Avicus Archive

first time rick rolled (if remembered) by iiDarudePvP January 5, 2016 at 1:01 AM UTC

Since my skin is rick astley I decided to make this thread 

I remember like watching videos and the title is "Rare Bigfoot Video right out my door!!" or "How to get toad in super smash brothers!" 
and then the ever so famous video comes up (btw im like 8) and I am like "What the heck this thing always is here instead of the bigfoor sighting or how to get toad" 

Yes I was very very stupid back then 

Petlas January 5, 2016 at 2:01 AM UTC


i think mine was back on this website i used to use. there was a link in someone's signature that said something along the lines of  "want to know how to get get noticed?" and, me being me, i clicked it.

i'll have you know that i accidentally rickrolled myself a few months back when i had my own rickroll link on my av profile..

BoldAndBrash January 5, 2016 at 2:01 AM UTC

I think mine was an I Am Legend 2 trailer...lmao.

SnowSX3 January 5, 2016 at 7:01 AM UTC


i think mine was back on this website i used to use. there was a link in someone's signature that said something along the lines of  "want to know how to get get noticed?" and, me being me, i clicked it.

i'll have you know that i accidentally rickrolled myself a few months back when i had my own rickroll link on my av profile..
i'll have you know that i accidentally rickrolled myself a few months back when i had my own rickroll link on my av profile..
Absolute hilarity ensued xD

DaFrozenBlaze January 5, 2016 at 8:01 AM UTC

What's rick rolled