A little rant
July 14, 2014 at 8:07 PM UTC
This post is mainly about ping. For anyone who doesn't know what ping is it is your response time to a server (The lower your ping the better). Now I've noticed lately my ping has been at 400+ constantly. It is very hard to play in. Now some people may say I'm a liar but if you press tab in game you'll see my connection bars are at 3. Now onto the bit that really annoys me. Being called eZ. Now it's nobody on this forums but this sort of attitude just drives me to the limit. I'm trying to play in 400 ms whilst they probably have 30ms. But that's not all. At they end of the match they will call out. CreeperJoe it facking ez b¡Tch. Now, I know the best way to improve my ms is to move to Canada (never gonna happen) but I'm wondering if there's any latency fixes that people know work or just a way to cope with a high ms.
Thanks, Joe
Also post below your ms so you can make me jealous :p.
BTW, saying things like that is extremely disrespectful and against the rules.
But when people do say things like that (I assume your referring to the f@ckn btch statement) they often get away with it due to it being spammed out of chat or a member of staff being able to come since they are already dealing with other reports. It's very hard to screen shot due to it being spammed out of chat I'll try and screenshot it if it happens.
That stinks D: You're really good, though, the people who you killed probably just did badly and wanted to look better, so they called you "eZ" to tell others that they have a large amount of skill because killing the infamous Creeper was no effort to them (Even though it was). Don't let these trolls get you down :c
300ms and I can't play properly, I can't imagine how you play....
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