Avicus Archive

ME HAN BANEADO by ArHCraftKiller January 4, 2015 at 7:01 AM UTC

Hola, hago este post en español porque se que hay gente del staff de avicus que hablan español

4 De Diciembre me han baneado por team Spleef con un ban temporal de 3 dias

No vengo a protestar porque se que lo merecia y ya no lo volvere a hacer, estoy triste pero bueno me alegro de poder entrar de nuevo a la network.

MODERADOR QUE ME BANEO RCMP_Mountie Gracias me hiciste que me diese cuenta que 1 dia de no jugar avicus es un infierno jeje gracias y perdoname no lo volvere a hacer

Un Saludo

EinfachNalor January 4, 2015 at 7:01 AM UTC


And on English for the rest? OR can someone translate it? All I understand is Mountie ^^

Dyspa January 4, 2015 at 7:01 AM UTC

He is saying he got banned for team spleef and he is saying thanks to Mountie too because he realized being off or banned from Avicus for 1 day sucks. He also said he won't team spleef again because he loves this server and because he learned his lesson too! <3