Avicus Archive

3 Years+ [AMA] by Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

Hi there, 
It's hard to believe that tomorrow Avicus will be three years old. I'm pretty sure I joined on the first day or second day the server opened back in 2013. Played for a little while on McZone, but was never really active until a year into the Avicus update. Enjoyed being staff and ref here for about 8 months or so (and winning the Omega Salt Championship with Berzerk). Recently started playing Minecraft again after a 3 1/2 month break from video games (im even more awful now).  So i'd though I make an ama, i'll try to answer all the questions to the best of my ability.

Goodnighht November 4, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

Same!! I was here nearly a year before that though. I'm making my 4 year AMA tomorrow, the time will be a bit off but I don't know when I first joined so.. xd

Favorite Walls map? (removed or still in rotations)
Favorite color?
Favorite Avicus ship name?
Best memory on Avicus?
Favorite number? ;)

Edit: First! ;p

Acceqted November 4, 2016 at 4:11 AM UTC



Junior Mod

SamuelJacob9 November 4, 2016 at 5:11 AM UTC


benaye November 4, 2016 at 5:11 AM UTC

Opinions on me? (I'm xBen_)

How many name changes have you had where you switch from Numberz_ to 99250 and vise-versa?

Camemes November 4, 2016 at 6:11 AM UTC

haha, I've been here fore nearly 3 years too, that's coming up in December.

Opinions on me? (Might remember me as sheamus4414 from very long time ago. pls dont bully me :(
Opinions on Australia?

Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC

Same!! I was here nearly a year before that though. I'm making my 4 year AMA tomorrow, the time will be a bit off but I don't know when I first joined so.. xd

Favorite Walls map? (removed or still in rotations)
Favorite color?
Favorite Avicus ship name?
Best memory on Avicus?
Favorite number? ;)

Edit: First! ;p
Hi Micah! :p

Favorite Walls map? (removed or still in rotations): I really loved the original walls map or the Jungle one. Was super easy to get kills on those maps c;
Favorite color?: Yellow
Favorite Avicus ship name?: #RASE (RefuseToSink + Case)
Best memory on Avicus?: Playing in the Omega Championship with Berzerk. The people on that team were really amazing people and we all played well in that tournament. 
Favorite number? ;) This is going to be a shock but my favourite number is actually 27 not 99 ;o

Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC



Junior Mod
Thanks Josh! 

Opinions?: You seem to be a pretty chill dude. I haven't talked to you in a long while, used to see you a lot on TS. Pretty good staff member from what I remember. 
Mod: Jessica
Junior Mod: Atdit
Senior: Pie and Seth
Admin: Peter 
Mentor: Jessica

Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC

Nice person, good player. Very friendly ingame, I don't talk to you a whole lot though. ;c

Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC

Opinions on me? (I'm xBen_)

How many name changes have you had where you switch from Numberz_ to 99250 and vise-versa?
Hey Ben! 

Usually pretty toxic from what I remember. You were pretty nice at times but at other times not so much xd don't know if thats changed now. 

I try to change the name every month so I can keep both those names protected. For the most part it's because I have other gaming accounts registered as Numberz_ and some as 99250 so I like to keep both. I've probably switched around 15 times or so. I do the same with my alts as well, I have two names on each of them I just switch back and forth from.

Numberz_ November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC

haha, I've been here fore nearly 3 years too, that's coming up in December.

Opinions on me? (Might remember me as sheamus4414 from very long time ago. pls dont bully me :(
Opinions on Australia?
Hey Cammy!

Oh yeah I remember that name. Used to play a lot of walls with you and your brother Lachy back in the old days. You seem to be a nice person all the times that I've talked to you, good staff member as well! 

I like Australia, actually thinking about traveling there in the next few years. Some family members moved there a few years ago and I've always wanted to visit them. Not a big fan of all the deadly spiders though...

FrostedCupcakez November 4, 2016 at 4:11 PM UTC

Opinions on me?
How did we meet?

P.S. Do you remember who added me to the Skype chat with Luke? Was it you?

Tazz November 4, 2016 at 5:11 PM UTC


Goodnighht November 4, 2016 at 7:11 PM UTC

;o I forgot to do opinions!
Opinions on me? ;p

SnowSX3 November 4, 2016 at 7:11 PM UTC

Best part about Avicus?
Worst part about Avicus?
Opinions on me?

TheMasterClock November 5, 2016 at 1:11 AM UTC

opinions on yo boy

Numberz_ November 5, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

Opinions on me?
How did we meet?

P.S. Do you remember who added me to the Skype chat with Luke? Was it you?
Hey Jess! 

You're probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. But you have a really bad side (ik cause ive gotten on it a few times xd). I really enjoy talking to you and shipping you with random people xD

I think we met because of Thomas or Kat. Don't think I talked to you a whole lot until we we're Jr mods at the same time.

Yes lol. You're welcome xd

Numberz_ November 5, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

Hi Tyler! 

I always kinda disliked you for cheating in the tournament and then sending all the salt towards Berzerk. But you really changed a whole lot since then and became a really nice person. Idk why you stepped down from mod because you were the only one that knew how to detect most kinds of hacks.

Numberz_ November 5, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

;o I forgot to do opinions!
Opinions on me? ;p
Lol, ive known you for ages! since the really old walls days. legendary walls pvper and skybaser. I didn't talk to you a whole lot back then but after a while I got to know you a little bit better. Glad that you were finally accepteq'd to the staff team :D

Numberz_ November 5, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC

Best part about Avicus?
Worst part about Avicus?
Opinions on me?
Hey Snow! 

best part would be the forums/community. I like the interface and people here better than any other server. 

worst would be the low player count and lack of variations in rotations and good maps. 

I used to dislike you a lot when you were staff. Way too robotic back then. You seem to be very chill now.

2BJ November 5, 2016 at 3:11 AM UTC


TheTNTPotato November 5, 2016 at 1:11 PM UTC

Opinion because memes

YTMangoYT November 6, 2016 at 12:11 PM UTC

I have been here 3+ years aswell with almost 2-3 months on the server ( before i started playing csgo (1000+ hours) and they reset everything) i also need to start playing more ( after the ban is over xD)