Avicus Archive

Miguel's Avicus Videos V2 by Aanszo October 5, 2014 at 4:10 AM UTC

Vsplesk did this recently and it really is a good way to promote videos so I decided to do it again since I have more time.
Nebula  (episode 15+)
Nebula ep 15 (http://youtu.be/PNjBZXtaGcU)
Nebula ep 16 (http://youtu.be/oq4u7iVMxa0)
Nebula ep 17 (http://youtu.be/TComSOmWXek)
Nebula ep 18 (http://youtu.be/GynTn46KoG8)
Nebula ep 20 (http://youtu.be/y4M6TlzUlY4) skipped ep 19 'cause it glitched
Nebula ep 21 (http://youtu.be/5g82UBU_BzY)

Nexus ep 1(http://youtu.be/n0v4ouYV8xk)
Nexus ep 2 (http://youtu.be/g1pOlWilPqI)
Nexus ep 3 (http://youtu.be/xYBQAbkL7ZQ)
Nexus ep 5 (http://youtu.be/ZD_9GtgG65k) ep 4 had the same issue as ep 19