Avicus Archive

Thankyou Avicus NETWORK! by shadowolfyt September 24, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Here is a video for you guys I hope you enjoy if you don't want to watch the video but want to "read" it there will be a video transcript  below

Click this link (https://youtu.be/z-1G5qSrf4k) to watch the video or watch the video transcript!

Video Transcript

Hey guys shadowolf365 here and welcome back to another video on the channel now this has to regard on my Twitch stream is this address the Avicus people as it says in the title If you can't watch this video but you know I can read the video if you look down in the description of the YouTube video or if you go on to the Avicus forum post I that I had post this on then you'll be able to read it from there

So I talked to Administrafer... Administrafer is one of the admins on the Avicus network and I applied for media I got into media so I would like to say thank you for letting me apply for me and letting and accepting me into the role as media and I would like to say to some of the things that you let us people of Media on the Avicus network must do. We must record Avicus tournaments and be on there for Avicus tournaments and I will definitely record them I won't be a part of them um but I'm also going to be live streaming avicus nebula and I will also be recording it on YouTube as well I wanna make a big series on Nebula at the moment on my channel only have 3 to 4 episodes with Glesmon but I will need to bring him back and we'll have to do more Nebula episodes but that's not why we are here no that's actually why we are here but I get back to it later

So my goals I want to stream on the Avicus network I want to talk to you guys live in real time in the chat I'll talk to people live on Twitch and I want to make nebula videos of more often on my YouTube channel youtube.com/shadowolf365 and I also want to collaborate with you guys collaborate with the people on the Avicus network offer to do videos with you guys obviously still have to be some requirements you have to have a microphone we could use Skype we could use the public team speak we could use the private TeamSpeak I don't care what we use you have to have a microphone a very good my microphone like the one that I have right now but I'll be I'm using the camera mic at the moment um so if you want to collaborate with me either email me at [email protected] or notify me on the Avicus forums and we'll set up a time make sure what time zones um are all set up a good to go and yeah.

So I urge you to go down to the description where you were you can check out my YouTube channel check it out watch the nebula videos see if I'm good see if I'm crap give me some um ideas what else I can do all my channel and subscribe for Monday Wednesday Friday content on my channel follow me on Twitter whatever um I go live on Twitch whenever I do a Nebula live stream my Twitter will obviously um indicate whenever I'm livestreaming and yeah follow Twitter go to twitch.tv/shadowolfyt and you can also follow me on Twitch so then whenever I go to live you will get a notification on your phone get a notification through emails and you get a notification on like your tablets like your iPad don’t have my iPad here and just saying that this is actually phone um

So thank you for watching thank you for the media rank you guys are so supportive so helpful you guys are the best avicus network you've gotten me to where I am today and I'm very thankful um so guys this has been another video from shadowolf365 me and thank you all for watching like this video if you want to see if you want to see more videos on the Avicus network, comment down below what other things I should do other than the Avicus Network or on the Avicus network um all comment down below if you are a Avicus YouTuber and I will check out channel and I will  subscribe to you

So like comment and subscribe for Monday Wednesday Friday content on my channel this has been shadowolf365 and I'll see you all later guys remember if you could not watch this video there will be a transcript in the description and yeah this is literally the transcription running right now everything that I say go straight into this awesome transcript so guys I will see you all in the next video see you later guys

Rabona September 25, 2015 at 3:09 AM UTC

Nice channel, how can I contact Administrafer?

Eteh September 25, 2015 at 4:09 AM UTC

Nice channel, how can I contact Administrafer?
On Skype.

I'm not too sure if you can ref and record/stream tournaments at the same time.