Avicus Archive

Time to say goodbye by yungmuck October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

Well as a lot of you know by now ive been banned for auto clicking, cant really do much about a decision made by all the staff but it is what it is but I guess hopefully I can see this great community again someday. ill lurk around on ts and ocn still my skype is muckyman123 if you care to ask me any questions or just wanna talk. I wanna say thank you to everyone who made my experience on avicus the best it could ever be and just keep being awesome. Ive had an amazing 3 years on avicus and I wish it kept going but as all good things must come to an end and I love everyone on this server! I wanna thank the family of cronus, jalapenos, and Team Rocket  that helped me get into competitive gameplay and hope you guys do good in T4, Lastly I want to thank a few people who were really good friends throughout the years so thank you Xtra (Sextra) Andrew, Koja, Elemental, Sessp, Micah, Josh, Icy, Patty, and reds. I know I might've missed some people but you all know who you are. I hope avicus continues to be the server it always has been. And lastly I want to say don't let Apollo rule everyone on this server, they all have staff ranks we know and tend to ban people for unreasonable things and also think they rule the server but don't let them rule you stand up for your self no matter what its your life, choose what to do with it. No hate towards Apollo cause some of you were pretty cool guys goodluck in T4 but just lighten up a bit. Goodbye everyone in hopes to see you people in a year or two whenever they decide to let me come back in regards your beautiful mucky I love you all and have fun in the future!

KojaCola October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

Im sorry to see you go muck. Its been a fun time and I hope you stick around on teamspeak. I think EVERYONE should honor the fact that you took a stand. In these times, in and out of game, its impotant to voice your opinion. No matter anyones opnion, you should honor this. To take a stand for the better is not so easy to do. In the end, it doesnt boil down to who's right and who's wrong. Its for the better of the community, and mucky, you sure made this community a hell of a better one. 

See ya around,


ProfessorUtonium October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

sad to see you go. you were a pretty nice player.

just out of curiosity, how is apollo corrupt/"the kings of the server"
there are only 5 staff members out of the 37 staff members on Apollo
that's not very "rulers of the server" thing. 
Apollo have also have had players banned from their team which they cannot really stand for (example being Seuth). It's not apollo. It's the staff's choice to have players being banned.

note: not trying to start a flame war plz

yungmuck October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

sad to see you go. you were a pretty nice player.

just out of curiosity, how is apollo corrupt/"the kings of the server"
there are only 5 staff members out of the 37 staff members on Apollo
that's not very "rulers of the server" thing. 
Apollo have also have had players banned from their team which they cannot really stand for (example being Seuth). It's not apollo. It's the staff's choice to have players being banned.

note: not trying to start a flame war plz
not trying to start one just making my opinion what more can u guys do I'm already banned

Or8 October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

I'll be honest, if you really had that much fun than don't give up, it's been 2 months since my ban, also cus some butthurt people whom I won't name, Tbh you quit really easily in most things and I just don't think that's good for you, you know what I'm taking about. I just hope we keep getting on ts and meming around as we always do, have fun wherever your going, but again, don't give up

Or8 October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

sad to see you go. you were a pretty nice player.

just out of curiosity, how is apollo corrupt/"the kings of the server"
there are only 5 staff members out of the 37 staff members on Apollo
that's not very "rulers of the server" thing. 
Apollo have also have had players banned from their team which they cannot really stand for (example being Seuth). It's not apollo. It's the staff's choice to have players being banned.

note: not trying to start a flame war plz
Ok I respect the fact that your trying not to start a fight, but do you really think we are just the casual part of the server that has no idea what goes on in your team and chats? like please people have seen the real side of your other staff members, it's all being nice on avicus, I wonder what people would do if they saw all the things you guys did... 
I really hope the other part of the server doesn't get exposed to all the shit you've done, it would start a huge fight, like avicus isn't/wasn't already being ruined by some "people" 

idk if other staff are pressuring you or you guys just can't stand all the things your doing, what like 4 pple retired in last 2 months?

Sevoo October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

Were you even auto clicking lol

Bye ;-;

Goodnighht October 5, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

Rip. ;c I didn't want to do that, honestly. I saw multiple things I didn't like and I asked a few Mods and we had a vote. I'm hoping you're not too mad at me. Hopefully we can still talk & stuff, that was my biggest fear going into this tbh. :(

TheMasterClock October 5, 2016 at 1:10 AM UTC

u were cool bye

Acceqted October 5, 2016 at 1:10 AM UTC

Really going to miss you Muck :(, Hop on Teamspeak once in a while !

marvelmarc33 October 5, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

Didn't know you personally but you seem like a nice person. Good Luck and hope to see you around in the future.

DaFrozenBlaze October 5, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC


Xuph October 5, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

Apollo rules the server ?!?!?!? This makes no sense and I believe that you say it just because spooks was the one to ban you
idk whether you were autoclicking or not
was fun scrimmng against you

dev_revs October 5, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

rip avicus community 2k16 luv u babe <3

yoloboy71 October 5, 2016 at 5:10 AM UTC

bye D:

maybe u can appeal in a few months thats what i did

Patrikano October 5, 2016 at 6:10 AM UTC


WHAT!?! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ugh. This is really sad to be honest, it was so fun to play with you and you made everything a lot more fun. I just hope you think about returning, because as R3DSS said, you shouldn't give up! Loads of people get banned! 

If you autoclicked or not, I really don't know or care. But I know mods who really didn't believe you hacked :/ anyways, please think about it. And maybe don't make a rash decision :) 

I will miss you, and so will all of Jalapenos. 
Good luck in your future endeavours! 

Legoche October 5, 2016 at 6:10 AM UTC

"Apollo rules the server"

because that makes sense...

Capenage October 5, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

Cya bro

Myworld6 October 5, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

Awww, Mucky... :'(

What can I say? I still remember the days in Necromancy when you, Shoes and I kept trying to organise scrim matches and no one turned up. XD

I'm truly sorry that this had to be done, but the evidence recorded gave us no choice. I really hope that you don't think this is out of any bias or an unfair decision. The people who banned you are people whom I trust implicitly and know are just doing their job. They don't take any joy in this ban.

Once again, I'm so sorry that this happened. I hope to see you on the forums and Teamspeak from time to time.

I hate saying this, but goodbye mate. :'(

- Myworld/Pingu

Carryinq October 5, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

"Can I have builder rank?"
Mucky: "Only Apollo members get builder!"
Cya Mucky, hope you come back and there is a famous quote from Mucky himself (I think)

OldManTigerMask October 5, 2016 at 8:10 AM UTC

Well Bye :( I will... umm..... eat one less chocolate slice to remember you

ref October 5, 2016 at 11:10 AM UTC


Sweedie October 5, 2016 at 11:10 AM UTC

I haven't seen you in a long time but I'll miss you as I already do, like our scrims in Necromancy and when we played Skywars ex. (Even though I was really bad at it cx)

I hope I'll see you around! <3


Or8 October 5, 2016 at 11:10 AM UTC

"Apollo rules the server"

because that makes sense...
k lol, why even try Apollo is 40% of staff on the server lol

ElementalAssasin October 5, 2016 at 11:10 AM UTC


potatoarmor October 5, 2016 at 12:10 PM UTC

Free my boy he dindu nufn, unarmed citizen smh, #DuckLivesMatter

you gotta appeal tho lol fr

gonna miss you tho, hell lot of time we had together and others during avicus, hate to see an end to it :(

JustBudah October 5, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC

k lol, why even try Apollo is 40% of staff on the server lol
Awh, it sucks to see you banned man!

flyofff October 5, 2016 at 1:10 PM UTC

Not suprised, just wondering who is the next victim :)

ImRaging October 5, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC


1) please provide evidence to show that apollo rule the server

2) if we rule the server, how come we have had pur fair share of false and correct bans?

3) if you had any common sense whatsoever you'd know that avicus isnt a fucking dictatorship. although certain people (such as the admins) will have more influence on decisions,  most of the staff team is involved in decisions such as these. 

3) you say 'no hate to apollo' but then you go and bash us lol

4) i doubt 5 people out of 30 is gonna enable us to 'rule' avicus

5) ya boy sessp is more biased than all of apollo together

i was gonna he nice to you and wish you good luck on getting unbanned, but since you arent gonna show me respect im not either: i hope you stay banned.

Call him that again and he won't be the only one to be punished.

ImRaging October 5, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

Ok I respect the fact that your trying not to start a fight, but do you really think we are just the casual part of the server that has no idea what goes on in your team and chats? like please people have seen the real side of your other staff members, it's all being nice on avicus, I wonder what people would do if they saw all the things you guys did... 
I really hope the other part of the server doesn't get exposed to all the shit you've done, it would start a huge fight, like avicus isn't/wasn't already being ruined by some "people" 

idk if other staff are pressuring you or you guys just can't stand all the things your doing, what like 4 pple retired in last 2 months?
Wtf are you on about 'you think we dont see your chats' 

screenshots please because im honestly intrigued to see what you think is SO HORRIBLE that will ruin us!!

anyway tbh whatever goes on in our teamchats is our business, we can say whatever we want lol

also what do you mean by 'I wonder what people would do if they saw all of the things you guys have done'? What is that supposed to mean lol

Legoche October 5, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

k lol, why even try Apollo is 40% of staff on the server lol
5/37 of staff members are part of Apollo (not including tournament or mapdev staff since they don't decide in bans) That is 13%, not 40%.

Your point is?

ImRaging October 5, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

5/37 of staff members are part of Apollo (not including tournament or mapdev staff since they don't decide in bans) That is 13%, not 40%.

Your point is?
His point is that he's shit at maths

Out2Kill October 5, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

His point is that he's shit at maths
Can i rule da server wif u bro??

imryaan October 5, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

"And lastly I want to say don't let Apollo rule everyone on this server, they all have staff ranks we know and tend to ban people for unreasonable things and also think they rule the server but don't let them rule "



faht October 5, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

h e l l o

g o o d b y e !

Spoookeh October 5, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

I guess it's my obligation to respond to this post because 1. I banned you and 2. You're trying to bash Apollo.

"Can't really do much about a decision"
Erm you can appeal? The fact you're not trying to contest this ban and just straight up leaving proves to me that you were in fact cheating.

"Don't let Apollo rule everyone on this server"
We don't and we won't. The fact that we're an extremely tight group of friends does mean we defend each other in certain situations such as some idiotic comments made in this post. However we don't purposely try to ruin anyone purely because we dislike them as a group. Some may call us 'witch hunters' but we're not at all. 

"They all have staff ranks"
Only 5 of our members are part of the moderating team with Lego, Eric and Ryan as part of the map dev/builder team. We do not rule the server, nor do we plan to. 

"tend to ban people for unreasonable things"
If you're talking about yourself, it wasn't unreasonable. You were autoclicking.

"think they rule the server"
No, we don't. Half our members are inactive on Avicus anyway.

You can always try to appeal, but telling people that Apollo rules the server is not only stupid and completely idiotic but wrong in a thousand different ways.

Good luck in life,
Peace o/

Tarheelkiwi October 5, 2016 at 3:10 PM UTC

Not a good way to leave the server

Xuph October 5, 2016 at 4:10 PM UTC

Xuph October 5, 2016 at 4:10 PM UTC

also the fact that most of our team is staff just showing that we are good people that follow the rules and the guidelines and we help the server

Legoche October 5, 2016 at 4:10 PM UTC

watch out !

Myworld6 October 5, 2016 at 4:10 PM UTC

I can't believe I have to say this but please keep the arguments and off-topic posts to a minimum. I don't want to have to lock this. =/

ImRaging October 5, 2016 at 5:10 PM UTC

I can't believe I have to say this but please keep the arguments and off-topic posts to a minimum. I don't want to have to lock this. =/
Theyre not off topic we are standing up for ourselves and legoche the dicktator

Myworld6 October 5, 2016 at 5:10 PM UTC

Theyre not off topic we are standing up for ourselves and legoche the dicktator
"Please keep the arguments and off-topic posts to a minimum."

AbusiveUser October 5, 2016 at 5:10 PM UTC



Lasuz October 5, 2016 at 6:10 PM UTC

Rip legend.

Goodnighht October 5, 2016 at 6:10 PM UTC

Awww, Mucky... :'(

What can I say? I still remember the days in Necromancy when you, Shoes and I kept trying to organise scrim matches and no one turned up. XD

I'm truly sorry that this had to be done, but the evidence recorded gave us no choice. I really hope that you don't think this is out of any bias or an unfair decision. The people who banned you are people whom I trust implicitly and know are just doing their job. They don't take any joy in this ban.

Once again, I'm so sorry that this happened. I hope to see you on the forums and Teamspeak from time to time.

I hate saying this, but goodbye mate. :'(

- Myworld/Pingu
^^^^ I was one of those people, we've been friends for forever, I hated doing this but I can't tell you that you looked legit. I wish you did but I'm sorry. ;( Also- Apollo didn't really have much to do with your ban, SpookeZ banned you before he retired, he had a vote, yes, but so did many other Moderators, there were 12 votes for yes and 1 no. Apollo was 2 of those votes.

lactify October 5, 2016 at 6:10 PM UTC

Bye and good luck in life Muck :(

Or8 October 5, 2016 at 6:10 PM UTC


1) please provide evidence to show that apollo rule the server

2) if we rule the server, how come we have had pur fair share of false and correct bans?

3) if you had any common sense whatsoever you'd know that avicus isnt a fucking dictatorship. although certain people (such as the admins) will have more influence on decisions,  most of the staff team is involved in decisions such as these. 

3) you say 'no hate to apollo' but then you go and bash us lol

4) i doubt 5 people out of 30 is gonna enable us to 'rule' avicus

5) ya boy sessp is more biased than all of apollo together

i was gonna he nice to you and wish you good luck on getting unbanned, but since you arent gonna show me respect im not either: i hope you stay banned.

Call him that again and he won't be the only one to be punished.
Pfffft at least your showing effort to hide it from the rest of the server, go to bed kid

Legoche October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Pfffft at least your showing effort to hide it from the rest of the server, go to bed kid
Read my worlds post... wouldn't this locking would you?

Okiba October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC


Or8 October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Read my worlds post... wouldn't this locking would you?
Cool now your just trying to get me to shut my mouth

Myworld6 October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Cool now your just trying to get me to shut my mouth

fire506 October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

I was on when you got banned I hope you can come back one day.  :'(

Or8 October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Where would you like us to discuss this? its Off topic isnt it? and the creator of the post is fine with it.... Please tell me where i can discuss this where the whole community can see it

Xuph October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Where would you like us to discuss this? its Off topic isnt it? and the creator of the post is fine with it.... Please tell me where i can discuss this where the whole community can see it
just stop replying your posts don't make sense anyways

ElementalAssasin October 5, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

just to clarify if u want to know why mucky hacked talk to me on skype tho he himself didnt really hack

Athune October 5, 2016 at 8:10 PM UTC

Sad to see you go.. I miss all the fun times we had already lol. Enjoy your journey make it something because its always better than nothing.

Fouled October 5, 2016 at 8:10 PM UTC

Where would you like us to discuss this? its Off topic isnt it? and the creator of the post is fine with it.... Please tell me where i can discuss this where the whole community can see it
Don't discuss it at all. I don't think any of the Apollo members want to get into an argument about this and what's the point in the whole community seeing it? There was no "apollo bias" involved in the ban, it was a legitimate staff vote. Also, as some of the others have already stated, there are only about 5 apollo staff members (in the moderation section) that are involved with punishments. I don't understand the reasoning, why can't apollo players be staff members, what's wrong with it. If they're qualified for the position, then they obviously deserved it. They aren't trying to "rule" the server, they're simply helping the staff team & the community.

Going back to the topic of "apollo bias", how do you know this? Are you in the staff team? Do you know everything that happens behind the scenes regarding to how punishments are dealt? If not, then please try not to assume so many things without actual facts to back it up. Incidents like this shouldn't be referred to as apollo bias, since the vote was open to all moderation staff. Many apollo players have been banned before as well.

Thought I'd just clear some stuff up.
Anyways, please stop arguing about this or the thread may get locked, final warning.

ClubberNugget October 5, 2016 at 8:10 PM UTC

Cya Muck, I like ya, but I can't agree with you calling out apollo lol

Seuthy October 5, 2016 at 9:10 PM UTC

come one come all, to the bash apollo thread!
bye for the second time

Carryinq October 5, 2016 at 10:10 PM UTC

Calm down, guys. This is supposed to be a peaceful goodbye. This is not supposed to be WW3!

Verybadsorry October 6, 2016 at 6:10 AM UTC

"Apollo rules the server"

because that makes sense...

iiDecade October 6, 2016 at 7:10 AM UTC

Awww, that's a bit sad on you, Muckyy. Next time, do not hack ever again.


BrandonMunson October 6, 2016 at 5:10 PM UTC

Have a good life

Han_So_Hyun October 6, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

Sad to see you go. I hope you have a good life and find something that will interest you :D It was REALLY awesome to have you here with us, although at times you stole my mons and wools...... X) Anyways, thank you so much, we will all miss you SOO much. You played a huge role in Avicus, no one will forget that. Bye Mucky! *sniff* *sniff*

JeTePardonne October 7, 2016 at 12:10 AM UTC

You will be missed Adam. :( Hacking or not you are one hell of a player dudddeee. As Fanis would say, PCE. ):

p.s I will forever cherish the good ol' walls days. (':

- Tobin

Or8 October 7, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

sigh, good old days in necro

Myv October 7, 2016 at 7:10 PM UTC

I didn't see you around much, but you are a nice person and I remember doing scrims against you.

All the best for the future Muck, it's been good having you here :)

Stimulating October 9, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

Were you even auto clicking lol

Bye ;-;
Autoclicker is piss easy to detect in 1.8, so more than likely. It's literally they are or they aren't, and it's really obvious when they are.


It was your decision to cheat? xd. If you legitimately weren't cheating, don't act helpless saying "can't do much about it, apollo bias and all" or "it was a staff decision, can't do anything", because that isn't true in the slightest. Sounds like bullshit so you don't have to prove you weren't cheating.

Anyways, pce

Sevoo October 9, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

Autoclicker is piss easy to detect in 1.8, so more than likely. It's literally they are or they aren't, and it's really obvious when they are.


It was your decision to cheat? xd. If you legitimately weren't cheating, don't act helpless saying "can't do much about it, apollo bias and all" or "it was a staff decision, can't do anything", because that isn't true in the slightest. Sounds like bullshit so you don't have to prove you weren't cheating.

Anyways, pce
yeah but he didnt seem sketchy at all when i used to fight him

Goodnighht October 9, 2016 at 3:10 AM UTC

yeah but he didnt seem sketchy at all when i used to fight him
How long ago was that? From what I saw (and in my opinion) he was only using the autoclicker for a few days, maybe 3-4, before he was banned.

Sevoo October 9, 2016 at 4:10 AM UTC

How long ago was that? From what I saw (and in my opinion) he was only using the autoclicker for a few days, maybe 3-4, before he was banned.
yeah makes more sense

he did get a bit better the last time i fought him

papagoogs October 9, 2016 at 8:10 AM UTC

seeya dude

yungmuck October 9, 2016 at 12:10 PM UTC

Autoclicker is piss easy to detect in 1.8, so more than likely. It's literally they are or they aren't, and it's really obvious when they are.


It was your decision to cheat? xd. If you legitimately weren't cheating, don't act helpless saying "can't do much about it, apollo bias and all" or "it was a staff decision, can't do anything", because that isn't true in the slightest. Sounds like bullshit so you don't have to prove you weren't cheating.

Anyways, pce
though it is easy to detect or notice theres many people that look like they auto click from what I could see and the reason I haven't tried to get unbanned is cause theres nothing lost from a 50 player pvp server. why waste my time knowing one of my friends was already banned and has been fighting it for months now but has no luck as the staff ignore us. I was told the seniors would discuss my appeal few days ago yet nothing back or atleast no "we're busy atm will pick it up when we have time". point is why fight a case with staff that basically ignore you for weeks just to deny your appeal after.

Spoookeh October 9, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

though it is easy to detect or notice theres many people that look like they auto click from what I could see and the reason I haven't tried to get unbanned is cause theres nothing lost from a 50 player pvp server. why waste my time knowing one of my friends was already banned and has been fighting it for months now but has no luck as the staff ignore us. I was told the seniors would discuss my appeal few days ago yet nothing back or atleast no "we're busy atm will pick it up when we have time". point is why fight a case with staff that basically ignore you for weeks just to deny your appeal after.
Appeal? And if it's denied then you were cheating.

Stimulating October 10, 2016 at 1:10 AM UTC

though it is easy to detect or notice theres many people that look like they auto click from what I could see and the reason I haven't tried to get unbanned is cause theres nothing lost from a 50 player pvp server. why waste my time knowing one of my friends was already banned and has been fighting it for months now but has no luck as the staff ignore us. I was told the seniors would discuss my appeal few days ago yet nothing back or atleast no "we're busy atm will pick it up when we have time". point is why fight a case with staff that basically ignore you for weeks just to deny your appeal after.
a) If they spec'd you from 3rd person it's either you were or weren't, no in between 

b) Clear your rep on other servers? Knowing that you cheated here, players like me will flat out devouch you on servs like OCN because of it. Plus having a rep as a cheater isn't exactly great. Also allows you to play when you want. I don't even play pubs or this serv anymore and still put in the effort to get my ban lifted because I don't want to be known as a leaker when I did jack shit. Just seems like a load od excuses, especially because you were invested in this community.

Mwwwww October 10, 2016 at 2:10 PM UTC

Right as I started to get to know you! 

Hope to see you around sometime.

