Avicus Archive

Tanpopo! I need help... by RightSide April 30, 2015 at 3:04 PM UTC

Well do you know the other day we tested 'ForSaken' and the monuments didn't register when people broke them. I have tested the YML monument coordinates and they are correct. YML : https://github.com/jozzmcozz/xmlyml/blob/master/YML/forsaken.yaml
Now I wanted to know if you could re-download the map to see if its just corrupted when you downloaded it or could you please check the YML to see if you can see error then we can test it again thanks :D. 
Map : https://avicus.net/forums/6f39a9710 Thanks :) Questions contact me via skype! :D avicus.net/ElementProHD

resepignev April 30, 2015 at 3:04 PM UTC

Why don't you contact para over skype in the first place?
And why don't you update your map thread instead of creating a new one?

rememes April 30, 2015 at 4:04 PM UTC

ffs just get his skype or ask someone for it jesus
this is the future of staff xd

lordteddey April 30, 2015 at 4:04 PM UTC

Please refrain from creating spam topics, the forums isn't a place for this. If you wish to contact a player, use Skype or any other social media software.