Avicus Archive

Temporary Leave (Moving Houses) by ICHlBAN April 22, 2017 at 11:04 AM UTC

I'm gonna be keeping this short as possible.

So if anyone noticed why i've been absent from avicus and going on and off for only an hour or less each day(or even not at all) me and my family have been preparing for our move for over a month now, and by the time we're in our new *temporary house* which id an hour drive away from where i live at the moment (I'll explain in a bit) we wont have any internet if not have terrible internet just for minimal use,in which we'll be staying for at least 2 months then we'll be moving out to our new house which my parents have bought out last year and was originally supposed to be finished by early this april but there was some delay with the last of the construction so we had to rent out another place nearby where we were originally moving. Another reason why i barely got on avicus and touched minecraft for that matter is cuz i wanted to just make the most out of my last month here in my current house (and with the current internet that i have of course) so i just played other games, watched youtube/streams/anime, and even touched up on my nihongo/japanese for at least 30 mins to an hour a day. Another thing i want to mention is that my family will be taking a trip to Thailand, then Cambodia for over a week in the first week of may. Soon right after I'll be looking for a dorm for me and probably a couple friends of mine to bunk in for college (but our college doesn't start until end of August so we got lots of time).

So TL;DR i got too much stuff going on at the moment outside of playing,especially getting ready for the move (even though i did say i was just playing other games but you get what i mean)

Don't worry, I *hopefully* won't be quitting avicus with all the stuff that's been going on so I'll try hop on the server every time i get the chance.

Lastly, to Rocky and the NewDawn boys, sorry for being really really inactive, these are the reasons that i hold as to why i barely get on avicus and even get to join practice/scrims with you guys, like i said, I can't promise that I will be active any time soon, but I'll try my best to get back in to playing and joining practices/scrims when the opportunity arises.

No Goodbyes for now, Just See ya'll next time i guess では、またね。(de wa, mata ne)

Camemes April 22, 2017 at 11:04 AM UTC

Temporary leaving posts aren't allowed, unfortunately :(