Avicus Archive

Whittleby - Channel Introduction by Chief_Hacks May 19, 2015 at 9:05 AM UTC

Hey guys I just wanted to introduce my channel i guess xP. I sort of wanted to share it so I could get new ideas from you guys and feedback about what I could do better. I am not as popular as some of those other Avicus YouTubers (MLGPorky, Tynvale) but that is why feedback is much appreciated. I am going to be uploading the new nebula gameplay soon as well so stay tuned if you want to see that. 

Channel: youtube.com/c/Whittleby

Thanks, Whittleby

Chief_Hacks May 20, 2015 at 2:05 AM UTC

*NOTE* Subscribing or even looking at my channel is optional. I don't want people thinking that I am forcing them to view my channel.