Avicus Archive

My Strategies... by CMLSC July 20, 2015 at 1:07 PM UTC

1. Make an iron armor storage. (I have never lost doing this, but it gets boring after a bit.)
    Extension 1: If the map has tnt, blow up the iron blocks to make an iron armor storage. (WARNING: You may get kicked for this if a mod thinks you are just trying to ruin the game.)
    Extension 2: Make walls on the edge of floating platforms.

2. Dig under the enemy. (Kinda obvious.)

3. Protect a monument early in he game and set it up.
    Extension 2: Don't leave it wide open either.
    Extension 3: Build a platform up to it.
    Extension 4: Make one way up using ladders. Cover everything else with buttons.
    Extension 5: Cover the floor with slabs.
    Extension 6: If there is a path to the monument, make it a ditch.
    Extension 7: If there isn't a path to the monument, make parkour to it over the void. You can shoot your enemies while they are doing it!

4. Make all bridges one way with ramps, buttons, and slabs.


1. Do not build those pathways way up high in the sky unless you plan to shoot from up there or you have water.

2. Dig a tunnel under your opponent. Try to start at the edge of your territory and go far into your enemies' territory before going up.

3. Carry axes! (Say you did #2. The enemy fills it up with wood. Just mine it back with an axe. They are probably to lazy to do do both the top and bottom all of the way. Either you will see blocks on and off or they just blocked the first bit to discourage you.)

4. Unless you are rushing at the surface, always crouch! Even if you are going through a previously dug hole. Better safe than sorry.

5. Make a railroad? I just won a long game very easily doing this...

Say you are trying to sneak over to the monument but one player keeps coming and killing you. Here are a couple tricks for outsmarting the other player.

If you haven't been found...

1. The most common tactic is to dig a hole on the wall and wait for the other player to come.

2. If a player is about to find you and you are in a tunnel... Wait for the player to see you then place 2 blocks to cover the tunnel(preferably stone, DO NOT DO WOOD OR GLASS!). As soon as you are done with that, just draw back your bow and wait for them to break the block. Once they do, just shoot and keep the arrows coming.

If you have been found...

1. Once again, if you are in a tunnel, you could do 2 then, OR you could place 2 blocks(Shift.), then mine on the side of the tunnel and go next to the blocks.
Example: 0 = floor of tunnel, 1 = player, 2 = natural blocks, 3 = placed blocks, 4 = enemy.
Basically, you are hiding on the side of your blocks when it is expected for you to be directly behind it.

2. (AXE REQUIRED) If you are on a pathway that was made in the game, try building a house of wood. (You have to see the player coming.) Basically, you do a 3x3 floor  of wood over the original pathway. Then you build 2 block high walls around yourself and get blocks over your head. Wait about 5 seconds then use your axe to break the top. Jump and place a block under you then you will be able to jump down on your enemy, that is, if they don't hear you break the block. So it is kind of risky... If the enemy has an axe, well... Tough luck...

That is it for now! I will post a "bump" whenever I add something new. :D

BoldAndBrash July 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM UTC

These are pretty basic starts that everyone does, but I like them :)

CMLSC July 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM UTC

These are pretty basic starts that everyone does, but I like them :)
    Well, I just wanted some people to see this. It is a pain because my teamates are always griefing my defenses because they don't get them...

DaFrozenBlaze July 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM UTC

Lots of people need this, especially those new, especially the thing about covering the mon -_-

Sevoo July 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM UTC

Pretty good guide, though I would expect a lot more kills than deaths from a person with this kind of strategies .-.

BoldAndBrash July 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM UTC

    Well, I just wanted some people to see this. It is a pain because my teamates are always griefing my defenses because they don't get them...
Yep, lots of people need to read this, hehe. :)

CMLSC July 20, 2015 at 6:07 PM UTC

Hehehe... U looked at my KDR...

I do suicide for more materials...

CMLSC July 21, 2015 at 2:07 AM UTC

Updated extension 7 for early monument defense.

CMLSC July 21, 2015 at 1:07 PM UTC

New 1v1 guide.

CMLSC July 21, 2015 at 6:07 PM UTC

Lol, updated the offensive thing.