Avicus Archive

CrafterPete’s goodbye by joelous January 25, 2018 at 6:01 AM UTC

I know the server is closing soon and I am sorry that I haven’t been able to get my message up sooner, I had problems logging in to the forums and never fixed the issue so I just decided to let probably one of the best people I met on this server, Joel, post this for me. I’m typing this at 12 AM on a school night after several hours of studying for exams and I need to get to bed so I gotta type this quick so excuse me if I poorly type this haha… But God damn. I joined this server back when it was Mc Zone about 4 years ago when I was looking for a server just to have a little fun on. I got hooked on the survival games and hunger games and fell in love with the server. The Avicus update came out and I was even more hooked. I was in love with the mini games, the staff, and the community as a whole. Avicus was a server really like no other for me. The community was made up of very kind, welcoming people. During middle school I really had no friends, but Avicus was my escape. When things weren’t right for me outside of Avicus, I would always get on avicus knowing that I have a connection with so many great people and such a great community. If it weren’t for Avicus, I really don’t know how my past 4-5 years would’ve been. I met so many fucking amazing people on this server, made so many fucking amazing memories on this server that I will never fucking forget, and so many laughs shared with many great people.I will never forget Avicus, seriously. Avicus will always have a place in my heart, and each and everyone one of you will too. I seriously want to thank anybody that I talked to, made memories with shared laughs with, and just had a great time with. You guys really helped me get through the tough times in life and I cannot thank you guys enough. You all know who you are. Anyway, I wish you all happy, successful lives, and if you all ever want to talk to me,  please reach out to me on Discord at CrafterPete1013#8500. Thank you all so much. I love you all and this server so much. 

CrafterPete1013/MajestysDream/ Peter

BoldAndBrash January 25, 2018 at 1:01 PM UTC

Good to hear from you again, Pete. :)