Avicus Archive

Prestige Glitches by WackaFlackaFlame November 2, 2014 at 10:11 PM UTC

I came back on after the updates, with level 45 and a half at prestige one, almost prestige two. The i talked to cinammoncroc000 in the chat about the new update and it said i was prestige two and a lot of other people were like prestige 11 and 9 and 7 and 6 so i did /prestige and it let me and now im level 39 prestige three. On the leaderboards it says im with the ranked people in prestige 1 but it shows i am prestige two. :/ Junior, Regular, and Senior Mods plz halp :(

Phobiaxx November 2, 2014 at 11:11 PM UTC

Report it here: https://github.com/Avicus/Issues/issues, not on the forums.
Thanks anyways! ^-^