 at 1:05 AM UTC

Mods, specifically "tryhards": 1. Act like you are a player. 2. Give people chances :) 3. Pretend you don't have the red MOD prefix and enjoy the game no need to sweat your balls off. 4. DON'T BE POWER HUNGRY and Chill

Anyways, this game is to have fun right? If not, you tell me what this game is for then.

rinn May 25, 2017 at 3:05 AM UTC

Mods, specifically "tryhards": 1. Act like you are a player. 2. Give people chances :) 3. Pretend you don't have the red MOD prefix and enjoy the game no need to sweat your balls off. 4. DON'T BE POWER HUNGRY and Chill

Anyways, this game is to have fun right? If not, you tell me what this game is for then.

Goodnighht May 25, 2017 at 5:05 AM UTC

imo a mod should be able to be laid-back when it's something simple, like using caps or a bit of spam that was "DEF" because there's someone at the monument, but when it needs to be a serious time, like when someone is legitimately spamming to annoy everyone, there should be punishments dealt. There's a line that everyone sees differently, the line called "should I be laid-back right now or not?"

I like to think that I'm very laid-back, but I know some people would disagree with me, then again, those are the same people that get a lot of punishments from me because I asked them to stop 5 times and they didn't so I kick them. xD Anyway, I've always taken a more laid-back approach about some things, like caps and spam for example. But I've always been a lot more strict about suicide encouragement and racism. Honestly a lot of "tryhard" mods are just more strict about more things, and their opinion (that makes sense to an extent) is that the rules are rules, no exceptions. 

Just to add on, I've always noticed a line between Senior staff and Moderators. I think that most of the time, a regular player, or someone who hasn't been around the staff team much, would say that the Mods and Seniors seem to get along and they all (for the most part) know each other, and I would agree, sort of. From the first time I was Mod, and now, I've always felt like I don't know anything more than the community does about anything. That's not always a bad thing, but it is a bit frustrating when I feel like if they had ran through some ideas with the Moderators, just to make sure there's not some major flaw, or some new idea that could work really well, with whatever they are making, it might turn out better and not completely fail. I never know anything basically until the community does. (More recently that's because I've been so inactive, whoops.) I will say that in the recent times, meaning since the new Senior Mods were promoted, I've seen some more activity within the Seniors, and a bit more communication, but this has been a problem for at least as long as I've been staff, and I know before me this was even worse, sadly.

Anyway, like Koja said. Sometimes we are more strict because it's a joke, but it's not even funny anymore, because you've said it 12 times to the same person, that you're sitting in TS with. Yes, things are jokes, and sometimes it's funny, but honestly sometimes it gets annoying to see the same thing in chat over and over when it means nothing to you.

kon333 May 25, 2017 at 12:05 PM UTC

I'd like to add on from what I said earlier... 

When a person on Avicus is promoted to Jr Mod they will be strict, there is probably a 95% chance they are strict. If you are chilling as a Jr Mod giving out the occasional infraction because you are actually fucking chill you will probably fail your trial. The people that are 'sweaty' are probably the ones that actually get Mod. I don't feel the Seniors/Admins or whoever deals with Applications promote Jr Mods for the right reasons. I feel they promote the Jr Mods that are 10% brain cells and 90% sweaty for infractions instead of the people who have 100% fucking brain cells and know what they're doing. If I was Senior I would rather promote a guy who has 10 infractions and knows what they are doing then some guy who has 10,000 infractions and has no clue what they're doing. Being a sweaty Mod is just plain stupid and I mean you can't demote them for the reason of 'two sweaty' but you can teach them...

Tbh i considered myslef chilled, probs qhy i failed lol

_DISTRACTION_ May 25, 2017 at 4:05 PM UTC

imo a mod should be able to be laid-back when it's something simple, like using caps or a bit of spam that was "DEF" because there's someone at the monument, but when it needs to be a serious time, like when someone is legitimately spamming to annoy everyone, there should be punishments dealt. There's a line that everyone sees differently, the line called "should I be laid-back right now or not?"

I like to think that I'm very laid-back, but I know some people would disagree with me, then again, those are the same people that get a lot of punishments from me because I asked them to stop 5 times and they didn't so I kick them. xD Anyway, I've always taken a more laid-back approach about some things, like caps and spam for example. But I've always been a lot more strict about suicide encouragement and racism. Honestly a lot of "tryhard" mods are just more strict about more things, and their opinion (that makes sense to an extent) is that the rules are rules, no exceptions. 

Just to add on, I've always noticed a line between Senior staff and Moderators. I think that most of the time, a regular player, or someone who hasn't been around the staff team much, would say that the Mods and Seniors seem to get along and they all (for the most part) know each other, and I would agree, sort of. From the first time I was Mod, and now, I've always felt like I don't know anything more than the community does about anything. That's not always a bad thing, but it is a bit frustrating when I feel like if they had ran through some ideas with the Moderators, just to make sure there's not some major flaw, or some new idea that could work really well, with whatever they are making, it might turn out better and not completely fail. I never know anything basically until the community does. (More recently that's because I've been so inactive, whoops.) I will say that in the recent times, meaning since the new Senior Mods were promoted, I've seen some more activity within the Seniors, and a bit more communication, but this has been a problem for at least as long as I've been staff, and I know before me this was even worse, sadly.

Anyway, like Koja said. Sometimes we are more strict because it's a joke, but it's not even funny anymore, because you've said it 12 times to the same person, that you're sitting in TS with. Yes, things are jokes, and sometimes it's funny, but honestly sometimes it gets annoying to see the same thing in chat over and over when it means nothing to you.
"I've always felt like I don't know anything more than the community does about anything."

That's actually true... The mods don't really get exclusive sneak peeks anymore. Heck, even the builder and social media teams know more about the server's future than you guys do.

Zeusy May 26, 2017 at 6:05 AM UTC

I'd like to add on from what I said earlier... 

When a person on Avicus is promoted to Jr Mod they will be strict, there is probably a 95% chance they are strict. If you are chilling as a Jr Mod giving out the occasional infraction because you are actually fucking chill you will probably fail your trial. The people that are 'sweaty' are probably the ones that actually get Mod. I don't feel the Seniors/Admins or whoever deals with Applications promote Jr Mods for the right reasons. I feel they promote the Jr Mods that are 10% brain cells and 90% sweaty for infractions instead of the people who have 100% fucking brain cells and know what they're doing. If I was Senior I would rather promote a guy who has 10 infractions and knows what they are doing then some guy who has 10,000 infractions and has no clue what they're doing. Being a sweaty Mod is just plain stupid and I mean you can't demote them for the reason of 'two sweaty' but you can teach them...

There's a difference between being "chill" and careless you know...

Zeusy May 26, 2017 at 6:05 AM UTC

Tbh i considered myslef chilled, probs qhy i failed lol
Junior Mod is not the position to be chill in, if you haven't noticed. You can do that once you get the position, but trial ranks are just to test you, and if you don't show that you deserve to pass, you won't.

K_R_Cord May 26, 2017 at 6:05 AM UTC

"I've always felt like I don't know anything more than the community does about anything."

That's actually true... The mods don't really get exclusive sneak peeks anymore. Heck, even the builder and social media teams know more about the server's future than you guys do.
Wonder why.

K_R_Cord May 26, 2017 at 7:05 AM UTC

That wasn't my point.

kon333 May 26, 2017 at 9:05 AM UTC

Junior Mod is not the position to be chill in, if you haven't noticed. You can do that once you get the position, but trial ranks are just to test you, and if you don't show that you deserve to pass, you won't.
"Which is probably why i failed"

JoeVC May 26, 2017 at 6:05 PM UTC

Nah ur shit mate