Avicus Archive

Drawing Tablet and a Story! by Zintenka April 18, 2015 at 1:04 PM UTC

Behold! A glorious picture created with a drawing tablet! I am still sort of not used to using it but when i get good, it will be as if i were doing this on paper ;)

Eteh April 18, 2015 at 1:04 PM UTC

Awesome! How long did you take to do this piece of art?

Zedther April 18, 2015 at 1:04 PM UTC

Amazing. Hands down.

MLGtino April 18, 2015 at 3:04 PM UTC

Gotta be the Middle-East.

Zintenka April 18, 2015 at 9:04 PM UTC

Nah, it was a colony.

Zintenka April 18, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

My name is Nantaro Sukiel... War Master Nantaro Sukiel... 

We were sent to this colony to put down a violent uprising of hyper-violent cannibalistic colonists. However, that was 25 years ago. Now? We're still fighting. The planet used to be lush and green but 27 years of heavy warfare poisoned the atmosphere. The atmosphere is thin, nearly the whole planet was turned into a desert from the fallout of strikes.

Not only that, but the planet has a property in its atmosphere that turns us into murdering psychopaths... it affects those who've been here for decades. And it takes children and teens even shorter. I knew an older guy who was already stationed here. He was living here almost his whole life...

One day, I walked up to greet him inside an empty hangar we usually meet in but I noticed his head was down and he was swaying about. I rushed up to him and shook him to see if he was alright. 

"Hey! Bulsei! Bulsei! Wake up!" I yelled in desperation. I turned around while still holding him. "Hey! We need a medi-" 

Suddenly, he put his hand over my mouth. "Shhhh... there's no time for that now..." I turned my to him to see that they were half-lidded and ominously staring at me with a thousand mile stare. 

"What are yo-" He slapped my mouth. I glared at him but slightly with fear. 

He bit his own arm. 

"So f***ing good..." He moaned while eating his own flesh. He then turned his eyes on me. 

I had my mouth half open with my face showing disgust and fear. 

With his hand already gripping my arm, he squeezed it and was pulling me off to a door off to the side of the hangar.

"Boys! We got food!" He called out. 

I heard various yips, growls and cheers. 

They're psychopaths...

While his arm was grabbing me, i swung my arm high and behind mygger. I lifted my leg and swung it around to his chest and pushed it down.

He didn't let go. I fell down with him. He went on top of me and bite the crap out of my arm and tore off a chunk of flesh. I wailed and tried kicking off but he dodged and punched me in my gut.

I doubled over and vomited in his face. 

If looks can kill, his would kill a world. He swatted some vomit at my face and started doing a number on my face.
He scratched, punched and bit.

I finally remembered a very soft weak point.. and I knee'd him there and he fell off clutching his balls. I stood up and got into a fighting stance.

"If you wanted it, you could've asked!" He laughed painfully while clutching there. He dived at me but i dodged, he hit his head against the closed hangar door - knocking himself out. 

I chuckled at the hilarity and raised my pistol to his head. Instead of shooting it, I pocketed it and called down a medic and my squad with my communicator. 

I explained what happened and the medic patched me up. My Sergeant checked me over and patted my back.
They carried the unconscious Bulsei and tied him to a discarded chair.

We leveled our weapons and kicked down the door to the large amount of crazies. There were hundreds. And probably more inside the basement and lower levels. 

We literally had monsters under our beds.

We started shooting like crazy at them as they charged. Our Sergeant flagged down five other squads. 

By the end of the day, we cleared out the lower levels with several more squads joining.

That day, we all realized what was happening. The resident War master was trying to get any non-infected civilian and military personnel and leave the colony to its fate.

It was actually a very good idea. Evacuate the normal colonists while keeping the infected in. They could bomb the colony and not let the infected reach out into space.

However, the politicians rejected it.

The war could've been finished many years before. But the politicians abandoned us even going so far as to label us as a renegade fleet...

Well renegades they label us as... renegades we will be to them...

And the whole race will know what they've done...

I was a Private when I came here. And I might walk out of here a War Master.

Zintenka April 18, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

Thanks every one!

SWEET_Johny April 18, 2015 at 10:04 PM UTC

Okay then.