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What's funny and what's not? by ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 5:07 AM UTC


I will be taking this thread seriously, and I hope many of you do so as well. I have a few questions and what to hear your opinions as well.

Why is it acceptable for certain individuals to call others autistic, or saying they have another illness for a stupid reason? I don't understand, but is this a laughing matter to some people? Why is this not looked at thoroughly and taken seriously? I mean, I know there are some very salty people in the minecraft community, but is this not a big deal to some people? Millions of people suffer through this, but yet we've come to a point where being called austistic or even told to get cancer is socially acceptable in some way. 

For instance, there have been a few cases where I've heard others called autistic, or a "downy" on teamspeak, for killing someone in minecraft. Why does a simple game made for entertainment and amusement have to give off such negative effects? And most importantly, why is this ignored? Even staff members/former staff members have been noticed in these "funny jokes". Any opinions on this?

Enjoy me being serious for a bit, it won't last that long. Have a good talk, and stay triggered.

Zintenka July 22, 2016 at 8:07 AM UTC

This is a confusing affair, and a very controversial one at that - of course... I specialize in those.

Here's how I believe that things should generally go like... as long as your joking AND the other person that you're joking to actually wants to joke like that then fine - do whatever.


I believe that with either of these, they should be left as jokes in a private setting. Racism, Sexism, Cancer jokes and terrorist jokes - the ones that involve death - should be left out of public settings.

I really don't get the appeal to say "Go get cancer" because words often have power behind them and cancer isn't something that you "Catch".

It happens so randomly and out of the blue that it is one of the world's greatest killers. It isn't a virus or a bacteria - it's your cells betraying you.

So those cancer jokes can either unintentionally cause someone else to get cancer  or they backfire and give the "funny" joker cancer. 
Now, autistic jokes... eh.. it's like someone saying that "You're retarded" or whatever. I generally use this to berate someone who is stupid, who did something stupid or is being stupid. Or I joke about it. Not really a thing that can harm you as you weren't born with it. 

But joking about autism to a person who has autism is insensitive and mean. It's immoral. I've met people like this who oh so desperately want you to understand them, but they cannot properly convey their thoughts.

Imagine being silenced forever and no one seems to understand you... at heart, humans are social creatures and we thrive on societal communion.

However, lock someone in solitary confinement... they'll go crazy or get traumatized. The effects on the body are even worse and can have drastic impacts on your overall health and lifespan.

This is the case with Autistic people, however they have the luxury of walking around "semi" freely. They just can't often convey their thoughts to others. They want empathy.

It's a nightmare for them.
Racist jokes - I do not like these. Not one bit. What's the appeal to joke about someone who has a different skin color, has slightly squinty eyes or pale skin... It's stupid. Plus there was a lot of history behind those jokes, dark history. 

I do not get these terms of "Political Correctness" and "Political Incorrectness", their stupid. Why would you want to be so anal about something that isn't event that bad and why would you want to be such an insensitive piece of shit who is likely to get punched in the face in the near future?

Now, MY theme is to... "Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you." "Tit for Tat."
Some forum users spam topics incessantly (You are one of them) and it slightly throws off the flow of conversations, it makes you look like - to be honest - an asshole and you wouldn't like it if someone did this to you.

You want to be taken seriously right now - yes? Well why don't you return the favor from now on? What if this topic was flooded with spam and 1% actual posts that regarded the question at hand?

You wouldn't like that very much. Or you wouldn't care, either way... don't be a dick. You can create game topics or Off-topics that can be made just for the sake of laughs.
I'd form up a better reply to gather my thoughts together properly but I'm tired for now. See ya.

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 3:07 PM UTC

This is a confusing affair, and a very controversial one at that - of course... I specialize in those.

Here's how I believe that things should generally go like... as long as your joking AND the other person that you're joking to actually wants to joke like that then fine - do whatever.


I believe that with either of these, they should be left as jokes in a private setting. Racism, Sexism, Cancer jokes and terrorist jokes - the ones that involve death - should be left out of public settings.

I really don't get the appeal to say "Go get cancer" because words often have power behind them and cancer isn't something that you "Catch".

It happens so randomly and out of the blue that it is one of the world's greatest killers. It isn't a virus or a bacteria - it's your cells betraying you.

So those cancer jokes can either unintentionally cause someone else to get cancer  or they backfire and give the "funny" joker cancer. 
Now, autistic jokes... eh.. it's like someone saying that "You're retarded" or whatever. I generally use this to berate someone who is stupid, who did something stupid or is being stupid. Or I joke about it. Not really a thing that can harm you as you weren't born with it. 

But joking about autism to a person who has autism is insensitive and mean. It's immoral. I've met people like this who oh so desperately want you to understand them, but they cannot properly convey their thoughts.

Imagine being silenced forever and no one seems to understand you... at heart, humans are social creatures and we thrive on societal communion.

However, lock someone in solitary confinement... they'll go crazy or get traumatized. The effects on the body are even worse and can have drastic impacts on your overall health and lifespan.

This is the case with Autistic people, however they have the luxury of walking around "semi" freely. They just can't often convey their thoughts to others. They want empathy.

It's a nightmare for them.
Racist jokes - I do not like these. Not one bit. What's the appeal to joke about someone who has a different skin color, has slightly squinty eyes or pale skin... It's stupid. Plus there was a lot of history behind those jokes, dark history. 

I do not get these terms of "Political Correctness" and "Political Incorrectness", their stupid. Why would you want to be so anal about something that isn't event that bad and why would you want to be such an insensitive piece of shit who is likely to get punched in the face in the near future?

Now, MY theme is to... "Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you." "Tit for Tat."
Some forum users spam topics incessantly (You are one of them) and it slightly throws off the flow of conversations, it makes you look like - to be honest - an asshole and you wouldn't like it if someone did this to you.

You want to be taken seriously right now - yes? Well why don't you return the favor from now on? What if this topic was flooded with spam and 1% actual posts that regarded the question at hand?

You wouldn't like that very much. Or you wouldn't care, either way... don't be a dick. You can create game topics or Off-topics that can be made just for the sake of laughs.
I'd form up a better reply to gather my thoughts together properly but I'm tired for now. See ya.
I was hoping you'd respond in this :P

Nubbies231 July 22, 2016 at 3:07 PM UTC

I think insults vary from the person your saying them too. In Minecraft if I was to call someone Autistic and they were someone I've been playing with for a long time everyone that knows we've been friends for a while would be fine with it. But if I was to call someone I don't know at all it'll be a different circumstance. Also knowing the persons background and any recent occurrence can vary in what insults/jokes I make. For example I had one of mine closest friends make a stupid joke about another persons mother (kinda like in the moment for a little chuckles) saying "what is your mom brain dead", end up the dudes mother died few weeks before he was upset but okay with it after.

Now to racists jokes, at my school we have like 20 African Canadians (Small school of like 400 or 500). I talk to around 5 of them that I deem are chill, I'm on a level where I can openly say the N word in a joking manner, the one ending with the a of course. I'm Native and they sometimes joke around and call me a red skin and what not, I don't care. I can make racist jokes, and honestly the few friends I have that are of darker skin tones love them. Like a little whisper in the ear "Don't be so mean you might get shot", gets a little laugh from them.

Relating this back to the Minecraft Community I think it's exactly similar. If I'm on a level of friendship where I can make jokes that would be offensive and they take it as a joke then I'll say it.  If I said a joke to Trigger and you happened to hear it, I wouldn't take offense to it, I'm not talking to you and if you do, I don't care (Unless it's extremely sensitive).

My opinion on the means of making fun of something, if you do it to a point where you aren't bullying the said person and they're fine with it. Being accepted into a society allows people to make fun of whatever it is. Like I have a gay friend, and we joke about him blowing people in the back alley ways and he laughs and likes it, if I can't make fun of you and joke about something (again not extremely sensitive like death) then I won't get along with you to that level of friendship.
If you can't really joke about something you want people to like you for, then how to expected to be liked? Here's an example, in Grade 9 pantsing was really big and me being funny kid I was a easy target, one time I tried countering the pantsing by tieing my waistband tight and when the kid got me the whole package came out. Being from Canada it was like -30 outside and the thing was halfway inside of me, so I got made fun of it. The only way I could stop people from laughing at me was to make a joke out of it, if I laughed with them they would see I don't care and soon forget about. Week later everyone forgot, it stills comes up time to time but it's whatever.

Hopes this answers the question:)

Seuthy July 22, 2016 at 4:07 PM UTC

this post is funny
you are not

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 4:07 PM UTC

this post is funny
you are not

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

I think insults vary from the person your saying them too. In Minecraft if I was to call someone Autistic and they were someone I've been playing with for a long time everyone that knows we've been friends for a while would be fine with it. But if I was to call someone I don't know at all it'll be a different circumstance. Also knowing the persons background and any recent occurrence can vary in what insults/jokes I make. For example I had one of mine closest friends make a stupid joke about another persons mother (kinda like in the moment for a little chuckles) saying "what is your mom brain dead", end up the dudes mother died few weeks before he was upset but okay with it after.

Now to racists jokes, at my school we have like 20 African Canadians (Small school of like 400 or 500). I talk to around 5 of them that I deem are chill, I'm on a level where I can openly say the N word in a joking manner, the one ending with the a of course. I'm Native and they sometimes joke around and call me a red skin and what not, I don't care. I can make racist jokes, and honestly the few friends I have that are of darker skin tones love them. Like a little whisper in the ear "Don't be so mean you might get shot", gets a little laugh from them.

Relating this back to the Minecraft Community I think it's exactly similar. If I'm on a level of friendship where I can make jokes that would be offensive and they take it as a joke then I'll say it.  If I said a joke to Trigger and you happened to hear it, I wouldn't take offense to it, I'm not talking to you and if you do, I don't care (Unless it's extremely sensitive).

My opinion on the means of making fun of something, if you do it to a point where you aren't bullying the said person and they're fine with it. Being accepted into a society allows people to make fun of whatever it is. Like I have a gay friend, and we joke about him blowing people in the back alley ways and he laughs and likes it, if I can't make fun of you and joke about something (again not extremely sensitive like death) then I won't get along with you to that level of friendship.
If you can't really joke about something you want people to like you for, then how to expected to be liked? Here's an example, in Grade 9 pantsing was really big and me being funny kid I was a easy target, one time I tried countering the pantsing by tieing my waistband tight and when the kid got me the whole package came out. Being from Canada it was like -30 outside and the thing was halfway inside of me, so I got made fun of it. The only way I could stop people from laughing at me was to make a joke out of it, if I laughed with them they would see I don't care and soon forget about. Week later everyone forgot, it stills comes up time to time but it's whatever.

Hopes this answers the question:)
I'm talking about these "funny" autistic jokes and shit towards people you don't even know

Iron July 22, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

this post is funny
you are not
Please do not be rude. This is a serious thread and immaturity only heightens the issue.

Sevoo July 22, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

From what I've learned, the world is so sensitive at this point everyone gets offended really easily (some people have a right to though). 

All I do at this point is try not to make any even mildly offensive jokes, and if I ever do it's always to someone that I know and am friends with and even then disclose the fact that I do not wish to offend anyone in any way. This has so far worked for me (I've been using it since my last infraction).

Howsie July 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

Without reading anyone else's responses, my answer to this is that it's all about intentNine times out of ten, no one is being malicious in their intent, and when they are, its worth letting someone who can deal with it, just deal with it - and move on. The wonderfully free internet we all continue to enjoy can only remain this way if we simply brush remarks like these off as not being malicious.

Apart from that I can get why you're getting offended or hurt over it. Everyone's perception of what is right and wrong is totally different, but just remember to think about INTENT. 

Let me know if you need it justified any further.

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

From what I've learned, the world is so sensitive at this point everyone gets offended really easily (some people have a right to though). 

All I do at this point is try not to make any even mildly offensive jokes, and if I ever do it's always to someone that I know and am friends with and even then disclose the fact that I do not wish to offend anyone in any way. This has so far worked for me (I've been using it since my last infraction).
Friends should be ok, but not random people

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

Without reading anyone else's responses, my answer to this is that it's all about intentNine times out of ten, no one is being malicious in their intent, and when they are, its worth letting someone who can deal with it, just deal with it - and move on. The wonderfully free internet we all continue to enjoy can only remain this way if we simply brush remarks like these off as not being malicious.

Apart from that I can get why you're getting offended or hurt over it. Everyone's perception of what is right and wrong is totally different, but just remember to think about INTENT. 

Let me know if you need it justified any further.
I agree, but when someone uses it as a laughing matter, it just confuses me. Why would we make fun of someone with an illness that millions of people suffer through?

vladthegreat100 July 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

I agree, but when someone uses it as a laughing matter, it just confuses me. Why would we make fun of someone with an illness that millions of people suffer through?
The screen that people sit in front of that makes them obese after 2 hours of using it daily that is not for homework protects them better than Captain America's Shield from the triggered people that get offended by jokes like these :|

Howsie July 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

I agree, but when someone uses it as a laughing matter, it just confuses me. Why would we make fun of someone with an illness that millions of people suffer through?
Humour is another thing that varies from person to person. I personally see where you're coming from . I've always taken quite harshly to blatant uncalled for insults for the sake of 'humour.' Some are very limited creatively, so most insults will be pretty basic. (Just speculating. Don't take my word on that statement.)

But yeah, if you're having trouble with it, just understand intent. Calling someone 'gay' was the go to not too long ago, now its 'autistic/retard', tomorrow it'll be something else. Just brush it off and realise you're better for not participating. :)

InLoc July 22, 2016 at 7:07 PM UTC

Its all about who says it. You can't tell whether the other person meant to be a dick or meant to make some banter unless you know them. If like some boy on the other team in a scrim calls me a retard or something because I fuck up my bridging I'll get pissed. But like, if one of my friends called me a retard in that exact same situation then I'd know its just cheeky banter.

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 10:07 PM UTC

The screen that people sit in front of that makes them obese after 2 hours of using it daily that is not for homework protects them better than Captain America's Shield from the triggered people that get offended by jokes like these :|

ImNotYourTiger July 22, 2016 at 10:07 PM UTC

Without reading anyone else's responses, my answer to this is that it's all about intentNine times out of ten, no one is being malicious in their intent, and when they are, its worth letting someone who can deal with it, just deal with it - and move on. The wonderfully free internet we all continue to enjoy can only remain this way if we simply brush remarks like these off as not being malicious.

Apart from that I can get why you're getting offended or hurt over it. Everyone's perception of what is right and wrong is totally different, but just remember to think about INTENT. 

Let me know if you need it justified any further.
Teach me wise man

Personally I'm not offended, just confused. I'm curious as why people go to these comebacks

ImNotYourTiger July 23, 2016 at 12:07 AM UTC

Its all about who says it. You can't tell whether the other person meant to be a dick or meant to make some banter unless you know them. If like some boy on the other team in a scrim calls me a retard or something because I fuck up my bridging I'll get pissed. But like, if one of my friends called me a retard in that exact same situation then I'd know its just cheeky banter.

Again, friends I get.

DaFrozenBlaze July 23, 2016 at 3:07 AM UTC

I'm always that guy who is inconsistent in choosing what's funny and what is not
I don't really like people using autism jokes though, calling people autistic, that's one I pretty much never agree with
Racism, I only do it with close friends, never publicly.

ImNotYourTiger July 23, 2016 at 4:07 AM UTC

I'm always that guy who is inconsistent in choosing what's funny and what is not
I don't really like people using autism jokes though, calling people autistic, that's one I pretty much never agree with
Racism, I only do it with close friends, never publicly.

Cancer, austism, downy, and suicide "jokes" are not appealing.

1BJ July 24, 2016 at 5:07 AM UTC

NowImTriggered auti confirmed?

Howsie July 24, 2016 at 8:07 AM UTC

Some people tend to forget that most of the community is made up of immature teenages who think memes are funny.

The whole Teamspeak thing doesn't help when you have biased people running it but what can you do..

ImNotYourTiger July 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

NowImTriggered auti confirmed?
No u

Im triggered

ImNotYourTiger July 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

The Teamspeak Developer rank in its entirety is a fucking joke.

They don't do anything...they have no development log, there're no update threads, and unless the Nightclub is involved they don't seem to do anything.
(Michael and Zac I'm talking about here, I don't even know who the other TeamSpeak Developers are)

I liked it better when the Admins were in charge of Teamspeak.

At least the Admins actually do shit xD
I agree with you 100%

The only TS dev I see doing work the most is Iron. 

Much respect gained for you right now.

Iron July 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

I think that most humour is fine as long as its with someone who you are comfortable with. If I do not know someone well and they start making jokes that are racist or offensive I find it strange and rude. Both Autism and Cancer are terrible conditions; however, as I said before. If both sides are comfortable with the jokes I think its OK.

Numberz_ July 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

don't joke about autism, cancer or any other health conditions. racism isn't that funny either

JDKL July 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM UTC

Could we please make sure that everyone stays on topic :)

Tazz July 24, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

My first referral is quite funny TBH

Xuph July 24, 2016 at 6:07 PM UTC

Funny because youve called me all the stuff you've listed in the post and Holocaust jokes as well

Xuph July 24, 2016 at 7:07 PM UTC

No actually, you've called me these things and I've responded with laughter. Holocaust jokes? I didn't even know you were Jewish till about a week ago. 

Now I don't want this thread to get locked. If you want to continue this over Skype, I don't. So the conversation ends here
I don't want to continue this conversation either but just know it's just like making a thread saying to stop hacking meanwhile you hacked all the time, it's the same calling me all these stuff and yes you knew i was jewish dont try to lie and make yourself look good, and as well as you called me all these things, but i couldnt care less so i blocked you on ts and you kept making these jokes and other people told me that youre saying these stuff while you were in the same channel and i couldnt hear you

DonaldMyTrump July 24, 2016 at 8:07 PM UTC

Eric, I really didn't know you were Jewish. And by the way, I remember being in a chat with you and Ryan. He kept saying all that shit to you. 

You've called me autistic, a terrorist, and many other things. I apologize if I did offend you in anyway, thought I don't recall doing any of this. Maybe those people were lying to you
You called dawson autistic multiple times

ImNotYourTiger July 24, 2016 at 8:07 PM UTC

You called dawson autistic multiple times
No actually I didn't

ImNotYourTiger July 24, 2016 at 10:07 PM UTC

I don't want to continue this conversation either but just know it's just like making a thread saying to stop hacking meanwhile you hacked all the time, it's the same calling me all these stuff and yes you knew i was jewish dont try to lie and make yourself look good, and as well as you called me all these things, but i couldnt care less so i blocked you on ts and you kept making these jokes and other people told me that youre saying these stuff while you were in the same channel and i couldnt hear you
I thought you couldn't care less?

Even though it's not true

ImRaging July 25, 2016 at 4:07 AM UTC



Zintenka July 25, 2016 at 5:07 AM UTC

I thought you couldn't care less?

Even though it's not true
Even though Eric doesn't care, this is hypocrisy which... TBH, has made everyone or most people here not think that your topic is credible...

Sorry, but this is true.

ImNotYourTiger July 25, 2016 at 6:07 AM UTC

Even though Eric doesn't care, this is hypocrisy which... TBH, has made everyone or most people here not think that your topic is credible...

Sorry, but this is true.
But I didn't call him austistic or anything xD, he thinks I did for some reason

Zintenka July 25, 2016 at 6:07 AM UTC

But I didn't call him austistic or anything xD, he thinks I did for some reason

ImNotYourTiger July 25, 2016 at 4:07 PM UTC

I'm offended

Myworld6 July 28, 2016 at 8:07 PM UTC

Honestly,  the only ones that annoy me are racism and cancer joke. I know from personal experience that it's not something to be taken lightly, and I despise jokes about it.

With that said, a lot of it is just black humour. From someone with a quite dry sense of humour, I can appreciate some racist, sexist, etc. as long as they're not meant in a malicious way, even if I would prefer that they weren't used.

Xuph July 28, 2016 at 8:07 PM UTC

lol, 2 days ago you just joined a channel and randomally called me a "n*gger boy" once you joined
im still having a giggle about you making these threads and being a total toxic to everybody

DryveGaming July 28, 2016 at 9:07 PM UTC

Personally I believe it depends on who you are joking with, and who else can see what you are saying. I personally do not get offended by most of these jokes, but I also know that some people do get offended, because of their background and the situations that they have been in. As such, I believe these jokes are fine only if they are private and withe people who are ok withe them. For example, porkyyy and I are quite good friends, and he sometimes calls me autistic, etc, as a joke, because he knows I won't get offended by it. Whenever we are in game, he will privately message me these things because he is aware of the fact that not everyone in the is fine with that, ando he doest want to offend anyone. I think that is the right way to go about making jokes like that, should you feel the need to.