Avicus Archive

Massive IP exposure by BmB September 3, 2015 at 11:09 AM UTC

Hello, guys, someone has compiled a huge list, at least of 359 IP's and made them public. Scanning through this list I noticed almost every single player on the list is related to OCN. I won't post the link here because that leaves you open to massive exploitation. But if I were you I would change your IP. The simplest way to do this is to disconnect your modem and leave it off overnight and it should automatically change your IP. I don't know who made this and how they got all the IP's, but my best guess is that it's an owner of a popular scrim server, team speak or mumble room. If you think you may be on the list ask below and I'll check for you, I don't want to post the link for obvious reasons.

Hamble September 3, 2015 at 11:09 AM UTC


Robin_DD_J September 3, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

Ive seen this list. Im all g

SnowSX3 September 3, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

Made them public?
On what platform?

BmB September 3, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

  1. SkyBeats:
  2. LaloWarWars:
  3. lMek:
  4. juanmatazombies:
  5. ThSJiG:
  6. zHyperVision_:
  7. MickySM:
  8. burbujastorm:
  9. LachlanDBrckshw:
  10. Youdi:
  11. Fujure:
  12. JoshRusH:
  13. MrNashor:
  14. iZaskiPvP:
  15. Fudent:
  16. ManitaPunk:
  17. Entropie
  18. Jiffe:
  19. Timperjuncio:
  20. WamBamAlakaSCRAM:
  21. Joseen10:
  22. Onai:
  23. Wetto:
  24. Emmaye:
  25. itz_AJ:
  26. colopocositio:
  27. papichulo__:
  28. Varis5H:
  29. Kudureh:
  30. Frederick_:
  31. Thematlook:
  32. Legend21:
  33. LordSkinesMC:
  34. Asun4:
  35. Little_Padawan:
  36. JoelGamerXD:
  37. Saikron:
  38. Exitacion:
  39. stroodel:
  40. Keko_:
  41. Z4Nyt:
  42. Kaskito:
  43. Pablito0o:
  44. RowanILoveYou:
  45. Infalible:
  46. Elkilerswag:
  47. InoriYuzuriha_:
  48. ProGaymerRex777:
  49. sebdar13:
  50. Elempico:
  51. JuanGeamerMC:
  52. DonAlejandro:
  53. Ghostacks:
  54. PonyUnicornia:
  55. Foscra:
  56. ThePancho318:
  57. GuilleromerMC:
  58. Pigbeard_Pete:
  59. ZzDiegozZ:
  60. Lek3r:
  61. _Pki:
  62. Str8liner:
  63. itzJohnCena:
  64. Alfa05:
  65. Meega_:
  66. SeiloGamer:
  67. RaulOG_:
  68. Sr_Gelatina:
  69. vakafaka:
  70. VeoohElBombero:
  71. P1ng_3cuatoriano:
  72. Gh0st_Albertiito:
  73. Omaglyman:
  74. JimmyGames_YT:
  75. Straiky:
  76. Cheesedaman:
  77. Ginie1:
  78. LukyG0D:
  79. ImThiagoo:
  80. Steyn2g
  81. TheJovani:
  82. MagnuusArg:
  83. 1NMORT4L:
  84. Rubiales_14:
  85. Zyeh:
  86. ThePoliceMan:
  87. TatanPinger:
  88. IAMPHIL:
  89. Axeethhh:
  90. _SteveAoki:
  91. Hola:
  92. xFash:
  93. minero_72:
  94. 71M07H33:
  95. imask3r:
  96. iSky_:
  97. DoomRobotBoy:
  98. Gesk:
  99. YuyoG0D:
  100. XboxGamer1405:
  101. _End:
  102. Mannrrys:
  103. xLouishk:
  104. ItalianCombo:
  105. Papacito:
  106. FranyMc:
  107. TheRabhytx:
  108. TheKiiel:
  109. AlainnD:
  110. JoseeGamer:
  111. Predator_5:
  112. Merling:
  113. vit3monst3r_:
  114. LebuConcha:
  115. NoPlayerHate:
  116. ImAle:
  117. Jon_fam:
  118. BryanIsm:
  119. N4pp:
  120. theedgargamer1:
  121. AtlasGames:
  122. niess10:
  123. iWannaKillYou:
  124. AudreyH:
  125. Mano_YT:
  126. FanDeJennii:
  127. pope_panda:
  128. TumbaLaCasa:
  129. Monuuus:
  130. Ardiloti:
  131. iLink_27:
  132. Ibusth_:
  133. FanDeAJ:
  134. Vegeto777:
  135. Max32MX:
  136. xote2000:
  137. SalesianBoy:
  138. Guikz:
  139. lDanoninoooff:
  140. Tomii66:
  141. ErDeSkO:
  142. Swagick:
  143. ForroStrafe:
  144. Santikpo98:
  145. Burbu99_:
  146. R4Y0ms:
  147. MrChechoFan:
  148. Interlival:
  149. Varo_IT:
  150. Kaawaiii:
  151. ThoughtfulTurtle:
  152. SensualBow:
  153. Yoyo_:
  154. ChoriBlack:
  155. Le_Stinger:
  156. Sorakkun:
  157. TheBestXperia777:
  158. MrWoolsXxX:
  159. NotHackerino:
  160. Verbessern:
  161. vNahuelXd43:
  162. Ebuuu_:
  163. _r3tNuHr3ndE:
  164. Meiic:
  165. Pibo:
  166. Pepe_Lg07:
  167. Zythaying:
  168. NiicoArg:
  169. Nahuchi:
  170. Peporin:
  171. Cyclops:
  172. Plumchum:
  173. jalcarazvilla:
  174. SrCombo:
  175. Eudaldca:
  176. FanDeShenni:
  177. PiernaRota_:
  178. Hysteric_:
  179. martin19:
  180. zSwagger:
  181. Winne:
  182. NachiitoBolso:
  183. Hatchye:
  184. VegettClient:
  185. Antnecb:
  186. MrExterminator:
  187. AgentAlchemist:
  188. bluck:
  189. SkyOneMC:
  190. pigmachomanpro:
  191. b33k:
  192. xYauhuu_:
  193. FanDeFaculuzu:
  194. Sr_Elmo:
  195. Albertita07crack:
  196. Santeex_01:
  197. Crazy_Creeper521:
  198. Nashoot:
  199. Bbliz_x:
  200. TheBestFacu:
  201. AmarilloPollo:
  202. BlozZ:
  203. SawBurN:
  204. xTrinn:
  205. AssassinFiire:
  206. DragonFight3r:
  207. Misky_:
  208. eZeToNv3:
  209. Chocostunt:
  210. emiisabee:
  211. FallenSavi:
  212. Valehf:
  213. Thepawer:
  214. Nunuu29:
  215. Tazz:
  216. Osvaldo720p:
  217. IHateMyAim:
  218. patoelduck:
  219. Dokihl:
  220. ItzCamacho:
  221. TheGamingSlaya:
  222. AlwaysGoblin7777:
  223. Aruu_:
  224. Himnesk4:
  225. zLuxoR_:
  226. TiranuxTitan:
  227. majkeeh:
  228. ElChaTopoGuzman:
  229. Gonchistunt
  230. Cyclones:
  231. MeGustaElArte_:
  232. FanDeBrokennz:
  233. Gaange:
  234. lukbimart1:
  235. ImSam:
  236. ImCristh_:
  237. LastMake_:
  238. PitoCorto:
  239. OmarSmosh:
  240. Tylarzz:
  241. Juanno3:
  242. DeltaDragon222:
  243. Le_Makrala:
  244. felipu_feliu:
  245. Jo_el:
  246. RiverinMC:
  247. TheFer99:
  248. TheShadowOfNight:
  249. Oscar8682:
  250. Ihze:
  251. YunoSangai:
  252. CalManMC
  253. ShewVacasFan:
  254. Morata:
  255. Ashleey98:
  256. Brokennz:
  257. NixaniaXi:
  258. Ara_jpa:
  259. Andrees10:
  260. Lauty21:
  261. PolaManu:
  262. ImAndy_:
  263. LeitoMC:
  264. Rushoot:
  265. Framakeda:
  266. DonHated:
  267. NeoZip:
  268. pmheys:
  269. jarl5hawk:
  270. ga_ry:
  271. callme5harp:
  272. Canobat:
  273. thetomiboy1:
  274. Straiker87:
  275. Zilvex:
  276. Lastn:
  277. TehSkilled:
  278. Iaio:
  279. Panchulo:
  280. Nachoo_:
  281. Kenway:
  282. redmanvevo:
  283. skilledfire43:
  284. CannonG0D:
  285. joseso0_246ms:
  286. Diamyx:
  287. PBmg:
  288. iPichu:
  289. NicoG_:
  290. BlackFight3r:
  291. CaydenClient:
  292. ExoticZ_:
  293. Tkerz:
  294. Hoodovah:
  295. Recnac:
  296. ArmandoSP:
  297. Mitsui:
  298. MrDandS:
  299. iLifting:
  300. _Inner:
  301. iDikoMosh:
  302. IMatii:
  303. Kit10s:
  304. SuperEvox:
  305. iDizzo:
  306. Pugzy
  307. Koishin:
  308. Droppinq:
  309. ItzAtrox_Ez:
  310. alitan10:
  311. Synix_Scrach:
  312. byInFaM0rtal_69:
  313. Surnaame:
  314. MrChecho:
  315. SamSafari:
  316. lSlox:
  317. Juanno:
  318. Windeish:
  319. Kazey_:
  320. DlayLysDefender
  321. Recoovery:
  322. AlbertaLaPerra:
  323. DracoRC12_YT:
  324. Zhyden:
  325. Its_AJ:
  326. PabliitoczMex:
  327. Farmertom:
  328. FanDeMeega:
  329. Derlect:
  330. InJustIcIa:
  331. RagingTheRacooon:
  332. TiToChen:
  333. uwur:
  334. Nahuel:
  335. TecnoSquadV2:
  336. Kn21:
  337. PatoStacks:
  338. GoodFarm_Fan:
  339. Gaabe:
  340. Sorx4s:
  341. esprimer:
  342. VendeHumo:
  343. PizzaGato:
  344. FloppehFeesh:
  345. Varak:
  346. CarloA5:
  347. Haward:
  348. xKuganManda_:
  349. Vencii_:
  350. Mayinbuxd:
  351. Marca_:
  352. RoyalCurry:
  353. J0s3_:
  354. JordyWR:
  355. Papiarca:
  356. paladini01capo:
  357. Antonimo:
  358. Tyrano85:
  359. FraNnGaMer_YT:

Emmaye September 3, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

Ffs this has to be released from some player who has OP on a scrimmage server. No doubt. I'm 95% sure which one it is too.

BmB September 3, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

Ffs this has to be released from some player who has OP on a scrimmage server. No doubt. I'm 95% sure which one it is too.
My thoughts too, but i think it could be the other owner of that server.

Jahaj September 3, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

Good thing I don't play on OCN!

JOHN_CENAAAAAAAA September 3, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

Ffs this has to be released from some player who has OP on a scrimmage server. No doubt. I'm 95% sure which one it is too.
my scrim server?

Subscriptor September 3, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

Plaza, sky, robo, ihze, emmy, tazz and some other players are know are on this list :/

ImJeezus September 3, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

ah, script kiddies, never fail to make me laugh.

TheColdCrafter September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

If this is real then thank god I don't play ocn

keller183 September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

another reason not to play ocn

resepignev September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

It's a private scrim server for OCN teams. OCN itself has nothing to do with it.

kycrafft September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

another reason not to play ocn
Considering I was up all night playing it yesterday and I'm fine (along with the other 95% of the playerbase) I think it's safe to say that the risk is low.

pope_panda September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

beans beans beans

SWEET_Johny September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC


Dyspa September 3, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

inb4 ambivasqueak accuses michael again

AtditC September 3, 2015 at 4:09 PM UTC


1. your ip address isn't a secret. It's saved on almost each web server you visited.
2. what should someone do with an ip address? He can only find out in which country and state you are living, but no address or telephone number.
3. skype. if you know someone's skype, then you know his ip address within 30 seconds of using google.

I laugh at this little kid who thought he was doing something really bad and he's now the mlg-master-h4x0r xdd

oh and just to let you know, if you only download a (d)dos-program in the UK, you can get already get in jail without using it. Sweet Script Kiddies.

ImRaging September 3, 2015 at 4:09 PM UTC

i have an dynamic ip :^)

AtditC September 3, 2015 at 4:09 PM UTC

i have an dynamic ip :^)
This changes only a little thing. People which even know what "DOS" means, SHOULD also know how to find your current IP address with another dynamic ip address of you.

Don't say me no, or I will make a youtube tutorial
oh yea I forgot, ddos'ers are mostly too stupid to understand what they are even doing, stupid kids I say, stupid.

Pigbeard_Pete September 3, 2015 at 4:09 PM UTC

Ffs this has to be released from some player who has OP on a scrimmage server. No doubt. I'm 95% sure which one it is too.
It's scrimmcast night vision.

i think I know exactly the player too

Glitchaye September 3, 2015 at 5:09 PM UTC

inb4 ambivasqueak accuses michael again

oh you

JDKL September 3, 2015 at 7:09 PM UTC

Lol, I'm first on the list. The thing is that I know my ip and it isn't even the same. I even checked it on my Mac and they didn't match. The server that got the ip is 100% incorrect for mine (good job) but I've heard some other player's ip are right.

PieZ September 3, 2015 at 7:09 PM UTC

Is it bad that no one cares about me enough that I am not on this list?

Tazz September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

Lol, I'm first on the list. The thing is that I know my ip and it isn't even the same. I even checked it on my Mac and they didn't match. The server that got the ip is 100% incorrect for mine (good job) but I've heard some other player's ip are right.
Yea, same with me, however I changed mine 2 nights ago and I'm pretty sure it was the one on there before I changed it :)

insanegguy September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

I'm not sure how many of you misplaced a chromosome but this has nothing to do with ocn. Its literally some people who want to get your ip because you go on their scrim server. Jumping on the ocn hate bandwagon is almost as dumb as playing avicus pub servers regularly.

BmB September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

I'm not sure how many of you misplaced a chromosome but this has nothing to do with ocn. Its literally some people who want to get your ip because you go on their scrim server. Jumping on the ocn hate bandwagon is almost as dumb as playing avicus pub servers regularly.
Kyle is 100% right, it has nothing to do with OCN infact their staff made lots of moves to sort the whole thing out even though it wasn't their problem in the first place. It was a scrimmage server error exploited by some d*cks.

Geski September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

Good thing I don't play on OCN!

Emmaye September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

my scrim server?
Probably, robo is secretly denying it if you mean that server.

BmB September 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM UTC

Probably, robo is secretly denying it if you mean that server.
We think it was Night vision's scrimmcast network server.

Emmaye September 3, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

We think it was Night vision's scrimmcast network server.
That's exactly what I had in mind too.

Coco_stag September 3, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Dammit, I was about to say what Atdit said.

Your IP isn't a secret. You can find someones IP in 1 second. As atdit said you aren't a major hacker if you can do that.

Petlas September 3, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

This guy seems more like a person attempting to look threatening than actually dangerous.

smitdaIt September 3, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Dammit, I was about to say what Atdit said.

Your IP isn't a secret. You can find someones IP in 1 second. As atdit said you aren't a major hacker if you can do that.
but my name is smit


Okiba September 3, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Phew -.-
Btw, If you can't find your name press CTRL+F and type your username in the search bar.

pablocz September 3, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

You just copy pasted the fucking post on ocn...https://oc.tc/forums/topics/55e833bf67d522a63d00044a

PieZ September 3, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

You just copy pasted the fucking post on ocn...https://oc.tc/forums/topics/55e833bf67d522a63d00044a
That is Bmb's alt...

JOHN_CENAAAAAAAA September 3, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

alright i got the list, thanks for letting us know

Dyspa September 3, 2015 at 11:09 PM UTC

alright i got the list, thanks for letting us know
your time is now

kycrafft September 4, 2015 at 2:09 AM UTC

I'm not sure how many of you misplaced a chromosome but this has nothing to do with ocn. Its literally some people who want to get your ip because you go on their scrim server. Jumping on the ocn hate bandwagon is almost as dumb as playing avicus pub servers regularly.
There's 3 people on the OCN hatewagon. I don't think you need to worry.

Pigbeard_Pete September 4, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

I reported the page yesterday and the pastebin file was taken down. Hooray.

Hola September 5, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

I still don't get why people are freaking out. I doubt anyone from that list has gotten DDos'd so far and probably won't be in the future either. And if you want to be sure you can just change your IP, it's not like it takes a long time.

BmB September 5, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

You just copy pasted the fucking post on ocn...https://oc.tc/forums/topics/55e833bf67d522a63d00044a
Except that's me. :3

NovaLikesPvP September 9, 2015 at 3:09 AM UTC

50% That the one who take all that ips is from the server Scrimcast, ( Because of the guys On the list ). 
Report it!

paqi September 9, 2015 at 3:09 AM UTC

I'm on the list and i never received a ddos attack, not everyone has a account of ddos or something like that. You guys exaggerate so much.