Avicus Archive

Thank You <3 by Wahiz August 9, 2015 at 5:08 AM UTC


I've decided to leave minecraft i dont know when i will be coming back or if i even will im so glad i found avicus and got to be part of the community even though i broke all the rules in the book.

I understand that most people dont like me or even hate me i understand why but i dont really care anymore :)

So Here Are A Few People I Would Like To Thanks:

MLGPorky: You were a great friend to have and its sad to see that you have retired i know we didnt talk much but i felt we had a connection as soon as we met i wish you the best of luck and always remember FanGirls4Lyfe

DoctaPop: i know we didnt get along that much or barley talk but i really respected you and looked up to you as a person yeah not really much else to say :P

Rinn: Same as DoctaPop we didnt get along really and barley talked but i respected you as a person and i wish we could have been friends :)

RefuseToSink: i really respected you and you were always nice and caring to everyone in the community i dont think we talked much but you were still pretty amazing :)

Murph_The_Cat: we were best friends since the time we met we always seemed to play together and we always had lots of fun you were a really nice person to everyone now matter how they acted which was really nice of you. i wish you the best of luck with your channel :)

If i didnt get your name Above ^ im sorry :/.

Id Like to say thank you to everyone from the community the entire time i played was the best time of my life i know some of you reading this thread may not care about it but its fine ill still miss everyone

I Hope To See Some Of You Guys Again In The Future But For Now I Guess Its A Good Bye <3

-Sheep_Ship :P

Porkyyy August 9, 2015 at 5:08 AM UTC

Dang, sorry to see you go man!
You were a cool friend, and I hope you can still come around sometime :)

PokerFace August 9, 2015 at 5:08 AM UTC

Good luck in life!

Camemes August 9, 2015 at 6:08 AM UTC

Cya bro! Good luck in life!

Spoookeh August 9, 2015 at 8:08 AM UTC

Seeya man, good luck in life!