Avicus Archive

The Maker - An Avicus Original Epic (Sorta) by Trexychan January 23, 2015 at 6:01 PM UTC

Right, an INTRO. But first, a DISCLAIMER:
*DISCLAIMER* This pot contains profanity, and absolutely crude and unentertaining jokes (like this one) that probably can't even make you smile. I apologize for this sorry excuse for a "fan-fiction" Oh ye, and this has SOMEWHAT something to do with Avi, I just have to think about how make it relate :/

Chan Yeung was a troubled guy. He has no parents, no grandparents, and his brother was killed by the mafia, how pleasant. His life is just full of being alone, and that's about it, until he gets his ass swept up into a secret power struggle between two rival empires that might end up in- wait for it- WAR. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN

I'm gonna spin you the thread of tales, to form a story blanket. You'll be shrouded in it's words, its morals and lessons. (Okay, maybe not any of those.) Why delay? Let's get making.

It all starts with the description of the land, the land dubbed Aviricius. Don't ask me who came up with that, it was definitely not me. ANYWAY, there were two kingdoms that popped out of the ground like blossoming flowers in peak of spring. (They grew quite quickly in fact, their people multiplied like rats on cocaine.) Their might divided the country into two, the west realm and the east empire. The rule of the west, the gleaming silver city of Inphates, with its shining spears of buildings piercing the sky through its gut. The kingdom of the east, the golden mountain city of Kyrisan, its buildings of blindingly bright goldstone tunneling into the tough granite of Mount Phorseus. The metropolis were divided by a single river known as the Demarcation. Ships were not allowed to pass through, nor were any residents of either faction-kingdom allowed to settle along the riverside. (They were that tense with each other.)
Phew, now that we got THAT all out of the way, I can explain why these empires like to bash skulls so much. Well, it was all about control of the Demarcation. Neither side wanted the other to control the trade, so they each stuck the most ridiculous of rules unto their people. Now before you come at me with questions about a 'war' that happened 100 years ago, I deny. There was no war, just the stupid conflict over a god damn river. And now, they're gonna fight over this muddy canyon of liquid. BUT, we also need a character intro. Cue the classical Beethoven symphonies!

Chan Yeung- The Main Man, The Great Gahoot. (Actually he's an unsociable cold-blooded Asian murderer, so ya.)
The Maker- The awesome dude narrating this Oscar-worthy story.
Hysan- King of Inphates
Geor Malfic- Emperor of Kyrisan (No, he's NOT who you think. NO NO NO NO NO)
And then every other secondary character I'm too lazy to explain.

PokerFace January 23, 2015 at 11:01 PM UTC
